Eason Chan - 告別娑婆 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Eason Chan - 告別娑婆

Farewell to the World!
茫茫人生千百次聚頭 沒有貪新都會厭舊
In the vastness of life, we meet a thousand times and part a thousand times, never tiring of the new, nor despising the old.
茫茫人生走到了盡頭 重生再邂逅
In the vastness of life, we come to an end and are reborn to meet again.
欲語無言擦過的身影 前世 今生的感應
Unspoken words, fleeting figures, past lives, present lives, feelings resonate.
誰回眸過誰和我 世世代代離離合合中相認
Who looked back at whom, recognizing each other through countless generations of partings and reunions?
靈魂囚身體裡盼自由 因果裡聽候
Souls imprisoned in bodies, yearning for freedom, awaiting their fate in the cycle of karma.
靈魂囚身體裡渴望回頭 填補一切錯漏
Souls imprisoned in bodies, longing to turn back the clock and right the wrongs of the past.
逝水韶華遠去的心境 回顧 當初的高興
Fleeting time and distant memories, revisiting the joys of the past.
人誰無過誰無錯 世世代代離離合合看破哭笑聲
Who among us is without fault or error, through countless generations of partings and reunions, we learn to see through the laughter and tears.
決不輪迴不輪迴 這生 餘業永在
No more reincarnation, no more reincarnation, this life, the remnants of karma will forever remain.
再不輪迴無常中徘徊 來生無盡人世內
No more reincarnation, forever adrift in the impermanence of life, in the endless cycle of human existence.
沒有恨愛要賒 沒緣份暫借
No love or hate to be borrowed, no縁 to be taken for a while.
沒場地沒有角色 來拉扯
No stage, no roles, no ties that bind.
Henceforth, I will dwell alone in the wilderness.
祈求時光終會向後流 不想有以後
I pray that time will reverse its course, I do not wish for a future.
祈求繁星終會向著上游 重組整個宇宙
I pray that the stars will flow upstream, rebuilding the entire universe.
萬里銀河進退中甦醒 前世 今生中心領
Awakening in the vast expanse of the Milky Way, comprehending the essence of past and present lives.
塵寰無我循環破 世世代代離離合合裡撤兵
Breaking the cycle of endless rebirth, withdrawing from the countless generations of partings and reunions.
決不輪迴 不輪迴 這生餘業永在
No more reincarnation, no more reincarnation, this life, the remnants of karma will forever remain.
再不輪迴無常中徘徊 來生無盡人世內
No more reincarnation, forever adrift in the impermanence of life, in the endless cycle of human existence.
永不輪迴不輪迴 叫諸神亦意外
No more reincarnation, no more reincarnation, even the gods are taken aback.
雪中尋梅無常中徘徊 來生求別人替代
Seeking plums in the snow, adrift in the impermanence of life, I ask another to take my place in the next life.
沒有恨愛要賒 沒緣份暫借
No love or hate to be borrowed, no縁 to be taken for a while.
沒遺憾 沒有意識 平反爭取乞討拖拉施捨
No regrets, no consciousness, no need to justify, beg, implore, or give alms.
No calculations, no greed, no fear of death.
然後沒有盛世要賒 沒浮華暫借
Then no need for borrowed glory, no vanity to be taken for a while.
沒時代 沒有記憶 來拉扯
No era, no memories, no ties that bind.
To wither away in splendid bloom.
不輪迴 不輪迴 種因無望答謝
No reincarnation, no reincarnation, planting seeds with no hope of reward.
決不 再不永不 結果臨別眼淚
No more, no more, no more, the final parting, tears welling up,
To fall.

Writer(s): Chi Yan Kong, Tze Hin Chang, Jean Chien

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