Duch - Koniec - traduction des paroles en anglais

Koniec - Duchtraduction en anglais

The End
Všetci same
Everyone is the same
Chcel som byť iný, no nie insane
I wanted to be different, but not insane
Aj tak som playa
I'm still a playa
Nedostaneš pozvánku do mojej game
You won't get an invitation to my game
Aj keď som player tak nehráme hry
Even though I'm a player, we don't play games
Life je nákup a predaj jak Monopoly
Life is buying and selling like Monopoly
Každý si vyberá svoju rolu
Everyone chooses their role
Ani jedinú vec nemám ja zo školy
I don't have a single thing from school
Cap, mám, ako s tým vyjebať
Cap, I have, how to fuck with it
Nepýtam sa čo mi kto dovolí
I don't ask what anyone allows me
Chcel som to quitnúť, no niesom quitter
I wanted to quit, but I'm not a quitter
A myslím tým život
And I mean life
Mám rozhovory s Bohom každý víkend
I have conversations with God every weekend
A každú chvíľu sa otvorí jazva
And every moment the scar opens up
Niečo som tam zabudol, musí to ísť preč
I forgot something there, it has to go away
Ževraj som sa zmenil, vravím to isté
They say I've changed, I say the same thing
Díky Bohu som opustil systém
Thank God I've already left the system
Odvtedy cítim jak necítim nič
Since then I feel like I don't feel anything
Odvtedy ma fakt nikto neistí
Since then, no one really scares me anymore
Odvtedy to mám celkom piči
Since then, I've really had it up to here
Dovtedy kým nemáš blbé dristy
Until you have stupid nonsense
Boys and girls sa hádajú kto z nich je dôležitejší
Boys and girls argue who is more important
Srandovná doba, fakt držte piču
Funny time, just shut the fuck up
A radšej premýšľaj kto ti čo káže
And rather think about who is telling you what
Jeden je z betónu, druhý je mäkší
One is from concrete, the other is softer
Jeden sa pýta, druhý to vie
One asks, the other knows
Jeden to žije a druhý to veští
One lives it and the other predicts it
Jeden dlane a druhý ma päste
One has palms and the other has fists
Jeden rukávy, druhý ma vestu
One has sleeves, the other has a vest
Jeden bez druhého neprežije
One cannot survive without the other
A prosím ťa Bože, ukáž mi cestu
And please God, show me the way
Dokým ma môj život nezabije
Until my life kills me
Včera som došiel na koniec cesty, dneska mi prišlo vyúčtovanie
Yesterday I reached the end of the road, today I got my bill
Život je drahý jak kurva, nestačí hotovosť, platí tu láska a hnev
Life is expensive as hell, cash isn't enough, love and anger pay here
To čo si vypýtaš dostaneš naspäť, vesmír fakt nepozná zmilovanie
What you ask for, you get back, the universe really doesn't know mercy
Nepozná zmilovanie
Doesn't know mercy
Nepozná zmilovanie
Doesn't know mercy

Writer(s): Stanislav Kubica

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