EBRI KNIGHT - Venim - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction EBRI KNIGHT - Venim

Venim d'un cau de bruixes sentido nit,
We come from a nest of witches that smells of night,
D'una tardor desafiante l'oblit.
From an autumn that defies oblivion.
Venim de la tempesta
We come from the storm
De un can ferit.
Of being wounded.
Venim amb uniformes descosits.
We come in torn uniforms.
Venim de la revolta de aquest temps,
We come from the revolt of this time,
D'un oceá de barques sense rems.
From an ocean of boats without oars.
Venim amb les mans plenes
We come with hands full
De dubtes i raons.
Of doubts and reasons.
Venim a batzegar tots els patrons
We come to break all the patterns
Venim d'un antic combt
We come from an ancient battle
De un exèrcit roig de Feres
Of a red army of beasts
Venim d'un hivern sagnant
We come from a bloody winter
Que ha adobat les primaveres.
That has adorned the springs.
Venim a plantar el futur
We come to plant the future
Entre ràbia y polsegueres
Among rage and dust
Hem vingut
We have come
A fer caure tots els murs.
To bring down all the walls.
Venim d'un poble que ha sentit plorar,
We come from a people who have heard crying,
D'una nit bressolada per la mar.
From a night lulled by the sea.
Venim d'una ventada
We come from a gale
Que ens ha eixugat els plors.
That has wiped away our tears.
Venim de primaveres
We come from springs
Sense flors.
Without flowers.
Venim d'un antic combate ...
We come from an ancient battle ...
Venim d'una pedrera de somnis clandestins,
We come from a quarry of clandestine dreams,
Naixeran de les cendres mil brots.
A thousand buds will be born from the ashes.
Venim d'una bandera de setges i camins,
We come from a banner of sieges and roads,
Cantarem mil paraules de foc.
We will sing a thousand words of fire.
Venim d'un nord que s'esquerda
We come from a north that is cracking
Entre corruptes i cretins.
Between the corrupt and the cretins.
Venim d'un sud que desperta
We come from a south that is awakening
Ia poc a poc ja va florint.
Little by little it is already blooming.

Writer(s): Adrià Diez Sales

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