Dubosky - + Panty - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dubosky - + Panty

+ Panty
+ Panty
Apin apin
Listen up, listen up
No puedes pretender ser una mujer sabia
You can't pretend to be a wise woman
Con la actitud de la mujer necia
With the attitude of a foolish one
A tu amor le aposté en el parley
I bet on your love in the parley
Pensé que tu mi reina y yo seria tu rey
I thought you were my queen and I would be your king
Como un idiota dedique temas de reik
Like an idiot, I dedicated Reik songs to you
Pero la chimba que me saliste fake
But the babe I got turned out to be fake
Un corazon partido no se pega con tape
A broken heart can't be fixed with tape
No volveré contigo porque es ir en one way
I won't go back to you because it's a one-way street
No soy el barca y tu tampoco eres ney
I'm not Barca and you're not Ney either
Pa yo denuevo darte play
For me to hit play on you again
Esto es chantin quédese fría si en la calle
This is chantin, stay cool if on the street
Hay mas panty
There's more panty
No se preocupe mami y Váyase tranqui
Don't worry, mami, and go calmly
Prenda su moto que en la calle hay
Start your engine because on the street there's
Mas panty mas panty
More panty, more panty
Esto es chantin quédese fría si en la calle
This is chantin, stay cool if on the street
Hay mas panty
There's more panty
No se preocupe mami y Váyase tranqui
Don't worry, mami, and go calmly
Prenda su moto que en la calle hay
Start your engine because on the street there's
Mas panty mas panty
More panty, more panty
Si al casique lo quemaron y era el
If they burned the Cacique and he was the
Rey de los indios y tambien a mandigo
King of the Indians, and Mandigo too
Que si a ragnar que era el zar de los
What about Ragnar, the Tsar of the
Bikingos y a los ricos los queman con los limpios
Vikings, and the rich get burned with the clean ones
Quioere decir todos tienen la mala suerte
Meaning everyone has the bad luck
Que a quien amas con otro Vaya a comerse y eso va dolerte
That the one you love will go eat with another, and it will hurt
Pero del amor nadie es inerte
But no one is inert to love
Ya viviste tu momento
You've had your moment
Si quieres rodarla no sere el impedimento
If you want to roll it, I won't be the one to stop you
Si duele ungüento y si sigue doliendo
If it hurts, ointment, and if it keeps hurting
Desenmoto ruleo y prendo
I'll take off, roll, and light up
Esto es chantin quédese fría si en la calle
This is chantin, stay cool if on the street
Hay mas panty
There's more panty
No se preocupe mami y Váyase tranqui
Don't worry, mami, and go calmly
Prenda su moto que en la calle hay
Start your engine because on the street there's
Mas panty mas panty
More panty, more panty
Esto es chantin quédese fría si en la calle
This is chantin, stay cool if on the street
Hay mas panty
There's more panty
No se preocupe mami y Váyase tranqui
Don't worry, mami, and go calmly
Prenda su moto que en la calle hay
Start your engine because on the street there's
Mas panty mas panty
More panty, more panty
Te vi tan sumisa que baje la defensa y recibi una golpiza
I saw you so submissive that I lowered my guard and got beaten
Te fuiste muerta de la risa y si te
You left, dead with laughter, and if your
Pica la conciencia ve un domingo a la misa
Conscience stings, go to mass on Sunday
Si vas amarme y quemarme pa eso mejor no me ames
If you're going to love me and burn me, better not love me at all
Quedate fria mejor, porque amar por amar no es amor
Stay cool, it's better, because loving just to love isn't love
Y sin rencores, me an pasado peores
And without resentment, I've been through worse
Siempre me tocan mas espinas que flores
I always get more thorns than flowers
Pero ya yo se manejar esos dolores
But I already know how to handle those pains
Esto es chantin quédese fría si en la calle
This is chantin, stay cool if on the street
Hay mas panty
There's more panty
No se preocupe mami y Váyase tranqui
Don't worry, mami, and go calmly
Prenda su moto que en la calle hay
Start your engine because on the street there's
Mas panty mas panty
More panty, more panty
Y Esto es chantin quédese fría si en la calle
And this is chantin, stay cool if on the street
Hay mas panty
There's more panty
No se preocupe mami y Váyase tranqui
Don't worry, mami, and go calmly
Prenda su moto que en la calle hay
Start your engine because on the street there's
Mas panty mas panty
More panty, more panty
Mujeres hay muchas y todavia siguen naciendo
There are many women and they're still being born
Tu sabes como te estoy diciendo a
You know what I'm saying, like
Asi como AB que dice literal
Just like AB says, literally
Me dice JP el Chaval que normal que todo es mental
JP El Chaval tells me it's normal, that everything is mental
Me dice isaac luna que en el amor y el desamor se necesita ayuda
Isaac Luna tells me that in love and heartbreak, you need help
Que abeces la enfermedad sale mejor que la cura
That sometimes the disease turns out better than the cure
Takilla marines
Takilla Marines

Writer(s): Abiel Produce, Edwin Ricardo Dubos

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