Dynamic Duo feat. 지코(ZICO) - 야유회 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dynamic Duo feat. 지코(ZICO) - 야유회

Picnic (Yayuhoe)
야유해 크게 야유해 크게 야유해
Boo me, boo me louder, boo me louder, boo me
야유해주면 땡큐고 덕분에 매일이 야유회
If you boo me, thank you, thanks to you every day is a picnic
I've been there done that 베테랑 꼰대
I've been there done that, I'm a veteran geezer
꼭대기부터 밑바닥 예술로 찍었지 스콜세지
From the top to the bottom, I shot it artfully like Scorsese
오래 동안 노래 전국 누비며 자랑해 송해
For a long time, I've been singing and boasting all over the country like Song Hae
욕해? Ok 결국 내게는
You curse me? Ok, eventually it becomes money for me
욕해 욕은 각성시키는 코케인
Curse more, your curse is the cocaine that awakens me
볼래? 내가 웃는 뒤에 숨겼던 본색
Wanna see? The true nature I hid behind my smiling face
목소리만으로 조르고 죽여 폰섹스
I choke and kill with just my voice, phone sex
다물고 일단 입에다 물어 인생의 돗대
Shut your mouth and put it in your mouth for now, the mast of your life
개나 소나 달라고 졸라 걸레 꼴난 마이크
Everyone begs for it, the mic that's become a dog's rag
심심하면 붙잡고 놀아 아랫도리에 마이크
When you're bored, grab it and play, the mic to your lower body
Give me the mic
Give me the mic, you're
무대엔 언제나 우리가 갑이지
We are always the best on stage
니가 푸는 성공이란 문제엔
To the problem of success that you can't solve
존재 자체가 답이지
My existence itself is the answer
garbage 풀리니 입에다 풀칠해 이름 팔아
You're garbage, you can't solve it, so you put glue on your mouth and sell my name
놔라 놔라 아주 지랄 입만 살아
Put down the persimmons, put down the pears, your mouth is alive
정작 마주치면 바로 깔아
When you actually run into me, you look down right away
내게 무대 위는 경쟁 없는 갈라쇼
For me, the stage is a gala show without competition
기분 단지 상상해
You just imagine this feeling
감사해 니들 환상에 사는
I'm grateful, you guys live in a fantasy about me
상하지 말고 감상해 (땡큐)
Don't be upset, enjoy it (Thank you)
있는 힘껏 배에다 힘줘
Put your strength into your stomach
너의 엄지손가락은 down down down down down
Your thumb is down down down down down
있는 힘껏 악써 우리가
Scream as hard as you can until we
가루가루가루가루가 때까지
Become dust dust dust dust dust
야유해 야유해 방구석에서 야유해
Boo, boo, boo from your room
손가락으로 야유해
Boo me with your finger
야유해 야유해 야유해주면 땡큐고
Boo more, boo, boo, if you boo me, thank you
덕분에 매일이 야유회
Thanks to you every day is a picnic
Spotlight은 넘어갔지
The spotlight has moved on
줏대 없는 조명감독님 덕에
Thanks to the fickle lighting director
재조명 받을 때까지 그냥 펀치라인 떡칠에
Just do it until I get the spotlight again, punchline plastered
유행 타는 가사 걸음걸이는 졸부의 허세와
Trendy lyrics, gait is the same as a nouveau riche's bluff
다를 없어서 딱히 자극이 안돼
It's no different, so it's not really stimulating
절대 꺼내 먹지
Never take it out and eat it
이름 빠짐없이 거론되는
Rappers' drinking parties where my name is mentioned without fail
랩퍼들의 술자리 니들이
You guys
빡치는 자유지만 포기도 용기야
Getting pissed is freedom, but giving up is courage
손가락엔 희망이 없으니
There's no hope in your fingers
우리 스테이지 앞과 뒤는 꿈도 없지
You can't even dream of the front and back of our stage
묵념 R.I.P. 커리어는 사후세계 VIP
All mourning R.I.P. Your career is the afterlife VIP
빡세게 만들고 대박 치면 주워담고
Make it hard, hit the jackpot, pick it up
꽂히면 같이하고 안되면
If you're into it, do it together, if not, do it again
구조는 간단해 이간질이 정치라면
The brain structure is simple, if instigation is politics
화장시킨 다음에 무덤으로 보내
Cremate and send it to the grave
뒤통수 할퀴면서 절친 행세해 거대권력의 치와와
