Dusan Vlk feat. RNZ & Fvck_kvlt - Deville - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dusan Vlk feat. RNZ & Fvck_kvlt - Deville

V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
Z rádia jebe gomora keď vstávate do kostola
Gomorrah's blasting from the radio when you wake up for church
Včera som skoro zomrel, dneska to chcem zažiť odznova
Yesterday I almost died, today I want to experience it again
Tvoj rap je pre mňa olovrant, tie bary volaj hospoda
Your rap is an afternoon snack to me, call those bars a tavern
Nepozeraj hore, lebo oheň horí odspodu
Don't look up, because the fire burns from below
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
A na palubovke tri šestky bo dnes vozímе zlo
And three sixes on the dashboard, we’re driving evil today
Tak si zatiahnite závesy a nevychádzaj von
So draw the curtains and don't go outside
Pozamykaj doma dеti odpojte si telefón [čš čš]
Lock the kids in the house, unplug your phone [čš čš]
Ide to dole kopcom so mnou no viem, že nie som sám
It's going downhill with me, but I know I'm not alone
V tom na konci neni svetlo, Ronza ti posvieti lampou
There's no light at the end, Ronza will light you up with a lamp
V kufri vozíme truhlu, keby sa nám niečo stalo
We carry a coffin in the trunk in case something happens to us
Dojdi sa zabaviť s nami keď si stotožnený s pádom (Duški)
Come have fun with us if you're down with the fall (Duški)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
Vonku padá súmrak, vtedy opúšťame dom
Dusk falls outside, that's when we leave the house
Ale dávaj radšej pozor na to čo je za rohom
But you better watch out for what's around the corner
Mesto ťa dokáže prekvapiť a život ojebať
The city can surprise you and life can fuck you over
Preto nás definuje zlo
That's why evil defines us
Topíme sa v tom ako Morena
We're drowning in it like Morena
Znova otočené kríže po stenách
Inverted crosses on the walls again
Štyria homies sedia v čiernom aute s dlhým kufrom
Four homies sitting in a black car with a long trunk
Asi je to pohrebák (awugh!)
Guess it's a hearse (awugh!)
A konečne som cool a keď vravím cool myslím chladný bro
And finally I'm cool, and when I say cool, I mean cold bro
Dal som vám šancu na päť minút a potrebujem dostať medicínu
I gave you a five-minute chance and I need to get my medicine
Bola doba keď som väčšinu z vás chcel obesiť na šnúre od mikrofónu
There was a time when I wanted to hang most of you on the microphone cord
Dnes som trochu vybledol len vravím prosím neberte mikrofóny do rúk
Today I've faded a bit, I'm just saying please don't take the mics in your hands
(Ty kokot)
(You dickhead)
Fuckin true shit
Fuckin true shit
Vedľa mňa Duški posiela beat čo strieľa jak puška
Next to me, Duški is sending a beat that shoots like a rifle
Snažím sa nezblázniť a
I'm trying not to go crazy and
Základom všetkého je nezabiť sa
The foundation of everything is not to kill myself
Kľudne si nechajte trón, v podzemí tvoríme klan a v ňom
Feel free to keep the throne, we're creating a clan underground, and in it
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk (brrr)
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk (brrr)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
(Ay ay ay)
(Ay ay ay)
Zedz mi kok
Suck my dick
Podaj sem ten glock
Give me that glock
Prisahám, vystrieľam celý blok
I swear, I'll shoot up the whole block
tu na to nemám nervy, homie v predu zháňa štof
I'm out of nerves for this, homie in the front is looking for dope
Musíme dom
We gotta go home
Benzínku jebat, zhor
Fuck the gas station, let's bounce
Tento lifestyle nevydrží dlho, koniec je blízko bro
This lifestyle won't last long, the end is near bro
Na tomto vyjebanom skurvensku je zle
This fucking cursed land is bad
Samý tupý ksicht, dupni na to nech sme preč
All dull faces, step on it, let's get out of here
Podaj mojim homies mic, povedia ti vo co jde
Give the mic to my homies, they'll tell you what's up
Na čo čumíš kokot, mám toho dosť, jedna ti ide
What are you staring at, asshole? I've had enough, one's coming for you
Ja to vôbec nedávam, mám úzkosť keď to vidím
I don't give a fuck at all, I get anxious when I see it
Rok čo rok mám menšiu chuť tu byť, všetko sa mi tu brídi
Year after year, I have less desire to be here, everything disgusts me here
Tvoji homies nie nič, žerú hovná z Mekáča
Your homies are nothing, they eat shit from McDonald's
Moji homies jebú drip, chodia do sekáča
My homies fuck with drip, they go to thrift stores
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)
V aute štyria homies, každý z nich si ide phonk
Four homies in the car, each of them bumps phonk
Nechcú mi dať šnúru do rúk, bezkáblový mikrofón (ay)
They don't want to give me the cable, wireless mic (ay)

Writer(s): Dávid Kurimai, Denis Bango, Denis Klucerovsky, Jakub Rondzik

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