Drugi Nacin - Piši mi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Piši mi - Drugi Nacintraduction en anglais

Piši mi
Write Me
Dugo nisam vidio
I haven't seen
Svoj rodni kraj
My hometown for so long
Proljece je sada
Spring is here now
Mene obuze sjeta
I'm filled with nostalgia
Ja ti pisem pismo stari
I'm writing you a letter, old friend
Prijatelju moj
My comrade
Daj mi reci sto ima novo
Tell me what's new
Sve mi reci sto znas
Tell me everything you know
I dal jos svirate
Do you still play music
Nocu pored rijeke
By the riverside at night
Sad je doslo lijepo vrijeme
The weather's nice now
Pjevate li one nase pjesme
Do you sing our songs
Da li ponekad sretnes moju dragu
Do you ever see my sweetheart
Jel jos uvijek onako lijepa
Is she still as beautiful
Pita li za mene i dal' me ceka
Does she ask about me and still wait for me
Pisi mi sve
Write and tell me everything
Jutrom kad se budim cesto
I wake up in the morning often
Tuzan sam
Noci su moje duge
My nights are long
Pozdravi drustvo i druge
Send my regards to the others
Ja ti pisem pismo stari
I'm writing you a letter, old friend
Prijatelju moj
My comrade
Daj mi reci sto ima novo
Tell me what's new
Sve mi reci o njoj
Tell me everything about her

Writer(s): Ismet Kurtovic, Fikret Fifi Kurtovic

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