Early B - In Pas Early - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Early B - In Pas Early

In Pas Early
In Pas Early
Nou die number moes uitgekom het lank te vore want dus n number vir
Now the number should have come out a long time ago because thus a number for
Vandag se more net n bietjie rigting kan lyne orde meer positiewe
Today's more just a little direction can be more positive lines
Note minner nagevolge jonger meisies Luister na my meisie hy's net ha
Note fewer consequences younger girls Listen to me girl he's just ha
Vir n tydtjie moenie toelaat laat hy take nie ha is n tyd vi als da
For a while don't let him do it he is a time for everything
Girl en jy moenie sy gedagte glo van hy mag lief vir jou wees of hy
Girl and you should not believe his thoughts that he may love you or he
Soek n ietsie ma moet jy hom nie wys hoeveel het jy hom lief nie van
Looking for something but you should not show him how much you love him from
Ouens is bekend vir hul verhoudings op mess nie van as hy kry wat hy
Guys are known for their relationships on a knife not if he gets what he
Wil he dan Sal jy hom nie weer sien nie en Los jou bra wat aanhou net
Will you then you will not see him again and leave your bra which keeps on
Nxa van sex wil praat Hou jou eer ek weet is jy skaam om een te wees
Nxa from sex want talk Keep your honor I know you are ashamed to be one
Nie moet dit net nie op mors die eerste keer nie al is jy bietjie
You should not just waste the first time even if you are a little
Meer as normaal verstaan jy is op jou eie way spesiaal isie nodig om
More than normal you understand you are on your own way special is it necessary to
Nog in te pas nie neh isie nodig
Still fit in no it's not necessary
Om nog in te pas nie en al dra jg Mr.
To fit in anymore even if I wear Mr.
Price en die hare kanie waai onthou net dat jou style maak jou
Price and the hair can't blow remember your style makes you
Eintlik rerig kwaai isie nodig om nog in te pas nie neh isie nodig om
Actually really angry it's not necessary to fit in anymore no it's not necessary to
Nog in te pas nie yeah en wees lief vir jou baba doen dit in elke
Still fit in yeah and love your baby do it in every
Liewe way al is jy skralerag en n bietjie of n weight onthou net dat
Dearly way even if you are skinny and a little or a weight remember that
Jys n limited edition daars niemand hieso soos jy don't you worry the
You are a limited edition there is no one like you don't you worry the
Other people say moen dit nie soek by n ou nie want dis te vroeg baba
Other people say don't look for it from an old man because it's too early baby
Nie nou nie girl jy weet hoe werk die outjies sex will make him love
Not now girl you know how the boys work sex will make him love
You and babies will make him stay ek se nie dat jy moet nie jouself
You and babies will make him stay I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy yourself
Enjoy nie kyk net agter jou en doen dit net mooikies (is vani dal af
Just look after yourself and do it beautifully (is from the valley girl)
Meisie) Al is jy bietjie meer as normaal verstaan jys op jou eie way
Even if you are a little more than normal you understand you are on your own way
Spesiaal isie nodig om nog in te pas nie neh
Special is it necessary to fit in anymore no
Isie nodig om nog in te pas nie en al dra jy mr.
It is not necessary to fit in anymore and even if you wear mr.
Price en jou hare kanie waai onthou net dat jou style maak jou
Price and your hair can't blow remember your style makes you
Eintlik rerig kwaai isie nodig om nog in te pas nie neh isie nodig om
Actually really angry it's not necessary to fit in anymore no it's not necessary to
Nog in te pas nie yeahh al is jy bietjie as normaal verstaan jy op
Fit in anymore yeah even if you are a little as normal you understand you up
Jou eie way spesiaal isie nodig om nog in te pas nie
On your own way special is it necessary to fit in anymore
Neh isie nodig om nog in te pas nie en al dra jy Mr.
No it's not necessary to fit in anymore and even if you wear Mr.
Price en jou hare kan nie waai onthou net jou style maak jou eintlik
Price and your hair can't blow remember your style makes you really
Rerig kwaai isie nodig om nog in te pasie
Really angry is it necessary to fit in anymore
Neh isie nodig om nog in te pas nie yeaah
No it's not necessary to fit in anymore yeaah

Writer(s): Vaughan Fourie, Earl-henri Swartz

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