EBRI KNIGHT - Nord Enllà - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction EBRI KNIGHT - Nord Enllà

Nord Enllà
Nord Enllà
Avui t'escric nord enllà
Today I write you from the north
A l'ombra de l'albera
In the shade of the poplar
I entre llàgrimes tristes i mots estrangers
And between sad tears and foreign words
Segueixo caminant
I keep walking
He cremat camins desfets
I have burned broken paths
De paraules perdudes
Of lost words
I la petita història que vam veure
And the little story we saw
Créixer entre bales i fang
Growing between bullets and mud
No, que no es faci fum
No, so that it doesn't turn into smoke
Tot el que hem perdut
All that we have lost
Que sempre ens quedarà aquesta trista habanera
That we will always have this sad habanera
Vora de la frontera que ens esquerda el mar
Beside the border that cuts through the sea
Avui t'escric sense nom
Today I write to you without a name
Sense terra ni viatge
Without land or a journey
T'escric mentre dibuixo la vida
I write to you while I draw the life
Que mai podrem veure passar
That we will never be able to see pass by
I desde aquí et veig llevar
And from here I see you get up
Desde dalt la carena
From the top of the ridge
Et veig créixer valenta, sembrant
I see you grow brave, planting
Esperances que un dia esclataran
Hopes that one day will explode
No, que no es faci fum tot el que hem perdut
No, so that it doesn't turn into smoke all that we have lost
Que sempre ens quedarà aquesta trista havanera
That we will always have this sad habanera
Vora de la frontera que ens esquerda el mar
Beside the border that cuts through the sea
I avui t'escric un cop més, entre nits i muntanyes
And today I write to you once more, between nights and mountains
T'escric mentre camino cap a la ciutat que em va veure marxar
I write to you while I walk towards the city that saw me leave
Hem desfet tots els camins de petjades cremades
We have undone all the paths of burned footprints
Trepitgem amb coratge la terra que aviat tornarem a guanyar
We tread with courage the land that we will soon regain
No, que no es faci fum tot el que hem perdut
No, so that it doesn't turn into smoke all that we have lost
Que sempre ens quedarà aquesta trista havanera
That we will always have this sad habanera
Vora de la frontera que ens esquerda el mar
Beside the border that cuts through the sea
No, que no es faci fum tot el que hem perdut
No, so that it doesn't turn into smoke all that we have lost
Que sempre ens quedarà aquesta trista havanera
That we will always have this sad habanera
Vora de la frontera que ens esquerda el mar
Beside the border that cuts through the sea
Que sempre ens quedarà aquesta trista havanera
That we will always have this sad habanera
Vora de la frontera que ens esquerda el mar
Beside the border that cuts through the sea

Writer(s): Arnau Aymerich

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