Dyablo - El Profeta - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dyablo - El Profeta

El Profeta
The Prophet
-¿Cómo te enteraste de esto?
-"How did you find out about this?"
-Pues un chivaton...
-"Well, a snitch..."
-¿Y cómo se llama tu chivaton?
-"And what's your snitch's name?"
-Bueno, pues es uno de esos que no tienen nombre...
-"Well, it's one of those who don't have a name..."
-Hayy... eto's chingados anónimos carai...
-"Hayy... these damn anonymous ones, damn..."
-Estas muy bien enterado he...
-"You're very well informed, huh..."
Es el Imperio del Profeta de un azteca loco,
It's the Empire of the Prophet, of a crazy Aztec,
Una revolución, adquisición yo la provoco,
A revolution, acquisition, I provoke it,
Es la conquista de Aslam,
It's the conquest of Aslam,
La gloria y el infierno,
The glory and hell,
Es una marcha triunfal, jugaste y bien en serio,
It's a triumphal march, you played and you played seriously,
Con doce demonios te espero yo en el cementerio,
With twelve demons I await you in the cemetery,
Conmigo prece's, soy un calinfa soy un guerrillero,
You'll pray with me, I'm a caliph, I'm a guerrilla,
Y prefiero, morir parado que morir arrodillado y
And I'd rather die standing than die kneeling and
Traicionar a aquel que me ha ayudado.
Betray the one who has helped me.
No abras la boca o te perforo con un sacacorcho,
Don't open your mouth or I'll pierce you with a corkscrew,
Ya sea por bien o sea por mal tu lengua te la mocho,
Whether by good or by evil, I'll chop your tongue,
Poco a poco,
Little by little,
Esperare a que caigas para yo aplastarte y arrastrarte,
I'll wait for you to fall so I can crush you and drag you,
Y poder darte
And be able to give you
Una lección sin compasión y sin misericordia,
A lesson without compassion and without mercy,
Culminación, difamación cambiaste tu la historia,
Culmination, defamation, you changed the story,
Pues le faltaste el respeto a Dyablo el Profeta,
Well, you disrespected Dyablo the Prophet,
Haz traicionado a un ser que tiene sangre azteca.
You betrayed a being who has Aztec blood.
[Coro x 2]
[Chorus x 2]
Es el Imperio
It's the Empire
De un Profeta azteca
Of an Aztec Prophet
No abras la boca, porque esta a ti te toca,
Don't open your mouth, because it's your turn,
Tal vez tu puedas hablar,
Maybe you can talk,
Tal vez puedas inventar,
Maybe you can invent,
Pero te juro si te toco no la vas a contar.
But I swear if I touch you, you won't tell the tale.
Te lo advertí, te aconsejé que no me traicionaras,
I warned you, I advised you not to betray me,
Te convertí, yo te forme con esto tu me pagas,
I converted you, I formed you, this is how you repay me,
Soy azteca j'omi,
I'm Aztec, j'omi,
El Profeta j'omi,
The Prophet, j'omi,
El que la hace me la paga te lo juro j'omi,
The one who does it, pays me, I swear, j'omi,
Y ten cuidado que del plato a la boca se te cae la sopa,
And be careful, from the plate to the mouth, the soup falls,
Porosiconora tu sangre brota.
Porosiconora, your blood will flow.
Subestimaste mis acciones,
You underestimated my actions,
Te volviste rata,
You became a rat,
Eras mi amigo, te volviste viruja barata.
You were my friend, you became a cheap little viruja.
De casanova ni la fama no tienes nada,
You don't even have the fame of a Casanova,
Vas presumiendo por el mundo ya no tienes nada,
You go around bragging, you have nothing left,
Me río de tu persona y de tu ceja rasurada,
I laugh at your person and your shaved eyebrow,
De tus historias, fantasías, de tu pendejada.
Of your stories, fantasies, of your bullshit.
Tarde o temprano nunca olvido siempre me las cobro,
Sooner or later, I never forget, I always collect,
Tu nombre escrito en mi libro negro y no lo borro,
Your name is written in my black book and I don't erase it,
Existen reglas importantes,
There are important rules,
Solo dos te digo:
I'll tell you only two:
"Mantén boca cerrada y no traiciones a un amigo".
"Keep your mouth shut and don't betray a friend."
[Coro x 2]
[Chorus x 2]
Es el Imperio
It's the Empire
De un Profeta azteca
Of an Aztec Prophet
No abras la boca, porque esta a ti te toca,
Don't open your mouth, because it's your turn,
Tal vez tu puedas hablar,
Maybe you can talk,
Tal vez puedas inventar,
Maybe you can invent,
Pero te juro si te toco no la vas a contar.
But I swear if I touch you, you won't tell the tale.
Dime con quien te juntas y yo te diré quien eres,
Tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are,
Deja de usar mi nombre para conseguir mujeres,
Stop using my name to get women,
Se tu mismo,
Be yourself,
Por ti mismo,
For yourself,
Y aléjate de mi porque te vuelvo en espejismo.
And get away from me because I'll turn you into a mirage.
Como quisiera que me hubieras dado tu la cara,
I wish you had faced me,
Mas te escondiste como un avestruz,
But you hid like an ostrich,
A Jesús le rogaba,
I prayed to Jesus,
Para agarrarte o que te encontrara,
To catch you or find you,
Pero tu miedo te sacó y no dejó que te hallara,
But your fear got you out and didn't let me find you,
Pero recuerda esto, quien somos y en el camino andamos,
But remember this, who we are and the path we walk,
Te lo juro que si no topamos,
I swear if we don't meet,
Haré que tragues tu puto veneno,
I'll make you swallow your damn poison,
Y ruega a Dios que no te encuentre y te meta leño,
And pray to God that I don't find you and beat you up,
Pues la traición es un pecado mortal,
Because betrayal is a mortal sin,
Es consecuencia fatal,
It's a fatal consequence,
Es mi venganza letal, ja!
It's my lethal revenge, ha!
Solo recuerda lo que yo te digo:
Just remember what I tell you:
Eras mi amigo y te volvistes en mi enemigo.
You were my friend and you became my enemy.
[Coro x 2]
[Chorus x 2]
Es el Imperio
It's the Empire
De un Profeta azteca
Of an Aztec Prophet
No abras la boca, porque esta a ti te toca,
Don't open your mouth, because it's your turn,
Tal vez tu puedas hablar,
Maybe you can talk,
Tal vez puedas inventar,
Maybe you can invent,
Pero te juro si te toco no la vas a contar.
But I swear if I touch you, you won't tell the tale.

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