Dynamic Duo feat. Supreme Team - Beyond the Wall - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Dynamic Duo feat. Supreme Team - Beyond the Wall

Beyond the Wall
Beyond the Wall
세상에 수만가지 직업들이 있다지만
There are thousands of jobs in the world, my dear,
결코 내게 맞는 일자리가 없어
But I can't seem to find one that's right for me.
발목에 채워진 한계라는 사슬은
The chains of limitation that bind my ankles,
너무 단단해 끊을수가 없어 망쳤어
Are too strong to break. I've failed, you see.
몇가닥 희망은 벌써 가난에 저당 잡혔어
Any glimmer of hope I had has long been pawned for bread,
알면 알수록 세상이란게 무서워서
The more I learn, the more this world fills me with dread.
뉴스를 보다가 TV를 껐어
I turn off the TV when I watch the news,
점점 나이는 먹는데 괜히 혼자 반대로 가는듯해
I'm getting older, and I feel like I'm going in the wrong direction.
천원짜리 한장 아쉬운 와중에 미래까지도 신경쓰이는
I fret over a thousand won, and yet I worry about my future too,
현실의 모르고 술사달래 조르는 친구보다 미워
I hate my friend who drinks away his sorrows more than I hate the reality he ignores.
물가는 오르고 살은 빠지니까 좋다만
Prices rise, and my body grows thin, but that's not all,
잊으면 안돼 똑바로 서는
Remember, my love, how to stand tall.
눈뜨게 해줘 숨쉬게 해줘
Open my eyes, let me breathe,
새로운 세상으로 데려가줘
Take me to a new world.
꿈앞에 넘어져도 일어나줘
Even when I fall before my dreams, I'll stand up again.
쓰리고 쓰려도 아프면서 배우는게 세상이니까
For even if it hurts, and even if I fail again and again, that's how you learn in this world.
꿈앞에 넘어져도 일어나줘
Even when I fall before my dreams, I'll stand up again.
숨쉬게 해줘 눈뜨게 해줘
Let me breathe, open my eyes,
새로운 세상으로 데려가줘
Take me to a new world.
알아 많이 힘든거 하루하루 먹고 살기 힘든거
I know, my love, you're struggling too, it's hard to make ends meet,
무너진 모습 깔아보며 키득거리는
To see your dreams torn apart by reality,
깡패같은 현실에 뜯겨
To be kicked while you're down.
빈털털이가 된다 해도 일어서 비틀거린다 해도
Even if you're penniless and stumbling,
지극히 정상이길 강요하는 미친 세상에
In this crazy world that demands normalcy,
우린 미쳐야만 정상이돼
We must be crazy to be normal.
청춘이란 혜택 받고 살때 게을러지는 약점도 달고가네
Youth is a blessing, but it can also make us lazy and complacent,
저축없이 통장잔고가 목덜미를 잡아도 참고 살길
To live without savings, to let your bank account control you, to endure,
세상에 뿔나도 크게 떠야돼
To turn a blind eye to the world's injustices,
앞을 가리던 안대를 벗어야 돼는 현실에
To accept the reality that's been handed to us.
적응할 좋은 버릇이
It's a good habit to adapt,
아버지를 이해할 어른이돼
And when you understand your father, you'll be an adult.
눈뜨게 해줘 숨쉬게 해줘
Open my eyes, let me breathe,
새로운 세상으로 데려가줘
Take me to a new world.
꿈앞에 넘어져도 일어나줘
Even when I fall before my dreams, I'll stand up again.
쓰리고 쓰려도 아프면서 배우는게 세상이니까
For even if it hurts, and even if I fail again and again, that's how you learn in this world.
꿈앞에 넘어져도 일어나줘
Even when I fall before my dreams, I'll stand up again.
숨쉬게 해줘 눈뜨게 해줘
Let me breathe, open my eyes,
새로운 세상으로 데려가줘
Take me to a new world.
손을 뻗어봐 손을 뻗어봐 이제 한계라는 커튼을 걷어봐
Reach out, reach out, my love, and draw back the curtain of limitation.
Ok! 안개같은 오늘을 걸어가고
Ok! Walk through this fog-like day,
Keep strugglin 내일로 걸어가
Keep struggling, walk into tomorrow.
손을 뻗어봐 손을 뻗어봐 이제 한계라는 커튼을 걷어봐
Reach out, reach out, my love, and draw back the curtain of limitation.
Yeah 안개같은 오늘을 걸어가고
Yeah, walk through this fog-like day,
Keep strugglin 내일로 걸어가
Keep struggling, walk into tomorrow.
숨쉬게 해줘 눈뜨게 해줘
Let me breathe, open my eyes,
새로운 세상으로 데려가줘
Take me to a new world.
꿈앞에 넘어져도 일어나줘
Even when I fall before my dreams, I'll stand up again.
쓰리고 쓰려도 아프면서 배우는게 세상이니까
For even if it hurts, and even if I fail again and again, that's how you learn in this world.
꿈앞에 넘어져도 일어나줘
Even when I fall before my dreams, I'll stand up again.
숨쉬게 해줘 눈뜨게 해줘
Let me breathe, open my eyes,
새로운 세상으로 데려가줘
Take me to a new world.

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