Dremen - Vomitando - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dremen - Vomitando

Throwing Up
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Nos han metido hasta el cuello de mierda en crisis
They've shoved us neck-deep in this shitty crisis
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Vomitándolo, vomitando...
Throwing it up, throwing it up...
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Nos han metido hasta el cuello de mierda en crisis
They've shoved us neck-deep in this shitty crisis
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Vomitándolo, vomitando...
Throwing it up, throwing it up...
Y yo que respiraba la esperanza colectiva
And I, who breathed in the collective hope
Hacia la causa perdida de nuestra libertad...!
Towards the lost cause of our freedom...!
Y yo que me tragaba y me tragaba la injusticia con saliva
And I, who swallowed and swallowed injustice with my saliva
Más tarde vomitaba democracia interrumpida...!
Later vomited interrupted democracy...!
Y yo que me esperaba algo de ética y moral,
And I, who expected some ethics and morals,
Y no que la mentira fuese una verdad pactada...!
And not for lies to be an agreed-upon truth...!
Y ya que la política le cede el puesto al mismo subnormal -
And since politics gives way to the same subnormal -
Espera, espera...
Wait, wait...
Nada, una arcada.
Nothing, just a gag.
Un pueblo que pierde la fe no se levanta
A people who lose faith don't rise up
Cuando al que sufre no le renta tanto dolor.
When suffering doesn't pay off with that much pain.
Pero aquí el perdedor se rinde y no lo intenta,
But here the loser gives up and doesn't try,
Así que deja que sienta asco hacia el opresor!
So let me feel disgust towards the oppressor!
Por el barrio, por el inmigrante, por el proletario,
For the neighborhood, for the immigrant, for the proletariat,
Yo digo "puño y letra, puño y letra!".
I say "fist and pen, fist and pen!".
Compromiso en el poema como Pantxo y residente,
Commitment in the poem like Pantxo and resident,
Usando la palabra para golpear el sistema.
Using the word to strike the system.
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Nos han metido hasta el cuello de mierda en crisis
They've shoved us neck-deep in this shitty crisis
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Vomitándolo, vomitando...
Throwing it up, throwing it up...
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Nos han metido hasta el cuello de mierda en crisis
They've shoved us neck-deep in this shitty crisis
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Vomitándolo, vomitando...
Throwing it up, throwing it up...
Si nos producen vomitar, desconfiar,
If they make us vomit, distrust,
No empatizar con su política, ese es su fracaso.
Not empathize with their politics, that's their failure.
Nos han metido hasta el cuello de mierda en crisis
They've shoved us neck-deep in this shitty crisis
Y ahora quieren que la gente mantenga el negocio.
And now they want people to keep the business going.
Nos han dado por el culo con el miedo al ISIS,
They've fucked us over with the fear of ISIS,
Y eres parte de la culpa de la culpa, el país está en parálisis.
And you're part of the blame for the blame, the country is paralyzed.
Nos han quitado tanto que nos quitaron el miedo,
They've taken so much from us that they took away our fear,
Nos maltrataron tanto que hemos crecido con asco.
They mistreated us so much that we grew up with disgust.
(Con asco)
(With disgust)
Por eso te escupo en el casco
That's why I spit on your helmet
Y me limpio la bilis con el discurso que vende otra moto;
And I wipe my bile with the speech that sells another motorcycle;
Haciéndonos sentir que es que pareces tonto,
Making us feel like you seem stupid,
La misma papeleta que no registra tu voto.
The same ballot that doesn't register your vote.
Que vuelves a votar al mismo,
That you vote for the same one again,
¿No ves que de esta mafia no te salvará tu Cristo?
Don't you see that your Christ won't save you from this mafia?
Insisto, conciencia, porque si no vomito,
I insist, conscience, because if I don't throw up,
Me da to el asco estar formando parte de este puto circo!
It makes me sick to be part of this fucking circus!
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Nos han metido hasta el cuello de mierda en crisis
They've shoved us neck-deep in this shitty crisis
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Vomitándolo, vomitando...
Throwing it up, throwing it up...
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Nos han metido hasta el cuello de mierda en crisis
They've shoved us neck-deep in this shitty crisis
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Vomitándolo, vomitando...
Throwing it up, throwing it up...
Ça en est trop,
That's enough,
Le people en a marre,
The people are fed up,
Marre de vos politiques à la con,
Fed up with your shitty politicians,
Marre de vous suivre comme des moutons.
Fed up with following you like sheep.
Vous ne tenez plus compte d′aucun critère,
You no longer take any criteria into account,
Et les pots cassés sont payé per les proletaires,
And the broken pots are paid for by the proletarians,
Il est temps de mettre les points sur les i!
It's time to dot the i's!
Et vous nous rendrez comptes même en exil. Ouais, même en exil!
And you will be held accountable even in exile. Yeah, even in exile!
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Nos han metido hasta el cuello de mierda en crisis
They've shoved us neck-deep in this shitty crisis
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Vomitándolo, vomitando...
Throwing it up, throwing it up...
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Nos han metido hasta el cuello de mierda en crisis
They've shoved us neck-deep in this shitty crisis
Vomitando dolor!
Throwing up pain!
Vomitándolo, vomitando...
Throwing it up, throwing it up...
"¿Tienen alguna respuesta para ellos?"
"Do you have any answer for them?"

Writer(s): alvaro sanchez dominguez

Dremen - Vomitando
date de sortie

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