Duda feat. Noizy & B-Genius - Nana Loke - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Duda feat. Noizy & B-Genius - Nana Loke

Nana Loke
Nana Loke
Një nanë ka 10 vjet qe te pret
A mother has been waiting for you for 10 years
Dhimbja shpirtit ska pushu as ni dite a ni minut as ni second
The pain in her soul hasn't stopped for a day, a minute, or a second
Te gjith duhet te imagjinojn Gjendjen ne nje nane
Everyone should imagine the state of a mother
Te gjith duhet ta imashinojm gjendjen e nje nene
Everyone should imagine the state of a mother
E shikon nen ket qyqen ktu une e kam kerkuar
She's looking under this sky here I've been looking for you
Edhe do ta kerkoj deri sa ta gjej
And I will look for you until I find you
Eyo sa shum pom mungon sa shum pom lendon
Oh how much I miss you, how much you hurt me
Aka zemer nket bot qe naj kon ma shum e don
There is no heart in this world that loves you more
Pot thirri me zo e kerkush spo pergjigjet
I call you out loud and no one answers
Dikush osht ka ftohet dikush osht ka digjet
Someone is getting cold, someone is getting burned
Jetojna me gzime ose me shpresa
We live with joys or hopes
Ditet e sodit krejt jonë bo interesa
Today's days are all about our interests
Dashnija ndaj teje gjith u kon e perhershme
My love for you has always been and always will be
Zemra jem per ty nanë gjith u kon e etshme
My heart for you, mother, has always been thirsty
E ket forc qe e kom ma ka dhon gjini jut
And this strength that I have was given to me by your genes
Um rrite me trimni e um bone hiq pa tut
You raised me with courage and you made me fearless
Mi msove kejtat e ike neper bot
You taught me these things and I wandered the world
Osa shum kisha dasht met pas un qitu sot
Oh how I wish I had you here today
Pom mungon era jote oj Nana jeme Loke
I miss your smell, oh my mother Loke
Pom mungoni kejt edhe dheu asaj toke
I miss you all and even the soil of that land
Jetoj i humbun Ne mesin e ksaj bote
I live lost in the midst of this world
E ket nat mes hanes um del ftyra jote
And tonight in the moonlight your face appears to me
Pom mungon Nana jeme Loke
I miss our mother Loke
Edhe dheu i asaj toke 2x
And the soil of that land 2x
Jetoj i humbun nmesin e ksaj bote
I live lost in the midst of this world
Sonte mes henes mdel ftyra jote
Tonight in the moonlight your face appears to me
E di me degjon Nana Loke me degjoon
I know you hear me Mother Loke, you hear me
Une kom bo probleme po jo me gabime tmia
I've had problems but not because of my mistakes
Se kom dit qa dmth mu kon e keqe shoqnia
Because I knew what it meant to be in bad company
E rrethi qet rrethon me dasht te shkatrron
And the circle that surrounds you wants to destroy you
Po kurr nuk u derzova Hala djali ty Tlufton
But I never gave up, I'm still your son Tlufton
Deri sa te bohet ni dit i jemi me kap flamurin Ndor
Until one day we will be able to raise the flag of honor
Nuk ja japum hiq kerkujna sun e marrin me zor
We won't give it to anyone, they can't take it by force
Nano ty mos ta nin na po kthehemi apet
Nano, don't be afraid, we'll be back soon
Me pa fmia ku u rriten qatje Baba i pret
Without the children growing up here, father is waiting
Ku u sill nQytet e qysh e ka sill Ktuhen
How he brought him to the city and how he brought Ktuhe here
Qysh i ka bo senet qe kurr mos mu harruen
How he did things that will never be forgotten
E tshoh me lot nfaqe shoh frik mrena teje
I see tears on your face, I see fear inside you
E qa bojn nipat neser Tkalumen mas leje
And what will the grandchildren do tomorrow, they will pass by without permission
Se tjert kan thon per ty qe tu ka mshel shpia
Because others have said about you that your house has been closed
Qysh thojn shqiptart i myti xhelozia
As the Albanians say, jealousy drowned him
Mue um Mbron shoqnia um Mbron ushtria
I am protected by my company, I am protected by the army
Nana Loke mos u tut sepse na myt merzia
Mother Loke, don't be afraid because sadness has drowned us
Un kom shum sekuenca nga hekat e tuja
I have many sequences from your stories
Perpara te shqiptart vlla shum u shkel Gruja
In front of the Albanians, brother, the woman was trampled on a lot
Pi njerzve tShpis Pi Rrethit e Kojshis
Drink to the people of the house, drink to the circle and the neighborhood
E tanaj prej fmive prej problemeve Trinis
And all of them from children, from the problems of Trinis
E tash ne Pleqni Nan po tbojn problem Nipat
And now in old age, mother, the grandchildren are giving you problems
Jeta ish ksi soji Nan po ndryshojshin tipat
Life was like this, mother, but the guys are changing
Kur vishin te shpia Ushtria Policia
When the army and the police came to the house
HIq se ka pas qef e mytke merzia Nano
He didn't like it at all and sadness drowned Nano
Pom mungon Nana jeme Loke
I miss our mother Loke
Edhe dheu i asaj toke 2x
And the soil of that land 2x
Jetoj i humbun nmesin e ksaj bote
I live lost in the midst of this world
Sonte mes henes mdel ftyra jote
Tonight in the moonlight your face appears to me
E di me degjon Nana Loke me degjoon
I know you hear me Mother Loke, you hear me
Nana lekund djepin kujton fmin e vet
Mother rocks the cradle, remembers her child
Djali vet ne gurbet po jeton realitet
The son himself is abroad, living a reality
Po hek qa ka kysmet prej sotit deri tDek
But what is fate from today until death
Se Zoti ka dhan urdher Shqiptarin me lind lanet
Because God has given the order to the Albanian to be born cursed
Athu jon bo mekatet qe kurr nuk na falen
That's where the sins that were never forgiven were made
Athu e dham besen e dolem jasht gare
That's where we made a promise and went out to compete
Athu baba mka mallku se kurr nuk e kam ndgju
That's where my father cursed me because I never listened to him
Athu kto jan arsyet qe shqiptari eshte qorientu
These are the reasons why the Albanian is oriented
Ku e ka nana foshnjen ku e ka motra vllain
Where does the mother have her baby, where does the sister have her brother
Ku e ka baba birin qe tash ja lyp krain
Where is the father's son who is now begging for the region
Me plag trona nzemer prap zuni nata
With wounds in my heart, the night has fallen again
Me plag Trona apet Vitin e ri e hapa
With the wounds of the throne again I started the new year
Kjo jeta na shkoj u vrafsha mos u vrafsha
This life passed us by, whether we were killed or not
Kjo jeta qenka si kurvat qe sillka plot telashe
This life is like the whores that bring a lot of trouble
Plot telashe sillka plot telashe
It brings a lot of trouble, a lot of trouble
Kjo jeta qenka si kurvat qe sillka plot telashe
This life is like the whores that bring a lot of trouble

Writer(s): duda

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