Ego - Trollin - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ego - Trollin

Trollujeme bežne aj každý deň, neviem či nebudeš na rade aj ty
We troll usually and every day, I don't know if it won't be your turn soon
Dnes vychytáme ti slabiny hneď, spočítame všetky omyly príkre
Today we will catch your weaknesses immediately, we will count all the steep blunders
Uvariť ťa a namotávať, medové fúzy namazávať
To cook you and to wind you up, to smear honey whiskers
Opíjať rožkom, za nos ťahať, robiť si srandu aj z kamaráta
To get drunk with a pretzel, to pull you by the nose, to make fun of even a friend
Každý z nás rád trolluje, ale trollov na sebe netoreluje nik viac
Each of us likes to troll, but no one tolerates trolls on themselves more
Ne, ne, ne, ne, no, no
No, no, no, no, well, well
Nakoniec jediná cesta, ako ich poraziť je
In the end, the only way to defeat them is
Prestať bojovať, rešpekt im daj, solo dolo
Stop fighting, give them respect, solo dolo
Ja viac, nebojujem, lebo viem
I don't fight anymore, because I know
Že to proti nim aj tak nikdy nemalo význam
That it never made sense against them anyway
Stále viac tolerujem argument
I tolerate the argument more and more
Že ma to možno niekam posunie napríklad
That maybe it will move me somewhere, for example
Trolloval som viac, keď som mal trinásť
I trolled more when I was thirteen
Ale trollujem doteraz, to som mal vždy rád
But I troll to this day, I've always loved that
Ja som trolloval vždy mocne asociál pirát
I've always trolled very social pirate
Všetci trollovia na sociálkach, zdravím vás
All the trolls on social networks, I greet you
Nekonečný príbeh o hejteroch
An endless story about haters
Nevadí aspoň tak mám, čo robiť po večeroch
It doesn't matter, at least I have something to do in the evenings
Cítim potrebu obhájiť sa pred vami, že nejsom šupák
I feel the need to defend myself against you, I'm not a scumbag
Ale o svojej pravde druhých presviedča iba hlupák
But only an idiot convinces others of his truth
Sedíme na ulici, smejeme sa a rozprávame si vtipy o trolloch
We're sitting on the street, laughing and telling jokes about trolls
Keď som bol na intráku s Jorom
When I was in a dorm with Joro
Tiež som to robil keď som mohol
I also did it when I could
Chcú vidieť, či sa chytíš toho
They want to see if you fall for it
To rob, to rob
Do it, do it
Urob to, urob to, urob to, urob to, to
Do it, do it, do it, do it, it
Aj to, aj to, pre koho?
Both this and that, for whom?
Pre seba, pre ľudí, pre lóve, pre dobrý
For yourself, for people, for loot, for good
Pocit z hry, áno vždy to bolo
Feeling of the game, yes it always was
Sedíme na ulici smejeme sa a rozprávame si vtipy o trolloch
We're sitting on the street laughing and telling jokes about trolls
Keď nejaký máš no tak hovor
When you have one, tell me
Sedíme na ulici smejeme sa a rozprávame si vtipy
We're sitting on the street laughing and telling jokes
Keď zrazu ozve sa ozvena pozre sa hore na zore a bum, hrom do toho
When suddenly an echo sounds, he looks up at the dawn and boom, thunder into it

Writer(s): Michal Straka

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