Ego - Oveľa Viac - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ego - Oveľa Viac

Oveľa Viac
Much More
Oveľa viac
Much more
Čo chceš viac dať?
What more do you want to give?
Tak dáš!
So give it!
To je šanca
That's a chance
Dosť reálna
Pretty real
Poď nezastav!
Come on, don't stop!
Skok teraz dáš!
Jump now, you'll do it!
Poďme banda!
Let's go, gang!
Zmotne sa blunt
The blunt is getting smoked
Rozlieha hmla
The fog is spreading
Z pod nej zas ja
From under it, I
Rozmetám bar!
Will scatter the bar!
Tolerancia, to nieje značka
Tolerance, that's not a label
Oveľa viac operácia hoc nie ľahká
Much more operation, though not easy
No je nás viac, od dnes dvakrát, oveľa viac!
But there are more of us, twice as many from today, much more!
To je sranda, poďme sa hrať
That's funny, let's play
Kto vie dať viac, top rap zas ja!
Who can give more, top rap is me again!
Rozreval sa
He cried out
To je hamba
That's a shame
Pozviechaj sa, rozlievaj zas!
Get yourself together, pour it again!
Möet, champagne, to je na Vás, moje zlatiná!
Möet, champagne, that's for you, my darling!
Podzemgang gang!
Undergang gang!
Zo desať fľáš, rozdeľ sa viac
About ten bottles, divide it more
Oveľa viac, oveľa viac, polme vravia
Much more, much more, we say
Pol mne, tak pol nechám Vám
Half of me, I'll leave so much for you
Poďme bratia, stôl Váš a blok je na mňa, kto chce jahňa, dobre varia
Come on, brothers, the table is yours, and the block is on me, whoever wants lamb, they cook well
Poďmе naliať, hore
Let's pour, up
Hlavy a poviem na zdravie, oni hľadiac
Heads up, and I'll say cheers, they're looking
Oveľa viac, oveľa viac lóve mať, tak oveľa viac, oveľa viac môže sa stať
Much more, much more love to have, so much more, much more can happen
Oveľa viac, no nie
Much more, no
tak oveľa viac, dobre sa bav
So much more, have fun
Olympiáda, to je najviac, poďme tam, po tme zbalia
Olympics, that's the most, let's go there, they pack it up in the dark
Do lietadla, hore sadla, k hore sádla, odlietam zas
Into the plane, she sat down, to the top she sat, I'm flying again
Doletia a potešia sa, po dve baby nás odprevadia
They'll fly and be happy, two girls will see us off
Hotel five star, dole Starbucks, kofeín, kaviár, objednávka
Hotel five star, down Starbucks, caffeine, caviar, order
Rozmieňam tam lóve, štandard
I'm changing money there, standard
Noc je majland, moc nezľavia, moc presadia, drobné vrátia, no tie stratia
The night is Milan, they won't give much discount, they'll push hard, they'll return the change, but they'll lose it
Do nej vrazia po pečiatkach, osem a viac
They'll crash into her for stamps, eight and more
Dole stavia pod dverami sa počet mladých a
Down they build under the doors, the number of young ones, and
Svorne zdraviac v zbore nahlas
They salute together in chorus, loudly
Boje na trať, poďme na štart, podrep a kľak, poviem raz dva
Battles on the track, let's go to the start, squat and kneel, I'll say one two
Ozve sa prásk, do vetra prach, ozvena pach, pôjdeš jak mach
A bang will sound, dust in the wind, an echo of smell, you'll go like moss
Skok, prekážka, obieham ťa
Jump, obstacle, I'm circling you
Rozdiel palca, odmeraj čas, Bolt je čapták, bod pre majstra, ovenčia ťa
A thumb's difference, measure the time, Bolt is a cheat, a point for the champion, they'll crown you
Ozve sa vraj on jej, ak raz povie povie aj viac
He's said to say to her, if he says once, he'll say more
Slov, než nazdar, dobre a čau
Words, than hello, good and bye
Potreba viac odberania
The need for more withdrawal
Od včera zas pozbieral vraj
From yesterday, he allegedly collected again
To je maniak
That's a maniac
Do vzdelania?
Into education?
Do zdieľania
Into sharing
Oveľa viac, oveľa viac
Much more, much more
Bože, daj tam požehnania
God, give blessings there
Potreba smiať, poďme sa stav
The need to laugh, let's make a bet
Kto je naj, ak povedia mňa
Who's the best, if they say me
To je pravda, oveľa viac
That's true, much more
Pozeraj sa dobre, azda
Look closely, maybe
Kto vie viac, tak povie nahlas
Who knows more, will say it out loud
Odmenia ťa oveľa viac
They will reward you with much more
Tam vonku je toho oveľa viac, oveľa viac
There's much more out there, much more
Môžeme zažiť oveľa viac
We can experience much more
Zarobiť obaja viac, oveľa viac
Both earn more, much more
Počuť, vidieť, skúsiť, cítiť oveľa viac!
Hear, see, try, feel much more!

Writer(s): Michal Straka, Anton Siska

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