Duch - Vrany & Hady - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Duch - Vrany & Hady

Vrany & Hady
Liars & Snakes
V mojom kruhu ani jeden enemy
There's not a single enemy in my circle
Vim moc dobre kto a koľko bere mi
I know very well who and how much takes from me
Videl som hadov aj operených
I've seen snakes and feathered creatures
Videl som veci, čo zoberú dych
I've seen things that take your breath away
A teraz nevidím nič
And now I see nothing
Máš na mňa nervy, kludne krič, bitch
You're getting on my nerves, feel free to scream, bitch
Mávnem rukou, zmizne všetko, ja som witch, bitch
I'll wave my hand, everything will disappear, I'm a witch, bitch
Mávnem znova a sme na oblakoch víš, bitch
I'll wave again and we'll be on the clouds, you know, bitch
Nemôžete ma chytiť, nosím náhrdelník z krýs
You can't catch me, I wear a necklace of rats
Uhni more ja som pes
Move aside, sea, I'm a dog
Neuhneš tak na nos päsť
If you don't move, you'll get a fist in the nose
Basa bije ako blesk
The bass beats like lightning
V mojom uchu iba lesk
Only shine in my ear
Vaše srdce iba lesť
Your heart is just deceit
Ja a svorka chceme jesť
Me and the pack want to eat
Môj foter je pre mňa prach
My father is dust to me
Môj foter bol Ego, Yzo
My father was Ego, Yzo
Ja som duch
I am a spirit
Nevidíš ma, zas som zmizol
You can't see me, I've disappeared again
Tunnel vision ako kodak
Tunnel vision like a Kodak
Zmrdi kotkodákajú a ja som v chille, budem ticho
Scum is clucking and I'm chill, I'll be quiet
Vyžerte sa ako bart-lisa
Stuff yourselves like Bart-Lisa
Vaše ksichty len póza
Your faces are just a pose
Dostaneš poza krk
You'll get it in the back of your neck
Môj rap ťa podreže jak kozu
My rap will cut you like a goat
Mám v krvi gas a štrk
I've got gas and gravel in my blood
A trochu odvahy a rozum
And a little bit of courage and sense
Som dieťa hviezd a prd vieš o tom, čo som ja zač
I'm a child of the stars and you don't know what I am
A to, že si bral piko, neznamená, že si rapper
And just because you were taking smack, doesn't mean you're a rapper
Máš kurva špatné vzory, no mám piči, budem ticho
You've got fucking bad role models, but I don't give a shit, I'll be quiet
Opýtaj sa svojich ľudí, oni vedia, že som psycho
Ask your people, they know I'm crazy
A ver alebo never, ja som baller, ty si piča
And believe it or not, I'm a baller, you're a bitch
Uži si 10 minút slávy
Enjoy your 10 minutes of fame
Do roka ťa čaká výčap
You'll be in the taproom in a year
Mňa čakajú míče alebo smrť
I'm waiting for balls or death
Nechcem nič iné len ju a cash
I don't want anything else but her and cash
Som prejebaný zmrd
I'm a messed up bastard
Tak nechoď mi do cesty, bude zle
So don't get in my way, it'll be bad
Skurvysyni budú platiť clo
The bastards will pay a toll
Scale to fit, zlato, voda a vzduch, černej benz
Scale to fit, gold, water and air, black benz
Tvária sa, že som tu neni
They pretend I'm not here
Doma kopíruju zvuk
They copy the sound at home
Chcel si byť kápo
You wanted to be a capo
Dneska si nič, si mi fuk
You're nothing today, I don't care
Robím iba to čo vím
I only do what I know
A zoberiem si za to loot
And I'll take the loot for it

Writer(s): Stanislav Kubica

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