Dyablo - Don Dyablo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dyablo - Don Dyablo

Don Dyablo
Don Dyablo
En este juego y en cualquiera
In this game and in any other,
Siempre atacan al que esta arriba
They always attack the one at the top.
Por la ambicion y el temor inventan estupideces
Out of ambition and fear, they invent stupidities
Y no saben lo que hacen
And they don't know what they're doing.
Soy Don Dyablo, el Profeta, orgullo guerrillero
I'm Don Dyablo, the Prophet, guerrilla pride.
Es el poder y el dinero lo que mueve al mundo
It's power and money that move the world,
De traicioneros y hocicones esta lleno el mundo
The world is full of traitors and big mouths.
Pues el valiente vive hasta que el cobarde quiere
For the brave man lives until the coward wants,
Y el pescado por su pinche puta boca muere
And the fish dies by its damn mouth.
Descocerte los huevos antes de que abras la boca
Rip your balls off before you open your mouth,
Robas mi estilo eres chueco, eres rata loca
You steal my style, you're crooked, you're a crazy rat.
Eras la copia de los delincuentes ya cambiaste
You were a copy of the criminals, you've changed,
Eres la copia del Profeta puto me copiaste
You're a copy of the Prophet, you damn copied me.
Yo nunca te falte al respeto mas ponte trucha
I never disrespected you, but be careful,
Porque el Dyablo esta encabronado y hasta anda suelto
Because the Dyablo is pissed off and even on the loose.
Practica bien mi estilo puto perro mal nacido
Practice my style well, damn dog, you were born bad,
Te di la mano la mordiste mal agradecido
I gave you my hand, you bit it, ungrateful.
Pues me jurabas que no eras bajo mundo
You swore to me you weren't from the underworld,
Pues lambes huevos mal te ira de eso sabes te lo juro
You lick balls, it will go badly for you, I swear to you.
Yo soy de sangre azteca, orgullo guerrillero
I am of Aztec blood, guerrilla pride,
Soy el padrino de este estilo y no soy traicionero
I am the godfather of this style and I am not a traitor.
Que quien, que yo, que soy Don Dyablo y que
Who, me? I'm Don Dyablo and
Por hocicon y lambe huevos puto te ataque
For being a big mouth and a ball licker, I attacked you.
Que quien, que tu, que el, que yo no fui
Who, you, him, it wasn't me,
Te hagas pendejo solo tienes celos tu de mi
You play dumb, you're just jealous of me.
Por una traicion, por pendejada y media
For a betrayal, for a half-assed stupidity,
Por imitarme a mi me demostraste vales mierda
By imitating me, you showed me you're worth shit.
Mi orgullo es guerrillero, tu eres el embustero
My pride is guerrilla, you are the liar,
Eres bastardo y culero perro traicionero
You are a bastard and a shitty, treacherous dog.
La ejecucion de una cancion es tu pinche excusa
The execution of a song is your damn excuse,
Difamacion solo blasfemas ahora ponte trucha
Defamation, you only blaspheme, now be careful.
Tu no existias en el mapa, eres ojete eres solapa
You didn't exist on the map, you're an asshole, you're a cover-up,
Mantente al margen porque el Dyablo ataca
Stay on the sidelines because the Dyablo attacks.
Que porque tengo lo tu querias
Why do I have what you wanted?
Porque yo soy lo que tu querias ser
Because I am what you wanted to be.
La destruccion de todos esos pinches impostores
The destruction of all those damn impostors,
Resureccion de todos esos putos como tu
Resurrection of all those damn people like you.
Tienes 10 años en este negocio
You have 10 years in this business,
Tengo 2 años yo en este negocio
I have 2 years in this business,
Ahora dime quien te abrio a ti las puertas
Now tell me who opened the doors for you,
No te confundas dije puertas no de quien te abrio las patas
Don't get confused, I said doors, not who opened your legs.
Esta no es tu cancion, es un recordatorio
This is not your song, it's a reminder,
No digas pendejadas que te mando al purgatorio
Don't say stupid things that I send you to purgatory.
Todo mundo me ataca, el Dyablo se te escapa
Everyone attacks me, the Dyablo escapes you,
Pero me ven en carne viva y se ponen a gatas
But they see me in the flesh and they get on all fours.
Que quien, que yo, que soy Don Dyablo y que
Who, me? I'm Don Dyablo and
Por hocicon y lambe huevos puto te ataque
For being a big mouth and a ball licker, I attacked you.
Que quien, que tu, que el, que yo no fui
Who, you, him, it wasn't me,
Te hagas pendejo solo tienes celos tu de mi
You play dumb, you're just jealous of me.
Por una traicion, por pendejada y media
For a betrayal, for a half-assed stupidity,
Por imitarme a mi me demostraste vales mierda
By imitating me, you showed me you're worth shit.
Mi orgullo es guerrillero, tu eres el embustero
My pride is guerrilla, you are the liar,
Eres bastardo y culero perro traicionero
You are a bastard and a shitty, treacherous dog.
En este juego todos quieren tumbar al de arriba
In this game, everyone wants to bring down the one at the top,
Todos siguen al lider necesitan de su guia
Everyone follows the leader, they need his guidance.
Podran copiarme mis palabras, podran copiarme mis estilos
They can copy my words, they can copy my styles,
Pero comprar mi gente ni con tiros
But they can't buy my people, not even with bullets.
Porque mi gente siempre ha sido fiel
Because my people have always been faithful,
Yo todo se los debo eso tambien yo lo se
I owe them everything, I know that too.
Soy un guerrero, soy azteca
I am a warrior, I am Aztec,
Y aunque les arda el culo seguire siendo yo el dueño de discos Profeta
And even if their asses burn, I will still be the owner of Prophet records.
Este es mi estilo y marca registrada
This is my style and trademark,
No sirves pa' nada te operas los huevos, eres mandilon
You're good for nothing, you operate your balls, you're whipped.
Te pega tu hyna tumbada por mas que practiques tu nunca podras
Your girl hits you, lying down, no matter how much you practice, you'll never be able to
Tu ser como yo, tener lo que yo, actuar como yo, pensar como yo, vivir como yo, no
Be like me, have what I have, act like me, think like me, live like me, no,
Porque no tienes lo que necesitas
Because you don't have what it takes.
Para vender usas mi estilo y homie te me aguitas
To sell, you use my style and homie, you get watery on me.
Si quieres guerra simplemente te la voy a dar
If you want war, I'll simply give it to you,
Y si me ofendes solo espera lo que va a pasar
And if you offend me, just wait and see what happens.
Que quien, que yo, que soy Don Dyablo y que
Who, me? I'm Don Dyablo and
Por hocicon y lambe huevos puto te ataque
For being a big mouth and a ball licker, I attacked you.
Que quien, que tu, que el, que yo no fui
Who, you, him, it wasn't me,
Te hagas pendejo solo tienes celos tu de mi
You play dumb, you're just jealous of me.
Por una traicion, por pendejada y media
For a betrayal, for a half-assed stupidity,
Por imitarme a mi me demostraste vales mierda
By imitating me, you showed me you're worth shit.
Mi orgullo es guerrillero, tu eres el embustero
My pride is guerrilla, you are the liar,
Eres bastardo y culero perro traicioner
You are a bastard and a shitty, treacherous dog.

Writer(s): Dyablo

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