Drill - Vrhovi in Prepadi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Drill - Vrhovi in Prepadi

Vrhovi in Prepadi
Peaks and Precipices
Srce bije mi kot boben iz tribune, ne preda se
My heart beats like a drum from the stands, it doesn't surrender
Not v meni ogenj je, ki nikoli ne ugasne
The note in me is a fire that never goes out
In če kdaj se padel dol na tla sem znal pobrat se
And if I ever fell to the ground, I knew how to pick myself up
Kje ste bli ko komaj sem za hrano zbral kovance
Where were you when I barely gathered coins for food?
Hotel sem uspet, dal vse in vse bi dal spet
I wanted to succeed, I gave everything and would give it all again
Če bi lahko čas prevrtel kot kazalce
If I could rewind time like clock hands
To sem sam ustvaril, hotel zmago maj poraze
I created this myself, wanted victory not defeats
Že kot mali sem si rekel naj to čas pokaže
Even as a child I told myself let time show it
Tudi ko je težko, tudi ko mam slabe karte
Even when it's hard, even when I have bad cards
In vsak nabrušen diamant je najprej blaten
And every polished diamond is first muddy
Lajf je ta prekratek, da bi s časom bil potraten
Life is too short to waste time with it
Pusti naj ojača te to kar ne pokonča te
Let it strengthen you what doesn't kill you
Ker nebo je meja, živi naj ta moja ideja
Because the sky's the limit, let my idea live
Un ki hotel pit mi kri bo se ne bo odžejal
He who wanted to drink my blood will not quench his thirst
Zato to srce pije močno, kot ta boben iz tribune
That's why this heart drinks strong, like this drum from the stands
In nikoli ne preda se, naj sreča spremlja pogumne, poj
And never surrenders, let luck accompany the brave, sing
Al so padci al vzponi, vrhovi al prepadi
Whether they're falls or ascents, peaks or precipices
Tudi če morje je nemirno, sreča je na strani hrabrih
Even if the sea is restless, luck is on the side of the brave
Eni radi vidli bi da klonim, ker ne upajo si sami
Some would love to see me give up, because they don't dare to do it themselves
A ne morejo me zlomit, nič ne more me ustavit, sreča je na strani hrabrih
But they can't break me, nothing can stop me, luck is on the side of the brave
Čez gore in doline vodi pot do zmag
Over the mountains and valleys leads the path to victory
Borba spreminja me v zver, kot da sem volkodlak
The fight turns me into a beast, like I'm a werewolf
Moj čas prihaja in ta ritem je njegov korak
My time is coming and this rhythm is its pace
Pazim na kače in zvijače, ker je tolko cak
I watch out for snakes and tricks, because there's so much scum
In pripravljen sem za to v ogenj roko dat
And I'm ready to put my hand in the fire for it
Vem da samo vedno boljši bom postopoma
I know that I will only get better and better gradually
Ni čez noč nič, noč pa polna otrova
Nothing happens overnight, but the night is full of children
Kriva pota na kira nočem odpotovat
I don't want to travel on crooked paths
Preden bom truplo za zažgat al pa pokopat
Before I'm a corpse to be burned or buried
Pustil rad bi tu pečat, ne le moj komad
I would love to leave a mark here, not just my piece
Visoko letam in vem kako je globoko past
I fly high and know how deep the trap is
A roža iz betona zmogla je pred blokom zrast
But the flower from concrete managed to grow in front of the block
Ker usoden ni poraz, uspeh pa ni dokončen
Because being defeated is not fatal, nor is success final
Jaz pa vedno bolj fokusiran in odločen
I'm getting more and more focused and determined
Za mano še ena neprespana noč je
Behind me is another sleepless night
Ker ne mislim čakat, da mi pade v naročje
Because I don't want to wait for it to fall into my lap
Al so padci al vzponi, vrhovi al prepadi
Whether they're falls or ascents, peaks or precipices
Tudi če morje je nemirno, sreča je na strani hrabrih
Even if the sea is restless, luck is on the side of the brave
Eni radi vidli bi da klonim, ker ne upajo si sami
Some would love to see me give up, because they don't dare to do it themselves
A ne morejo me zlomit, nič ne more me ustavit, sreča je na strani hrabrih
But they can't break me, nothing can stop me, luck is on the side of the brave

Writer(s): Andrej Bučar

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