Eason Chan - 最佳損友 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Eason Chan - 最佳損友

My Best Friend
朋友 我當你一秒朋友
Darling, I treated you like a best friend for a second
朋友 我當你一世朋友
Darling, I treated you like a best friend for a lifetime
奇怪 過去再不堪回首
It's strange, the past is unbearable to look back on
懷緬 時時其實還有
Reminiscing, the past is actually still there
朋友 你試過將我營救
Darling, you tried to save me
朋友 你試過把我批鬥
Darling, you tried to criticize me
無法 再與你交心聯手
I'm unable to confide in you and join forces with you
畢竟 難得 有過最佳損友
After all, it's rare to have had a best friend
從前共你 促膝把酒 傾通宵都不夠
I used to drink with you all night long
我有痛快過 你有沒有
I've been happy before; have you?
很多東西今生只可給你 保守至到永久
Many things in this life are only for you; I will keep them forever
Other people just wouldn't understand
實實在在 踏入過我宇宙
You truly entered my world
即使相處到 有個裂口
Even though we have a falling out
命運決定了 以後再沒法聚頭
Fate has decided that we will never be able to get together again
但說過去 卻那樣厚
But the past was so good
問我有沒有 確實也沒有
Did I? I really don't know
一直躲避的藉口 非甚麼大仇
The excuse we've always avoided; it's not a big deal
為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友
Why couldn't my old friend turn into my old friend in the end?
不知你是我敵友 已沒法望透
I don't know if you are my friend or enemy; I can't see through it anymore
被推著走 跟著生活流
Being pushed and carried away by life
來年陌生的 是昨日最親的某某
A stranger next year is the closest person yesterday
I didn't know how rare our friendship was
到你變節了 至覺未夠
Until you betrayed me; I was never enough
多想一天 彼此都不追究 相邀再次喝酒
I wish that one day we could stop blaming each other and invite each other to drink again
Wait for the grapes to ripen
但是命運入面 每個邂逅
But in the face of fate, every encounter
一起走到了 某個路口
Leads to a crossroads
是敵與是友 各自也沒有自由
Whether you are an enemy or a friend, neither of us is free
位置變了 各有隊友
Positions changed, each with their own teammates
問我有沒有 確實也沒有
Did I? I really don't know
一直躲避的藉口 非甚麼大仇
The excuse we've always avoided; it's not a big deal
為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友
Why couldn't my old friend turn into my old friend in the end?
不知你是我敵友 已沒法望透
I don't know if you are my friend or enemy; I can't see through it anymore
被推著走 跟著生活流
Being pushed and carried away by life
來年陌生的 是昨日最親的某某
A stranger next year is the closest person yesterday
早知解散後 各自有 際遇作導遊
It's better to know that we each have our own paths to follow
奇就奇在 接受了 各自有路走
The strange thing is that we accepted it
卻沒人像你 讓我 眼淚背著流
But no one makes me cry like you do
嚴重似情侶 講分手
It's like a serious breakup
有沒有 確實也沒有
Did I? I really don't know
一直躲避的藉口 非甚麼大仇
The excuse we've always avoided; it's not a big deal
為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友
Why couldn't my old friend turn into my old friend in the end?
不知你又有沒有 掛念這舊友
I wonder if you miss your old friend
或者自己 早就想通透
Or maybe you figured it out a long time ago
來年陌生的 是昨日 最親的某某
A stranger next year will be the closest person yesterday
總好於 那日我 沒有 沒有 遇過 某某
It's better than not having met you at all


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