Ebith Beat A - 24 Tahun - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ebith Beat A - 24 Tahun

24 Tahun
24 Years
24 tahun (yaa robanna) hamba di dunia (yaa robanna)
24 years (oh my Lord) I've been in this world (oh my Lord)
Hamba banyak dosa (yaa robanna) hamba mohon ampun
I have many sins (oh my Lord) I beg for forgiveness
24 tahun (yaa robanna) hamba di dunia (yaa robanna)
24 years (oh my Lord) I've been in this world (oh my Lord)
Hamba banyak dosa (yaa robanna) hamba mohon ampun
I have many sins (oh my Lord) I beg for forgiveness
Melupakan satu kewajiban kita di dunia
Forgetting one of our obligations in the world
Yang telah tertulisakan dalam agama
Which has been written in religion
Dalam keluarga banyak tergiur oleh fantasi dunia
In many families, they are tempted by the fantasies of the world
Rajin mencapai cita
Diligent to reach their goals
Ada yang jadi artis yang jadi pejabat
Some become artists, some become officials
Tapi kenapa kita suka lupa terhadap kewajiban kita semua
But why do we forget about our obligations?
Yang jadi artis banyak yang tidak hafal hadist
Many artists don't know the hadiths
Yang jadi pejabat banyak yang ninggalain sholat
Many officials leave prayer
Ga jadi malu tetap begitu
Not ashamed, they stay that way
Padahal itu semua hanyalah tipu muslihat
Even though it's all just a trick
Biar kita dilaknat banyak ninggalin sholat
So that we are cursed, many leave prayer
Puasa apalagi dzikir cuma sekelebat
Fasting, let alone dhikr, is just a glimpse
24 tahun (yaa robanna) hamba di dunia (yaa robanna)
24 years (oh my Lord) I've been in this world (oh my Lord)
Hamba banyak dosa (yaa robanna) hamba mohon ampun
I have many sins (oh my Lord) I beg for forgiveness
24 tahun (yaa robanna) hamba di dunia (yaa robanna)
24 years (oh my Lord) I've been in this world (oh my Lord)
Hamba banyak dosa (yaa robanna) hamba mohon ampun
I have many sins (oh my Lord) I beg for forgiveness
Allah subahanahuwataa'la memerintahkan kepada kita
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala commanded us
Semua makhluknya di dunia berusaha
All His creatures in the world strive
Mencukupi kebutuhan menafkahi keluarga
To meet the needs of providing for the family
Dari zaman Nabi adam mencari siti hawa
From the time of Prophet Adam looking for Eve
Dan Rasulullah bergerak di bidang niaga
And the Messenger of Allah was active in commerce
Namun sebenarnya kita jangan lupa terhadap kewajiban kita semua
But actually we should not forget about our obligations
Jangan lupa sholat, jangan lupa zakat, jangan lupa dzikir
Don't forget prayer, don't forget zakat, don't forget dhikr
Sekarang mari kita evaluasi diri
Now let's evaluate ourselves
Apa kekurangan kita di dunia kita perbaiki
What are our shortcomings in the world, we fix them
Ya buat bekal nanti di alam kekal
Yes, for provisions later in the eternal realm
24 tahun (yaa robanna) hamba di dunia (yaa robanna)
24 years (oh my Lord) I've been in this world (oh my Lord)
Hamba banyak dosa (yaa robanna) hamba mohon ampun
I have many sins (oh my Lord) I beg for forgiveness
24 tahun (yaa robanna) hamba di dunia (yaa robanna)
24 years (oh my Lord) I've been in this world (oh my Lord)
Hamba banyak dosa (yaa robanna) hamba mohon ampun
I have many sins (oh my Lord) I beg for forgiveness
24 tahun (yaa robanna) hamba di dunia (yaa robanna)
24 years (oh my Lord) I've been in this world (oh my Lord)
Hamba banyak dosa (yaa robanna) hamba mohon ampun
I have many sins (oh my Lord) I beg for forgiveness
24 tahun (yaa robanna) hamba di dunia (yaa robanna)
24 years (oh my Lord) I've been in this world (oh my Lord)
Hamba banyak dosa (yaa robanna) hamba mohon ampun
I have many sins (oh my Lord) I beg for forgiveness
Kullu nafsin dzaikatul maut
Kullu nafsin dzaikatul maut
Sesungguhnya semua mahluk bernafas akan menghadapi maut
Indeed every breathing creature will face death
Ya Illahi Robbi ampuni segala dosa hamba
Oh Allah, my Lord, forgive all my sins
Terhadap keluarga dan terhadap-Mu
Towards family and towards You
24 tahun (yaa robanna) hamba di dunia (yaa robanna)
24 years (oh my Lord) I've been in this world (oh my Lord)
Hamba banyak dosa (yaa robanna) hamba mohon ampun
I have many sins (oh my Lord) I beg for forgiveness
24 tahun (yaa robanna) hamba di dunia (yaa robanna)
24 years (oh my Lord) I've been in this world (oh my Lord)
Hamba banyak dosa (yaa robanna) hamba mohon ampun
I have many sins (oh my Lord) I beg for forgiveness

Writer(s): Ebith Beat A

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