Dwon - Beef - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Dwon - Beef

Govorijo o beefu a nikjer problemov
They talk about beef, but there's no trouble anywhere
brate ajde gremo da začnemo to temo
Brother, come on, let's start this topic
Če reperji se disajo med sabo to ni beef še
If rappers are dissing each other, it's not beef yet
Prid na moje konce pa boš vidu kva to beef je
Come to my ends and you'll see what beef is
Ne padajo besede ampak padajo udarci
Words don't fall, but punches do
Od doma greš v beli vrneš se v rdeči majci
You leave home in a white shirt, you come back in a red one, girl
Vse lahko dokažem z brazgotinami in ranami
I can prove everything with scars and wounds
V tej rap igri tko kot orel sem med vranami
In this rap game, I'm like an eagle among crows
Pa se morm ukvarjat sam s ščurki in podganami
But I have to deal with cockroaches and rats
In vsemi lej njihovimi utvarami
And all their illusions
Dej ne bit naivni pustte hip hop priče
Don't be naive, leave the hip-hop witnesses
Mal jih je realnih tuki kar se mene tiče
Few of them are real here, as far as I'm concerned
Vaše rime na podlagi filma so ustvarjene
Your rhymes are based on a movie
In pol k mene slište kje počutte se užaljene
And then when you hear me, you feel offended
Vso to pretvarjanje pride v več vrstah
All this pretending comes in many forms
Ker MCji več ne morjo domišije brzdat
Because MCs can no longer restrain their imagination
Pišejo te tekste kao dajejo vtise
They write these lyrics like they're making impressions
K pa jih spoznaš stari vse se ti to zbriše
But when you get to know them, honey, it all fades away
Na kratko bom razložu lej pofejkan si k plastika
In short, I'll explain, look, you're fake like plastic
Moj rap triler tvoj pa znanstvena fantastika
My rap's a thriller, yours is science fiction
Ja pofejkan si k plastika
Yeah, you're fake like plastic
Moj rap triler tvoj pa znanstvena fantastika
My rap's a thriller, yours is science fiction
Beef ja brate kaj je beef
Beef, yeah brother, what is beef
To da ti drug reper reče da si shit
It's when another rapper calls you shit
To ni beef ja evo kaj je beef
That's not beef, yeah, here's what beef is
K težko zaspiš al pa celo noč bediš
When you can't sleep or you stay up all night
To je beef k nemorš sam u mest
That's beef, when you can't be alone in the city
Veš da gre zares in se izogibaš cest
You know it's real and you avoid the streets
To je beef zmer se najde nekdo jači
That's beef, there's always someone stronger
Čekn svoj nivo in pazi s kom se kačiš
Check your level and be careful who you mess with
To je beef lej to niso dobri časi
That's beef, look, these are not good times
Ulca ti pokaže iz kašnga testa si
The street shows you what you're made of
Čakam tega modela ni ga nikjer yo
I'm waiting for this dude, he's nowhere, yo
Kva se ta folk sploh dela in kje je keš flow
What are these people even doing and where's the cash flow
Hočjo delat si imena ampak so trash bro
They want to make a name for themselves, but they're trash, bro
Upognte raj kolena za vas sem rap lord
Bend your knees, I'm the rap lord
Sisteme ne jebem nobene te scene
I don't give a damn about any systems of this scene
Za mene ni pene vi bledi k stene
There's no foam for me, you're pale as walls, darling
Te lene hijene hudičevo seme
These lazy hyenas, devil's seed
Majo slabe namene k pridejo iz teme
They have bad intentions when they come from the darkness
Hočte na mene pridte upadte
You want to get at me, come on, attack
Sam vam svetujem da dobr prej zvadte
But I advise you to train well beforehand
Parte prpravte neki ustvarte
Prepare your parties, create something
K Bonaparte zavzel sem pol karte
Like Bonaparte, I've conquered half the map
Malo je močvirje ve se kdo je aligator
It's a bit of a swamp, everyone knows who the alligator is
Vsi bi radi kralji bli sam js sm imperator
Everyone wants to be king, but I'm the emperor
Razbijam te okvirje bombardiram tko k Nato
I'm breaking these frames, bombing like NATO
Vedno več je hejterjev a to je dobr indikator
There are always more haters, but that's a good indicator
Beef ja brate kaj je beef
Beef, yeah brother, what is beef
To da ti drug reper reče da si shit
It's when another rapper calls you shit
To ni beef ja evo kaj je beef
That's not beef, yeah, here's what beef is
K težko zaspiš al pa celo noč bediš
When you can't sleep or you stay up all night
To je beef k nemorš sam u mest
That's beef, when you can't be alone in the city
Veš da gre zares in se izogibaš cest
You know it's real and you avoid the streets
To je beef zmer se najde nekdo jači
That's beef, there's always someone stronger
Čekn svoj nivo in pazi s kom se kačiš
Check your level and be careful who you mess with
To je beef lej to niso dobri časi
That's beef, look, these are not good times
Ulca ti pokaže iz kašnga testa si
The street shows you what you're made of

Writer(s): Dejan Djurdjević

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