Dražen Zečić - Živi Danas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dražen Zečić - Živi Danas

Živi Danas
Live Today
Vidim što je život
I see what life is
Danas jesi sutra nisi
You exist today and not tomorrow
Ne gledaj što drugi rade
Don't look at what others are doing
U očima Božjim svi smo isti
All are equal in the eyes of God
Vidim što je život
I see what life is
Vrijeme mladost bez milosti ukrade
Time pitilessly snatches youth
I kad sve u suzi prođe
And when all passes in tears
Ipak život puno lijepog dade
Still life gave a lot of beauty
Zato živi danas i poštuj dane prošle
So live today and respect the past days
Preživjeli smo dosad ma kakve tuge došle
We have survived till now no matter what sorrows came
Nije život more da sve je samo slano
Life is not a sea so that everything is salty
Puno toga slatkog od Boga nam je dano
God has given us much that is sweet
Zato živi danas otvorena srca
So live today with an open heart
Ne gledaj što imam, već što tebi dajem
Don't look at what I have, but what I give you
Budi i ti sretna sa onim što imaš
Be happy also with what you have
A to što te volim zbog tog se ne kajem
And I don't regret that I love you because of that

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Draå½en ZeäŒiä†, Vinko Didoviä†

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