Dubioza kolektiv - Recesija - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Dubioza kolektiv - Recesija

Zajebano vrijeme ništa dobro da se desi,
Such fucked up times, nothing good can happen,
Dobio si otkaz sutra hljeba nećeš jesti
You've been fired; tomorrow you won't have bread to eat
Počni da se brineš neke odluke donesi
Start worrying, make some decisions
Bolan gdje si, bolan gdje si...
Trouble, oh trouble, where are you...
Kako problem sam od sebe može da se rješi
How can a problem solve itself
Da l' će rođak iz daleka kesu da odriješi
Will a distant relative loosen up the purse strings
Dok je u dijaspori na drugoj adresi
While in the diaspora, at a different address
Bolan lesi, ostani gdje jesi...
Trouble, oh trouble, stay where you are...
Vlada uvjek isto svira,
The government always plays the same tune,
Narod uvjek isto bira
The people always choose the same thing
Ovdje nikad neće biti mira
There'll never be peace here
U novčaniku pola marke sija, RE CE SI JA
In your wallet, half a dollar shines, RECESSION
Vlada uvjek isto svira,
The government always plays the same tune,
Narod uvjek isto bira
The people always choose the same thing
Ovdje nikad neće biti mira
There'll never be peace here
U novčaniku pola marke sija, RE CE SI JA
In your wallet, half a dollar shines, RECESSION
Recesija, recesija, recesija, RE CE SI JA.
Recession, recession, recession, RECESSION.
Mi bi da radimo, a posla nemamo
We want to work, but there are no jobs
Ovo nam se ne sviđa
We don't like this
Mi bi da kupimo, al' čime to da platimo
We want to buy, but how can we pay for it
Stigla je recesija
Recession has hit
Mi bi da radimo, a posla nemamo
We want to work, but there are no jobs
Ovo nam se ne sviđa
We don't like this
Mi bi da kupimo, al' čime to da platimo
We want to buy, but how can we pay for it
Stigla je recesija
Recession has hit
Vrijeme brzo prolazi ti zaglavljen u trenu
Time passes quickly, you're stuck in the moment
S ove mrtve tačke stvari nikako da krenu
Things just won't move from this dead point
Ne radiš baš ništa, a nadaš se svemu
You do nothing at all, but you hope for everything
Sam si izrežir'o sebi ovu filmsku scenu!
You've directed this movie scene for yourself!
Borite se vi i dalje svak za svoju vjeru
Keep fighting, each of you for your own faith
Nije bitno imate li šta u frižideru
It doesn't matter if you have anything in the fridge
Masovna hipnoza danas prešla svaku mjeru
Mass hypnosis has crossed all boundaries today
Ruke peru, oni ruke peru
They wash their hands, they wash their hands
Vlada uvjek isto svira,
The government always plays the same tune,
Narod uvjek isto bira
The people always choose the same thing
Ovdje nikad neće biti mira
There'll never be peace here
U novčaniku pola marke sija, RE CE SI JA
In your wallet, half a dollar shines, RECESSION
Vlada uvjek isto svira,
The government always plays the same tune,
Narod uvjek isto bira
The people always choose the same thing
Ovdje nikad neće biti mira
There'll never be peace here
U novčaniku pola marke sija, RE CE SI JA
In your wallet, half a dollar shines, RECESSION
Recesija, recesija, recesija, RE CE SI JA.
Recession, recession, recession, RECESSION.

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