Dynamic Duo feat. Dean - How You Doin'? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dynamic Duo feat. Dean - How You Doin'?

How You Doin'?
How You Doin'?
느껴지네 의자 밑에 구명조끼
I can feel the life jackets under the seats
Tokyo new york 나성 불란서
Tokyo, New York, London, Paris
날라 다녀 무대위도 마찬가지
I've been flying all over the place, and it's the same thing on stage
Sold out 콘서트 완전 났어
Sold-out concerts are completely on fire
프로듀서들은 비트가 냉장고를 통째로 맡겨
Producers entrust me with refrigerators full of beats
김풍처럼 요리조리 해서 친절하게 먹이지
I cook them like kimchi, and share them like a friendly feast
원하면 전체공개 나의 레시피
I'll even release the recipe to the whole world if you ask
시동을 걸어 예열 핸들 위에 삼지창
I start the ignition and warm up, with a trident on the handlebars
클래스 앞에 g 만루홈런 만들 때는 없었지
I never hit grand slams in front of the class
받아들였어 내게 드리운 그림자와
I've embraced the shadows and the light that shine upon me
어둠은 의식하되 눈은 밝은 쪽만 향하지
I'm aware of darkness, but my eyes are always looking towards the light
분기별로 차트에 자리 분양 받은 다음
I'll secure a few chart spots every quarter
제주도 바다 위에서 cuban 시가 태우고 손엔 입질
Then I'll smoke a Cuban cigar on the sea in Jeju Island, and sip on some rum
Nothin but smooth sailing 우리음악도 smooth sailing
Nothin' but smooth sailing, our music is smooth sailing too
내겐 매일이 blessing 믿기 힘든 일이 생겨
Every day is a blessing for me, it's hard to believe what's happening
스튜디오 안에서 preemo와 chill
Preemo and I are chilling in the studio
달엔 nba2k의 playlist에
Month after month, on the NBA2K playlist
NAS Jay Z 노래 옆에 AEAO shit
AEA0 shit next to NAS and Jay Z's songs
배고픈 보다 아픈 문제인
Being hungry is less of a problem than being in pain
바닥이지만 정치인이 아니야
I'm down-to-earth, but I'm not a politician
그저 영원히 삶이 사각팬티 안에 바람
My life will forever be a breeze in my boxer shorts
같은 기분이길 바라 하러 빡빡하게 살아
I hope you feel the same way, why live life so tightly?
(요즘 어때?) 좋다 나쁘다 하지
(How are you doing these days?) Good and bad, what can I say?
(별일 없고?) 있다 없다 하지
(Is everything okay?) There's ups and downs, what can I say?
궁금하다면 풀어볼게
If you're curious, I'll tell you the story
If you don't know now you know
If you don't know now you know
요즘 어때? 좋다 나쁘다 하지
(How are you doing these days?) Good and bad, what can I say?
별일 없고? 있다 없다 하지
(Is everything okay?) There's ups and downs, what can I say?
궁금하다면 풀어볼게
If you're curious, I'll tell you the story
If you don't know
If you don't know
일년 반이란 시간도 지갑도 탈탈 털렸지
A year and a half, my wallet and I were both dead broke
붙은 뒤통수는 알딸딸 뼈저렸지
The back of my head was tingling, I was exhausted
누구처럼 말발 하나로 뒤집는 재주는 없어서
I don't have the ability to turn things around with just my words
술로 몸은 버렸어도 천성은 버려서 활달
I gave up my body to alcohol, but I couldn't give up my active nature
바보처럼 깔깔 웃지 속으론 갈어
I laugh like an idiot, but deep down I'm sharpening my knives
확실히 선을 긋지 적과 동지를 나눠
I draw a clear line, separating enemies from allies
여러 밑줄을 긋지 실패는 교과서
I underline failures multiple times, they're my textbooks
팔자는 기구해 때론 바닥을 기구
My fortune is strange, sometimes it's the bottom of the barrel
하지만 받을 수록 높이 나는 기구
But I'm an air balloon that flies higher the more heat I get
이기구 지구 하길 계속하니 커지구
I keep saying "Keep it down to earth," and it keeps getting bigger
학교운동장처럼 점점 작아지는 지구
The Earth is getting smaller, like a school playground
질투 보여 남의
Jealousy makes other people's food look bigger
다들 실투만 기다려 상대팀 아웃 같이
Everyone's waiting for me to fail, like the opposing team's dugout
일등은 외로워 모두가
Being the best is lonely, everyone's an enemy
그래서 귓등의 가려움은 만성적인 지병
That's why the itch in my ears is a chronic condition
성치 않은 정신엔 성취가 보여주는
For my immature mind, the only thing that works as a sedative
경치만이 듣는 신경안정제
Is the view of my accomplishments
얄밉게 빈정거리는 말들 조차 농담으로 인정
I even take the meanest insults as jokes
잠시 신처럼 각성돼 다들 발정제 먹인 돼지
For a moment, I become like a god, arousing the pigs
돈이면 질질 TV쇼와의 케미 본질은 질식사
Money is like garbage, our chemistry with TV shows is suffocating
거의 매미처럼 빛보고 나면 빌빌
Like cicadas, we tremble when we see the light
여태 수태 봤지 질질 짜며 떠나는 실직자
I've seen enough of unemployed people leaving, crying their eyes out
(요즘 어때?) 좋다 나쁘다 하지
(How are you doing these days?) Good and bad, what can I say?
(별일 없고?) 있다 없다 하지
(Is everything okay?) There's ups and downs, what can I say?
궁금하다면 풀어볼게
If you're curious, I'll tell you the story
If you don't know now you know
If you don't know now you know
(요즘 어때?) 좋다 나쁘다 하지
(How are you doing these days?) Good and bad, what can I say?
(별일 없고?) 있다 없다 하지
(Is everything okay?) There's ups and downs, what can I say?
궁금하다면 풀어볼게
If you're curious, I'll tell you the story
If you don't know now you know
If you don't know now you know
(요즘 어때?) 좋다 나쁘다 하지
(How are you doing these days?) Good and bad, what can I say?
(별일 없고?) 있다 없다가 하지
(Is everything okay?) There's ups and downs, what can I say?
But I don't give a fuck
But I don't give a fuck
담담하게 그래왔던
I act like it's no big deal
Uh 어때 어때
Uh, how are you, how are you?
It's unfair unfair
It's unfair, unfair
And it's freaking me out
And it's freaking me out
But 어때 어때
But what, how are you, how are you?
It's okay okay
It's okay, okay
그런 하곤
I pretend again
Love this game
Love this game
I said I love this game
I said I love this game
Love this pain
Love this pain
So plz don't ask me
So please don't ask me
That's all I know
That's all I know
It's all I know
It's all I know

Dynamic Duo feat. Dean - Grand Carnival
Grand Carnival
date de sortie

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