Drill feat. Burke - Delavska Klasa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Drill feat. Burke - Delavska Klasa

Delavska Klasa
Working Class
Jaz sem, delavska klasa, delavska praksa
I'm the working class, working practice
Umazanih rok, a pokončnega stasa
Dirty hands, but upright stature
Dimi se basa, indo grassa
The bass is smoking, indo grass
Che te passa, prevzamem majk, da ta plac zahajca
If you pass, I take the mic so this place gets lit
Vokalni dirigent je u giru mona
Vocal conductor is in the hood, mona
Hočejo bit, ko jaz ne obstaja ta šablona
They want to be like me, this template doesn't exist
Dovolj mam, zato tak flow mam, ki piči sto na uro
I've had enough, that's why I have such a flow that stings a hundred an hour
Za nategnit curo, vedno duro, bitch!
To pull a chick, always hard, bitch!
Nered i stoka, v avtu mi poka
Chaos and moans, in the car she shows me
Muzika je droga, jaz dilam po stotkah
Music is a drug, I'm dealing by hundreds
Služim svoj keš, ni u giru soca
I earn my cash, no handouts in the hood
Moreš probat, ker je to življenje kocka
You have to try, because this life is a gamble
Kače so v travi, pa pazim kje gazi noga
Snakes are in the grass, so I watch where my foot steps
In vem, kdo iz gira iz kroga mi stoji ob strani
And I know who from the hood stands by my side
In kdo od njih se postavi zame v galami
And who will stand up for me in the galleries
Hočem videt roke v dvorani, naj čujem mi smo
I want to see hands in the hall, let me hear we are
Delavska klasa, high od indo grassa
Working class, high from indo grass
Rokamo ta majk, izven delavnega časa
We're rocking this mic, outside of working hours
Samo da se redno plača, kamen na kamen je palača
As long as it pays regularly, stone by stone is a palace
Samo da ni minus, da se splača
As long as it's not a minus, it's worth it
Vse se trese, ta zvok se prime na zavese
Everything is shaking, this sound clings to the curtains
Obalno sranje, v studiu dela plesen
Coastal bullshit, mold is working in the studio
Ko plima te odnesem na plejse
Like a tide I take you to the places
Drill od vedno reprezenta podzemlje
Drill has always represented the underground
Podtalno ko guat mona, ko skat mona
Underground like guat mona, like skat mona
Iz livad mona, tko da ne mi srat mona
From the meadows mona, so you don't shit on me
Tretja solo plata, trese vn iz avta
Third solo record, shakes out of the car
Bitchass to pojačaj, ko greš mimo kvarta
Bitchass turn it up when you pass the block
Noben si nebi upal stavit takrat name
No one would have dared to bet on me then
Zdej prihajam skozi kable, radio postaje
Now I'm coming through the cables, radio stations
Ma kaj boš ti uspel mona, neki yo, yo
What are you gonna do, mona, some yo, yo
Zdej isti tej ljudje pridejo na moj show
Now these same people come to my show
Kdo je kdo, roke pod strop
Who is who, hands to the ceiling
Tu jebeno vroč, kot krop, doktor
Fucking hot here, like boiling water, doctor
Sezuje te ko zokno, gifta odpri okno
Takes you off like a window, open the gift window
Na ulici u giru, kjer je moj folk, razumeš?
On the street in the hood, where my folks are, you know?
Delavska klasa, high od indo grassa
Working class, high from indo grass
Rokamo ta majk, izven delavnega časa
We're rocking this mic, outside of working hours
Samo da se redno plača, kamen na kamen je palača
As long as it pays regularly, stone by stone is a palace
Samo da ni minus, da se splača
As long as it's not a minus, it's worth it
Mi smo delavska klasa, minimalna plača
We are the working class, minimum wage
Pa se obrača ta dnar, da se plata štampa (ej)
But this money turns around so the salary gets printed (hey)
Pa makar jo dam đaba, koga smeta, smeta
Even if I give it away for free, who cares, cares
Živim ta rap brat, mam zvite kilometrine na metar
I live this rap bro, I got twisted miles per meter
Lačen rembrandt, na treku mi vidiš rebra
Hungry rembrandt, you can see my ribs on the track
Sm pršu po svoje, pa ne dovolim si vzemati vn iz žepa
I shower my own way, and I don't let anyone take it out of my pocket
Nikad, če podpiraš rispekt brat, če nimaš ti šenkam
Never, if you support respect bro, if you don't have bars
Zadeva mora krožit, buraz štekaš
The thing has to circulate, bro, you dig
Ah! Če gledaj, ponovi korake
Ah! If you're watching, repeat the steps
To sranje drkamo enajst let, danes filamo place
We've been jerking this shit for eleven years, today we're filling up places
Kuzla. Luda skunja iz obale
Kuzla. Crazy skunja from the coast
To živimo, pihamo granate v centru prage
We live this, blowing up grenades in the center of Prague
Bitch, folk pljuva v ledja, ker večina zadaj ostane
Bitch, people are spitting in the back, because most of them stay behind
Burke jede govna, đole nimam časa zate
Burke eats shit, I don't have time for you, đole
Nemam, samo delam, snemam, še vedno punim svoj grinder
I don't, I just work, record, still filling my grinder
Ker to je "Pičkin dim" bitch, naslov nove plate!
Cause this is "Pičkin dim" bitch, the title of the new record!
Delavska klasa, high od indo grassa
Working class, high from indo grass
Rokamo ta majk, izven delavnega časa
We're rocking this mic, outside of working hours
Samo da se redno plača, kamen na kamen je palača
As long as it pays regularly, stone by stone is a palace
Samo da ni minus, da se splača
As long as it's not a minus, it's worth it

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