Duch - Pávy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Duch - Pávy

Mám jazvy a na nich mám rany
I have scars, and on them I have wounds
Nepomáha gas ani money
Gas and money don't help
Okolo mňa vrany
Crows are around me
Tie isté zobáky ako vlani
The same beaks as last year
Vravím všetko ide podľa plánu
I say everything is going according to plan
Nebudem sa o tom baviť
I won't talk about it
viem prečo nelietajú pávy
I already know why peacocks don't fly
Drží ich pýcha z vlastnej váhy
Their pride holds them down from their own weight
Všímam si ako im začínam vadiť
I notice how I'm starting to bother them
Po chvíli prečítam snahy
After a while, I read their intentions
Nevylezieš na moje svahy
You won't climb my slopes
Nepatríš medzi nás, na čo snaha
You don't belong among us, what's the point of that effort
Najsilnejšie aj tak srdcové svaly
The strongest are still the heart muscles
Trénujem, neboj sa mami
I train, don't worry, mom
Najviac ublížili čo sa báli
Those who were afraid hurt me the most
Mohli ste ma stopnúť tak ste ma mali
You could have stopped me, then you would have had me
Mám piči systém pojebaný
I don't give a damn about the messed up system
Boli sme žebráci, teraz sme páni
We were beggars, now we're lords
Nečakám že pôjde niekto za mnou
I don't expect anyone to follow me
No nechal som vám otvorenú bránu
But I left you an open door
Spálil som minulosť, trčia trámy
I burned the past, the beams stick out
Sedíme v audine, cítiť trávu
We're sitting in the Audi, you can feel the grass
Bae mi bozk a cíti Pradu
Bae gives me a kiss and you can feel Prada
Otvorím hubu a cítiš pravdu
I open my mouth and you feel the truth
Mám jazvy a na nich mám rany
I have scars, and on them I have wounds
Nepomáha gas ani money
Gas and money don't help
Okolo mňa vrany
Crows are around me
Tie isté zobáky ako vlani
The same beaks as last year
Vravím všetko ide podľa plánu
I say everything is going according to plan
Nebudem sa o tom baviť
I won't talk about it
viem prečo nelietajú pávy
I already know why peacocks don't fly
Drží ich pýcha z vlastnej váhy
Their pride holds them down from their own weight
Vieš čo je popiči?
You know what's messed up?
Že mi nikto nemôže nič zobrať
That no one can take anything away from me anymore
Pretože nič nemám
Because I have nothing
Ale zároveň mám úplne všetko, chápeš?
But at the same time, I have absolutely everything, you see?

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