Dženan Lončarević - Strah me je da te sanjam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dženan Lončarević - Strah me je da te sanjam

Strah me je da te sanjam
I'm Afraid to Dream of You
Bar nocas nemoj nigde daleko
Please don't go far away tonight
E, da sam onda rekao to
Oh, if only I had said that then
Kad' bi tad' bilo sad'
If only then were now
Da mi Bog da sansu tu
If only God would give me that chance
Pa da vidim s neba poruku
So I could see the message from heaven
Ne bi svanuo dan
The day would never dawn
Sto na dobro ne sluti
Anything that doesn't bode well
Dan zbog kog' ne vredi ustati
A day for which it's not worth getting up
Nekad me strah da te zovem
Sometimes I'm afraid to call you
Jer znam da neces me cuti
Because I know you won't pick up
Nemam ja godine tvoje
I don't have your years
Da me tuga ne zna ubiti
So that sadness can't kill me
Nekad me strah da te sanjam
Sometimes I'm afraid to dream of you
Iz svakog sna jos se budim
I still wake up from every dream
Ej, nemam ja mrvu tvoje hrabrosti
Hey, I don't have an ounce of your courage
Pa do jutra ne smem zaspati
So I can't fall asleep until morning
Ej, nemam, nemam ja
Hey, I don't, I don't have
Od tebe ni pozdrava
Not even a greeting from you
Ni saveta da ga poslusam
Nor advice to listen to
Kada kazes "mali, dalje moras sam"
When you say, "Kid, you have to go on by yourself"
Nekad me strah da te sanjam
Sometimes I'm afraid to dream of you
Iz svakog sna jos se budim
I still wake up from every dream
Ej, nemam ja mrvu tvoje hrabrosti
Hey, I don't have an ounce of your courage
Pa do jutra ne smem zaspati
So I can't fall asleep until morning
Ej, nemam ja mrvu tvoje hrabrosti
Hey, I don't have an ounce of your courage
Pa do jutra ne smem zaspati
So I can't fall asleep until morning

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