Duke Montana - Prendi i soldi (Get Money) - Remix - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Duke Montana - Prendi i soldi (Get Money) - Remix

Prendi i soldi (Get Money) - Remix
Take the Money (Get Money) - Remix
Sick Luke, Sick Luke
Sick Luke, Sick Luke
Io non so aspettare, bisogna farli presto
I can't wait, I have to do it quickly
Non c'ho tempo da sprecare
I have no time to waste
C'ho posti dove andare, devo farli raddoppiare
I have places to go, I have to double them
Se mi connetto con la gente che vale
If I connect with people who are worth it
Sarà da paura per me e per loro uguale
It will be great for me and them
Li amo se li faccio in nero, se li faccio in bianco
I love them if I do them in black, if I do them in white
Il viola è il colore che mi piace tanto
Purple is the color I like so much
Mai stanco, quando faccio un piano per ottenerli
Never tired, when I make a plan to get them
La gente fa pazzie per averli
People do crazy things to have them
Quando li prendi tanti, sta sicuro di investirli bene
When you take a lot of them, be sure to invest them well
Se sbagli puoi finire male
If you make a mistake, you can end up badly
Ci sta gente che sta all'ospedale senza che peggiora
There are people who are in the hospital without getting worse
Quindi servono, falli ora
So they are needed, do it now
Cosa aspetti? Tira fuori i pezzi
What are you waiting for? Get your pieces out
Se vendi, se li stendi, potrebbe finire che ti vendi
If you sell them, if you spread them out, you might end up selling yourself
Anche la casa, anche la donna e diventerai marcio
Even the house, even the woman and you will become rotten
Voglio farne tanti come ha fatto Marlon Brando
I want to make as many of them as Marlon Brando did
Prendi i soldi, prendi i soldi, fanne molti
Take the money, take the money, make a lot of it
Pensa a tutti i modi come farli
Think of all the ways to make it
Money talks, money talks, money talks, money talks (get money)
Money talks, money talks, money talks, money talks (get money)
Prendi i soldi, prendi i soldi, fanne molti
Take the money, take the money, make a lot of it
Pensa a tutti i modi come farli
Think of all the ways to make it
Money talks, money talks, money talks, money talks (get money)
Money talks, money talks, money talks, money talks (get money)
Prendi i soldi, prendi molti, te lo auguro
Take the money, take a lot, I wish you
Non passare quello che ho passato dentro al barrio
Don't go through what I went through in the barrio
Ce sta Marian co' la lametta in bocca che te vo' leva' tutto
There is Marian with the razor blade in her mouth who wants to take it all from you
È cresciuto in una baracca sporca
He grew up in a dirty shack
Vuole elevarsi come Michael, pe' levarsi da 'sta sporca calle
He wants to rise like Michael, to get out of this dirty street
Fanno rapine in banche
They rob banks
Stella fa l'appartamenti, perché il governo non gli una casa
Stella does the apartments, because the government does not give her a house
Vive ancora in stada
He still lives on the street
Jimmy era una leggenda, aveva fatto un milione
Jimmy was a legend, he had made a million
Poi l'ho ritrovato steso accanto a un bidone
Then I found him lying next to a trash can
Storie vere come quando ho firmato con Geetas
True stories like when I signed with Geetas
Che poi l'anno arrestato con la cocaina in casa
That they later arrested him with cocaine in the house
Tanti kili, stavamo in studio il giorno prima
A lot of kilos, we were in the studio the day before
Al Paramount Studio, ti parlo del 2000
At Paramount Studio, I'm talking about 2000
Aveva piani, voleva diventare Puff Daddy della West Coast
He had plans, he wanted to become Puff Daddy of the West Coast
Ma serviva money
But money was needed
Prendi i soldi, prendi i soldi, fanne molti
Take the money, take the money, make a lot of it
Pensa a tutti i modi come farli
Think of all the ways to make it
Money talks, money talks, money talks, money talks (get money)
Money talks, money talks, money talks, money talks (get money)
Prendi i soldi, prendi i soldi, fanne molti
Take the money, take the money, make a lot of it
Pensa a tutti i modi come farli
Think of all the ways to make it
Money talks, money talks, money talks, money talks (get money)
Money talks, money talks, money talks, money talks (get money)

Writer(s): Luca Antonio Barker

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