Dyango - No Tuvo Suerte - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dyango - No Tuvo Suerte

No Tuvo Suerte
No Luck
Fuiste como ave de paso
You were like a bird of passage
Tu amor era el amor santo y bello
Your love was the holy and beautiful love
Temblaba al besar tu cabello
I trembled as I kissed your hair
Y nuestro amor mataste junto con los sueños.
And our love you killed along with the dreams.
Hiciste tu equipaje y me dejaste yo pense si te importaba
You packed your bags and left me, I wondered if you cared
Y vi que me cerrabas tu puerta
And I saw that you were closing your door on me
Te hiciste amante y tus veinte años ya no importan
You became a lover and your twenty years no longer matter
Y no quisiste que te acompañase mi amor.
And you didn't want me to accompany you, my love.
Nunca comprendere yo eso
I will never understand that
Por que te fuiste a otros besos
Why did you go to other kisses
Pues no sabias que mis rezos no querian ese amor
Because you didn't know that my prayers didn't want that love
Ya se que hoy.
I know now.
El luto que me llama llena toda mi alma y gira en torno a ti
The mourning that calls me fills my whole soul and revolves around you
Mas por que no tuve suerte y con el viento
But why didn't I have any luck and with the wind
Te fuiste de mi lado y quedo todo tan frio y tan inerte
You left my side and everything is so cold and so inert
No perdio el tiempo.
You didn't waste any time.
Distancia se llevo tu juventud tus pocos años y tu adios
Distance took away your youth, your few years and your goodbye
No perdio el tiempo
You didn't waste any time
Y solo me dejo la soledad y tu recuerdo en un cajon
And you only left me with solitude and your memory in a drawer
No perdio el tiempo.
You didn't waste any time.
Y sigo sin consuelo, sin tu cuerpo, sin mis sueños,sin mi Dios
And I remain inconsolable, without your body, without my dreams, without my God


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