EBRI KNIGHT - Els Herois - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction EBRI KNIGHT - Els Herois

Els Herois
Ja feia dies que us volia escriure
I've been meaning to write you for days now,
I avui ho faig des del desert
And today I do so from the desert.
Aquesta nit ha sigut llarga
This night has been long,
I l′he passat tota despert
And I've spent the whole night awake.
Se senten crits, xiscles i brames
I can hear cries, screams, and roars
A l'altra banda del massís
On the other side of the mountain range.
Però ens fan pensar que és tot un conte
But they pretend to us that it's all a fairy tale,
I així fem passar una altra nit
And that's how we make it through another night.
I quan un dia hi ha hagut matança
And after a day of killing,
Som els herois d′allà on venim
We're the heroes back home.
Tenim les mans brutes encara
Our hands are still dirty,
Però ho celebrem tota la nit
But we'll celebrate the whole night through.
Aquí els qui manen porten medalles
Over here, those in charge wear medals
I duen ben planxat l'abric
And their coats are always pressed.
Tenen les botes ben enllustrades
Their boots are always shining,
I mai no veuen l'enemic
And they never see the enemy.
Però aquells senyors de la corbata
But those gentlemen in ties,
Ens protegeixen
They protect us,
I a canvi no preguntem res
And in return, we ask nothing.
Per què aixequen parets
Why do they build walls?
I per què serveixen
And why do they fight?
I què pensen fer després
And what do they plan to do next
Amb els presoners
With the prisoners?
Penso tornar quan tingui uns dies
I plan to return when I have a few days free.
Per descansar d′aquest infern
To rest from this hell.
Us duré joies, quadres i robes
I'll bring you jewels, paintings, and clothing
Que hem agafat a aquesta gent
That we've taken from these people.
Ha costat feina fer les troballes
It was hard work to find them.
He hagut de vessar molta sang
I had to shed a lot of blood.
Quan tothom parli la nostra llengua
When everyone speaks our language,
Ja res d′això recordaran
They won't remember any of this.
Però aquells senyors de la corbata
But those gentlemen in ties,
Ens protegeixen
They protect us,
I a canvi no preguntem res
And in return, we ask nothing.
Per què aixequen parets
Why do they build walls?
I per què serveixen
And why do they fight?
I què pensen fer després
And what do they plan to do next
Amb els presoners
With the prisoners?
Però aquells senyors de la corbata
But those gentlemen in ties,
Ens protegeixen
They protect us,
I a canvi no preguntem res
And in return, we ask nothing.
Per què aixequen parets
Why do they build walls?
I per què serveixen
And why do they fight?
I què pensen fer després
And what do they plan to do next
Amb els presoners
With the prisoners?

Writer(s): Adrià Diez Sales, Albert Aviles Pedrico, Arnau Aymerich Casas, Bernat Duran, David Delgado, Victor Launes Molon

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