Dwon - Ronin - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Dwon - Ronin

Ok pazi zdej madafaka
Okay, look here, motherfucker
Sam zrihti... nared neki zase
Take care of yourself... do something for yourself, girl
Ja ja ja pazi zdej
Yeah, yeah, yeah, look here now
Madafakin Ronin
Madafakin Ronin
Na levi rami sedi angel na desni čepi pošast
An angel sits on my left shoulder, a monster lurks on my right
Js sm trmast madafaka dam si cilj in padem v trans
I'm a stubborn motherfucker, I set a goal and fall into a trance
Pr stvareh rabš sam dvoje disciplino in balans
In things, you only need two: discipline and balance
Dopovej si ni umika ni predaje ni šans
Tell yourself there's no retreat, no surrender, no chance
Jebeš tvoj kavč brate jebeš tvojo zofo
Fuck your couch, brother, fuck your sofa
Ne bit Lazy sunday bod raj zmešan k molotov
Don't be Lazy Sunday, be crazy like a Molotov, baby
Morš bit k kamen če ne lah si hitr gotov
You gotta be like a rock, if not, you're finished quickly
Razpihi svoj plamen in pazi se kojotov
Fan your flames and watch out for the coyotes
Mentalni trening - mind over matter
Mental training - mind over matter
Razpri ta jadra bod sam svoj vetr ja
Spread your sails, be your own wind, yeah
Bela svetloba sm pa svetm v eter
White light, and I shine into the ether
K hočjo me zlomt jst ratam cel spekter
When they want to break me, I become the whole spectrum
Poglej moje barve čista HD resolucija
Look at my colors, pure HD resolution
Roba je v torbi pare so v tuci ja
The goods are in the bag, the money is in stacks, yeah
Bog mi lahko sodi sam zdej bl čutm Lucija
God can judge me, but now I feel more like Lucia
Ratujeva kolega k Srbija in Rusija
We're at war, colleague, like Serbia and Russia
Tko k Pussy ja ti boš zginu,
Just like Pussy, yeah, you'll disappear,
O tem bom rimu da bo jasn tvojmu timu
I'll rhyme about this so it's clear to your team
Morm se pazt v tej megli in dimu
I gotta be careful in this fog and smoke
Večina jih tle plota k senatorji v Rimu
Most of them here scheme like senators in Rome
Bil sm že v kosih ampak nism se ustavu
I've been in pieces, but I didn't stop
Mogoče ne poznaš me več drgač sm jih postavu
Maybe you don't know me anymore, I've changed things up
Odjebu sm osebe k so mele se za bitne
I ditched the people who thought they were important
Kako niso dojele da so fore jim očtne
How didn't they get that their tricks are obvious
Vidu sm namene tko prosm ne učit me
I see the intentions, so please don't teach me
Na koncu spet jst sm slb ha šit ne
In the end, I'm the bad guy again, huh, shit, no
Js sm lit bre ajde piči
I'm lit, bro, come on, let's go
Zmeri sm v priči
Always in the lead
Veni Vidi Vici
Veni, Vidi, Vici
Na levi rami sedi angel, na desni čepi pošast
An angel sits on my left shoulder, a monster lurks on my right
Js sm trmast madafaka dam si cilj in padem v trans
I'm a stubborn motherfucker, I set a goal and fall into a trance
Pr stvareh rabš sam dvoje disciplino in balans
In things, you only need two: discipline and balance
Dopovej si ni umika ni predaje ni šans
Tell yourself there's no retreat, no surrender, no chance
Pejt svojo pot sam piči ne zaviri
Go your own way, just go, don't look back
Mene moja vod med hat-i kicki snare-i
Mine leads me through hats, kicks, and snares
Biu sem že povsod sam eno gledu zmeri
I've been everywhere, but I always look at one thing
Da bom dons skoz biu boljši k učeri
To be better today than yesterday
Zmer v dobri veri zmer v pravi meri
Always in good faith, always in the right measure
Tko k smo sejal lej tko bomo poželi
As we sow, so shall we reap
Stavm na značaj pa naj pride do fiaska
I bet on character, even if it leads to a fiasco
Jebeš tvojo glumo k ti hitr pade maska
Fuck your acting, your mask falls off quickly
Besede niso vredne k nameni se pokažejo
Words aren't worth anything when intentions show
Za razliko od ust chico oči ne lažejo
Unlike the mouth, chico, eyes don't lie
Pa sm mel že dost stikov z dost trikov
And I've had enough contact with enough tricks
Kr dost likov ma isto spiko
Quite a few characters have the same spiel
Briga me za njih to večinoma so kloni
I don't care about them, they're mostly clones
Sam hodm okol k da ulični sm ronin
I just walk around like I'm a street ronin
Grem v meditacijo fokusiram nase
I go into meditation, I focus on myself
Da bi lahko zrastu mogu odmaknt se od mase
So I can grow, I have to move away from the masses
Sam jedu sam spau sam pil
I ate alone, I slept alone, I drank alone
Sam hodu sam blodu sam bil
I walked alone, I wandered alone, I was alone
Smisla ne boš najdu če ga sam ne boš ustvaru
You won't find meaning if you don't create it yourself
Pa morm izkoristit to kar bog mi je podaru
And I have to use what God has given me
A ti če misl hejtat jst ne rabm tvoj feedback
And if you think about hating, I don't need your feedback
Click clack motherfucker just sit back
Click clack motherfucker just sit back
O.G. rapa raztrgam ti vsak track
O.G. of rap, I'll tear up every track of yours
Za vedno klasik madafakin Big Mac
Forever a classic, madafakin Big Mac

Writer(s): Dejan Djurdjević

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