Edavārdi feat. Ralfs Eilands - Varam daudz - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi feat. Ralfs Eilands - Varam daudz

Varam daudz
We Can Do a Lot
Mēs esam Jēzus, sevi rūdām mokās
We're like Jesus, tempering ourselves in agony
Tikai mums ir nevis naglas, bet skrūves rokās
Only we have screws instead of nails in our hands
Atkal sākam vaimanāt par bēdām
Again we start whining about sorrows
Jo vakarēdienā dzērām vairāk, nekā ēdām
Because at dinner we drank more than we ate
Esam Bils Geits, ceļamies balons, kamēr citi zilumos
We're like Bill Gates, rising like a balloon while others are bruised
Būtu bagāti, bet dators jau ir izgudrots
We'd be rich, but the computer has already been invented
Esam rokstāri, kamēr būsim jauni
We're like rock stars while we're young
Tikai to nezina pasaule, to zin′ mūsu draugi
Only the world doesn't know it, our friends know it
Mēs esam supervaroņi, varam visu izlabot
We are like superheroes, we can fix everything
Ir superspējas, tikai šeit tās nav, kur izmantot
We have superpowers, but there's nowhere to use them here
Pīpējam, vērojot Daugavu pa logu
We smoke, watching the Daugava through the window
Esam ģēniji, bet mums ir vienalga par to
We're like geniuses, but we don't care about that
Mēs tiešām varam daudz, varam daudz
We really can do a lot, we can do a lot
Bet reizēm viss ir pārāk daudz
But sometimes everything is too much
Mēs tiešām varam daudz, varam daudz
We really can do a lot, we can do a lot
Saprotam to kad atbrauc katafalks
We understand that when the hearse arrives
Mēs tiešām varam daudz, varam daudz
We really can do a lot, we can do a lot
Bet reizēm viss ir pārāk daudz
But sometimes everything is too much
Mēs tiešām varam daudz, varam daudz
We really can do a lot, we can do a lot
Saprotam to kad atbrauc katafalks
We understand that when the hearse arrives
Ja mēs tiešām varam daudz, kāpēc man nav nekā
If we really can do a lot, why don't I have anything
Ja mēs tiešām varam daudz, tad es nezinu,
If we really can do a lot, then I don't know how
Mēs esam blēži, kas zajebaļi jums
We're like crooks who fucked you up
Tikai nav laika tam, jo telefoni ir labāki zagļi par mums
Only there's no time for that, because phones are better thieves than us
Esam problēmas, kā, kad jūs izolē
We're like problems, like when you're isolated
Tikai tiešām pazudīsim, ja mūs ignorē
Only we'll really disappear if you ignore us
Esam zaudētāji - netiek tālu neviens
We're like losers - no one gets far
Tikai atšķirībā no viņiem, mēs nekur nepiedalāmies
Only unlike them, we don't participate anywhere
Esam slepkavas, kad klāt ir pievienoti grādi
We're like killers when degrees are added
Tikai mūsu vienigie ieroči ir vārdi
Only our only weapons are words
Mēs tiešām varam daudz, varam daudz
We really can do a lot, we can do a lot
Bet reizēm viss ir pārāk daudz
But sometimes everything is too much
Mēs tiešām varam daudz, varam daudz
We really can do a lot, we can do a lot
Saprotam to kad atbrauc katafalks
We understand that when the hearse arrives
Es esmu tu, nauda par pudeli makā
I'm like you, money for a bottle in my wallet
Tikai par šo tēmu mēdzu iet dziļāk par ūdeni akā
Only on this topic I tend to go deeper than water in a well
Par to rakstu, kamēr tu tusēsi kaktā
I write about it while you're partying in the corner
Bet starpību neviens neredzēs tad, kad mēs gulēsim kapā
But no one will see the difference when we're lying in the grave
Tu esi es, ja savu dvēseli parādi
You are like me if you show your soul
Bet tev ir nauda, un man nav, laikam mēs esam dažādi
But you have money, and I don't, I guess we're different
Caur daudzām manis versijām es izplatos pa zemi
Through many versions of myself I spread across the earth
Bet dienas beigās es izvēlos sevi
But at the end of the day I choose myself
Ja mēs tiešām varam daudz, kapēc man nav nekā
If we really can do a lot, why don't I have anything
Ja mēs tiešām varam daudz, tad es nezinu,
If we really can do a lot, then I don't know how
Mēs varam daudz, varam daudz
We can do a lot, we can do a lot
Es tikai mēģinu sākt, kaut es nezinu,
I'm just trying to start, even though I don't know how
Un mēs varam daudz, varam daudz
And we can do a lot, we can do a lot
Kaut man deniņi sāp, un jauni rēķini nāk
Even though my temples hurt, and new bills are coming
Mēs varam daudz, varam daudz
We can do a lot, we can do a lot
Es tikai mēģinu sākt, kaut es nezinu,
I'm just trying to start, even though I don't know how
Un mēs varam daudz, varam daudz
And we can do a lot, we can do a lot
Kaut man deniņi sāp, un jauni rēķini nāk
Even though my temples hurt, and new bills are coming
Mēs tiešām varam daudz, varam daudz
We really can do a lot, we can do a lot
Bet reizēm viss ir pārāk daudz
But sometimes everything is too much
Mēs tiešām varam daudz, varam daudz
We really can do a lot, we can do a lot
Saprotam to kad atbrauc katafalks
We understand that when the hearse arrives

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