E p i c u r e - How This Will End - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction E p i c u r e - How This Will End

How This Will End
How This Will End
نمیدونستی یه روز میگی چه زود بزرگ شدی
You didn't know that one day you would say how quickly you grew up.
میخواستی زود نشنوی ولی نفهمیدی یه روز میاد باید گردن رو با پول کلفت کنی
You didn't want to grow up too soon, but you didn't realize that one day you would have to earn a lot of money.
اینجا پول میدن روز رو میخرن که
Here, they pay for the day.
شب بری تو جا بعد دود رو میدن دستت
At night, you go to bed and smoke.
ببین دختره اونقدرهم بد نی
See, that girl is not so bad.
میخواد خوب زندگی کنه که پول رو میپرسته
She wants to live well because she worships money.
همه بنده ی مارک بُلیز
Everyone is a slave to fashion.
داداش برو تو این دنیا جا پارک تو نیست
Dude, this world is not for you.
جایی که دیگه شده بانک تروریست
Where terrorists have become banks.
کاری از تو ساخته نیست بده فاک به پلیس
You can't do anything about it, so fuck the police.
اینجا یه سری با گل خو میگیرن
Here, some people get high on cannabis.
یه سری هم خودشون رو پر رو می بینن
Some people think they are too good.
مردمت انقدر خالی و پوچن که از سریال جم تی وی الگو میگیرن اه .
Your people are so empty and vapid that they take their cues from the TV series Channel Gem. Oh.
اینجا مد شده درون پاشی ، سریع میخورنت حتی اگه حروم باشی
It's become fashionable to gossip; they'll quickly eat you up, even if you're forbidden.
دیگه یادت نی از اون داشی ، مگه نمیدونی تش باید از اون باشی
You don't remember that guy anymore. Don't you know that you should belong to that guy?
زندگی رولِ بچه ، باس بشی متوجه
Life is a game, child, and you have to realize that.
اونا چِت بازی که با رولِ خدا شده نعشه
They are playing a game of God's will and getting drunk.
روز خواب شب لش ته کشیده جنبه اش
They are sleepy during the day and lazy at night. Their self-control has gone to pieces.
خیلی وقته تن مده روح کاملا پشم
Their bodies have been worn out for a long time, and their souls are completely exhausted.
اونایی که فقط امروز رو میبینن فکر میکنن تو چشمت کوره
Those who only live in the present think that you are blind.
نمیفهمن فقط درکشون به دور و ور خودشونه و تو فکرت دوره
They don't understand that their thoughts are limited to their own surroundings, while yours reach much further.
میدونم خسته ای ولی باور نکن هیچ وقت ببازی
I know you're tired, but don't ever give up.
میخوام همین الان پاشی ، بازم همه چیو از نو بسازی
I want you to get up right now and start over.
هیچ وقت نگو سردرگمم بگو نمیذارم حرفاشونو تو مغزم کنن
Don't ever say you're confused; say you won't let their words get to you.
تو همونی که تَش یکم دو یک هم خورده ولی اینو بدون هر مردی که زخمیه تا وقتی امید هست برده
You are the one who has been beaten, but you should know that any man who is wounded is still a slave as long as he has hope.
حاکم پوله نه ؟ بَرده
Money is the ruler, right? A slave.
هوای دلمم بد سرده
My heart is also very cold.
هر وقت تنها میشم یکی در گوشم زمزمه میکنه که مرگ حقه
Whenever I'm alone, a voice whispers in my ear that death is the truth.
میگه یه زمانی خوب حالیت بود
It says that there was a time when you understood.
حالا پُرِ تاثیر روت هالیوود
Now you are full of Hollywood influences.
الان الگوش جَک اَس ـه اونی که عاشق اسطوره های فوتبالی بود
Now your role model is Jack Ace, the one who used to idolize soccer legends.
خدا زد در گوشم که نپره هوشم
God knocked me on the head so I wouldn't lose my mind.
گفت دنیا شیشه است من ضربدر روشم
He said the world is glass and I'm a cross on it.
تو این آدم ها من خودمو گم کردم
I've lost myself among these people.
بین این همه جو زده کوشم
I'm surrounded by a bunch of bandwagon fans.
نگا میکنم به تهران از دور
I look at Tehran from afar.
دیگه ضعیفه چشمام بدجور
Now my eyesight is very weak.
من با گذشتـَم دست به یقه شدم
I've come to terms with my past.
تا بتونم خاطرات رو بندازم دور اه
So I can throw those memories away. Oh.
اصل تو وصله به ریشه است
The most important thing is to stay connected to your roots.
اون که سیاسی میخونه همش حرفه کلیشه است
People who talk about politics are all just talking clichés.
بیخیال اینا زوم شو رو هدف که واسه رسیدن به نشونه مرگه بدی شصت
Forget about all that and focus on your goal. To achieve your goals, you might have to take a few knocks, but that's nothing.
اگه مخت شده تیلیت فکر فرداست
If your brains are mush, you should think about tomorrow.
اگه خون تو رگات عین چی میکشه فریاد
If the blood in your veins is screaming, speak up.
اگه لشی مثل من و هر روز مستی بازم بگو خدا پشتمه ، بذار شیرین بشه درد هات
If you're a bum like me and drunk every day, still say God is on my side, let the pain become sweet.
هیچ وقت نگو سردرگمم بگو نمیذارم حرفاشونو تو مغزم کنن
Don't ever say you're confused; say you won't let their words get to you.
تو همونی که تَش یکم دو یک هم خورده ولی اینو بدون هر مردی که زخمیه تا وقتی امید هست بُرده
You are the one who has been beaten, but you should know that any man who is wounded is still a slave as long as he has hope.

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