Scratching the back of your head while pretending to be a best friend, a chihuahua of great power
그런 너랑 겸상해야 한다니
I have to eat at the same table as you
그냥 외로워지고 말지 말야
I'd rather just be lonely
음악에게 빚졌고 음악 땜에 빚졌지
I owe music and I'm in debt because of music
털리고 지쳤지만 여전히 쩔고 미쳤지
I'm beaten and tired, but I'm still cool and crazy
니들은 감사해야 거야 나의 생산적인 브레인 대미지
You guys should be thankful for my productive brain damage
행여 병들기를 바란다면 들어줄게
If you want me to get sicker, I'll listen
거꾸로 savage 부시지
Reverse savage, I'll break it all
있는 힘껏 배에다 힘줘
Put your strength into your stomach
너의 엄지손가락은 down down down down down
Your thumb is down down down down down
있는 힘껏 악써 우리가
Scream as hard as you can until we
가루가루가루가루가 때까지
Become dust dust dust dust dust
야유해 야유해 방구석에서 야유해
Boo, boo, boo from your room
손가락으로 야유해
Boo me with your finger
야유해 야유해 야유해주면 땡큐고
Boo more, boo, boo, if you boo me, thank you
덕분에 매일이 야유회
Thanks to you every day is a picnic
아주 소설을 써요
You're writing a novel
아주 소설을 써요
You're writing a novel
입에서 one love라니 아이고 이런
One love from your mouth, oh my
매를 벌어요 아주 매를 벌어요
You're making a living, you're making a living
맴매 맴매 맴매 맴매해
Spank, spank, spank, spank
아주 소설을 써요
You're writing a novel
아주 소설을 써요
You're writing a novel
입에서 one love라니 아이고 이런
One love from your mouth, oh my
매를 벌어요 아주 매를 벌어요
You're making a living, you're making a living
맴매 맴매 맴매 맴매해
Spank, spank, spank, spank
You gotta testify 수준은 거의 핵노답
You gotta testify, the level is almost nuclear
추잡스러운 제스쳐만 기억남아
Only the sleazy gestures remain in my memory
라이브는 팬터마임
Your live is pantomime
내가 메모장, 큐베이스창
My notepad, Cubase window
하나 열면 게임 끝나
If I open one of the two, the game is over
맨날 커버하는 놈이 누구더러 메이컵빨 I'm say good bye
The guy who always covers, who's talking about makeup? I'm say good bye
또래 MC들의 잇따른 금연 실패
The successive smoking failures of my peers
책임 나한테 있네
I'm responsible for that
I'm sorry to ma victim,
I'm sorry to ma victim,
끝내 연락 왔지 Dynamic Duo
Finally got a call from Dynamic Duo
Uh 이제 dynamic trio, huh 소송만 아니었으면
Uh now it's dynamic trio, huh if it wasn't for the lawsuit
느낌 so good 3절은 차지였지 uh
Feeling so good, the third verse was mine uh
배알이 꼴린 놈들의 분노해소엔 연예인
There's nothing like celebrities for those who are jealous
만한 없지 걔넨 흉보기 위해 나를 상처 내려
They try to hurt me to badmouth me
놈들 염세주의에 새로운 동기를 얻네
Their pessimism gets a new motive
버티고 토낄 떡하니 서서 계속해 all day
When everyone can't stand it and runs away, I stand there and continue all day
남에 복사 붙여놓기 펀치라인 우려먹기
Copy and paste someone else's, reuse the punchline
What the fuck is going on 여긴 fake들로 문전성시
What the fuck is going on, this place is full of fakes
고정관념은 부셔졌지 야유와 동시 바닥만 향하던
The stereotypes were broken, the thumbs that were pointing down along with the boos
엄지들은 거꾸로 뒤집히고
Are flipped upside down
안티들에게 마저 찬사를 받아
Even anti-fans praise me
있는 힘껏 배에다 힘줘
Put your strength into your stomach
너의 엄지손가락은 down down down down down
Your thumb is down down down down down
있는 힘껏 악써 우리가
Scream as hard as you can until we
가루가루가루가루가 때까지
Become dust dust dust dust dust
야유해 야유해 방구석에서 야유해
Boo, boo, boo from your room
손가락으로 야유해
Boo me with your finger
야유해 야유해 야유해주면 땡큐고
Boo more, boo, boo, if you boo me, thank you
덕분에 매일이 야유회
Thanks to you every day is a picnic

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