EBRI KNIGHT - Espigues d'Or - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction EBRI KNIGHT - Espigues d'Or

Espigues d'Or
Ears of Gold
Hem vist com trencaven un poble en dos móns
We've seen how they tore a village in two
Hem vist grans imperis caient en segons
We've seen great empires fall in seconds
Hem encès fogueres quan queia la nit
We've lit fires when night fell
Quan el fred glaçat ens ofegava els crits
When the freezing cold choked our cries
Hem sentit la ràbia dins els ulls d'un nen
We've felt the fury in a young boy's eyes
Hem vist com la mort ens mostrava les dents
We've seen death bare its teeth to us
No esperis profetes
Don't wait for prophets
Un llarg camí ens espera
A long road awaits us
Tu tens la força per guanyar
You have the strength to win
I porto lligades a les mans
And I carry bound in my hands
Mil lluites que han fet altres abans
A thousand battles that others have fought before
Tonades fetes avui i ahir
Melodies made today and yesterday
Que parlen de dies sense fi
That speak of endless days
Navego les aigües de la sort
I sail the waters of fate
que et trobaré esperant al port
I know I'll find you waiting at the port
I a la vora del camí, espigues d'or
And by the side of the path, ears of gold
Hem vist com ploraven els herois més grans
We've seen the greatest heroes weep
Com petites bèsties es feien gegants
How little beasts became giants
Hem vist mil miratges que s'han esborrat
We've seen a thousand mirages that have vanished
Hem vist impossibles fent-se realitat
We've seen impossibilities come true
Hem vist com la llum feia créixer nous brots
We've seen how light made new shoots grow
Espurnes de vida que ho han canviat tot
Sparks of life that have changed everything
No dubtis, no esperis
Don't doubt, don't wait
Un llarg camí ens espera
A long road awaits us
I tens la força per guanyar
And you have the strength to win
I porto lligades a les mans
And I carry bound in my hands
Mil lluites que han fet altres abans
A thousand battles that others have fought before
Tonades fetes avui i ahir
Melodies made today and yesterday
Que parlen de dies sense fi
That speak of endless days
Navego les aigües de la sort
I sail the waters of fate
que et trobaré esperant al port
I know I'll find you waiting at the port
I a la vora del camí, I a la vora del camí
And by the side of the path, And by the side of the path
Espigues d'or
Ears of gold

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