Edavārdi feat. Ansis, Melikols & Eliots - #GDNSS - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi feat. Ansis, Melikols & Eliots - #GDNSS

Ja Tu kurī līdz paralīzei un tad sēdies pie stūres,
If you're high as a kite and get behind the wheel,
Lai tiktu līdz picas ēstuvei vai suši paradīzei.
To get to the pizzeria or sushi paradise.
Vizīns acīs, tas drošāku druscīt padarīs Tevi,
Tears in your eyes, that'll make you a little safer,
Bet Tev gļučī zaļi vīreļi, kuri tūlīt pamanīs Tevi.
But you're seeing green men who will notice you soon.
Plus Tu brauc bez tuvajiem un tikai gabarīts deg
Plus you're driving without your low beams and only the parking light is on
Vienā pusē, it tumsā nebūtu grūti saskatīt ceļu.
On one side, as if it wasn't hard to see the road in the dark.
Tevi aptur, Tu negribi mēnesi būrī pavadīt, bļe,
They stop you, you don't want to spend a month in the slammer, damn it,
Bet ekspertīze iedod trauku urīnanalīzēm
But the expertise gives you a jar for urine analysis
Un Tu
And you
Galīgi Dirsā Nosvīdis Samīzies Stāvi Tu esi zīmulis, pāris nedēļas trenējies boksā,
Totally Fucked Up Sweaty Squashed Standing You're a pencil, you've been boxing for a couple of weeks,
Pašam šķiet, ka proti vairāk senseji Bronksā,
You think you know more than the sensei in the Bronx,
Uzvedies it aiz tevis būtu zombiju pulks,
You act like you have a horde of zombies behind you,
it Tev pautu vietā būtu trotila bumbas.
Like you have a TNT bomb instead of your heart.
Tev čalis uzkāpa uz kājas, Tu viņam iesit pa purnu,
A guy stepped on your foot, you punched him in the face,
Viņš savāc baru, bet Tu redzi tikai niecības, kur nu?!
He gathers a crowd, but you only see insignificant ants, so what?!
Tu saki: "Es jau zvanu tūliņ mani bračkas brauks!"
You say: "I'm calling my homies right now, they're coming!"
Tu izvelc trubu, bet trubai ir bača sausa
You pull out your piece, but the piece is dry
Galīgi Dirsā Nosvīdis Samīzies Stāvi Tu esi viens mājās, no senčiem nav smakas,
Totally Fucked Up Sweaty Squashed Standing You're home alone, there's no sign of your parents,
Tu gaidi savu draudzeni, šis būs jauks vakars,
You're waiting for your girlfriend, yes, this will be a nice evening,
Jau gatavs, viņa zvanīs Tev kolīdz brauks.
Already ready, she'll call you as soon as she's on her way.
Tad tu dzirdi, ka virtuvē pēkšņi nokrīt trauks,
Then you hear a dish suddenly fall in the kitchen,
Tu dzirdi soļus uz skausta mati izslienas taisni.
You hear footsteps on the stairs, hair stands on end.
Tu ellē paskatītos, bet tad izdziest gaisma,
You'd look into hell, but then the lights go out,
Tev sāk likties, ka vēro Tevi kāds no tumsas.
You start to think someone is watching you from the darkness.
Sāk zvanīt mobilais un tas ir nezināms numurs
Your phone starts ringing and it's an unknown number
Galīgi Dirsā Nosvīdis Samīzies Stāvi Tu matemātika paņem un saraksti tekstu,
Totally Fucked Up Sweaty Squashed Standing You take a math class and write lyrics,
Kaut kas par došanos uz priekšu, parastais reps.
Something about moving forward, yeah, the usual rap.
Klases reperis, citi sen jau raksta, prasa vecenes,
The class rapper, others have been writing for a long time, asking girls out,
Bet Tu tāds esi piedzimis, Tevī ir pati esence.
But you were born this way, you have the true essence.
Mamma domā, labāk lai repo nekā kurī spaisu
Mom thinks it's better to rap than smoke weed
Un zem eglītes Tev svētkos paliek studijas laiku. Nu
And under the Christmas tree you get studio time. Well
Bet vienam bail, paņem līdzi draugu,
But you're scared to be alone, you take a friend with you,
Bet bīta līdzi nav, rīkle kalst, trīc balss,
But there's no beat, your throat is dry, your voice is trembling,
Kad Tu pie miķa
When you're at the mic
Galīgi Dirsā Nosvīdis Samīzies Stāvi Tu neāksties ar aploksnēm, tak neesi nekāds dakteris,
Totally Fucked Up Sweaty Squashed Standing You don't deal with envelopes, you're not a doctor,
Tu esi pirmā rakete, Tev pieder kontrolpaketes.
You're the first rocket, you own the controlling stake.
Naudas ir tik daudz, ka Tu to izmanto tapetes.
You have so much money that you use it as wallpaper.
Dziesmu svētkos Vīaipijā ar auseklīti pie žaketes.
At the Song Festival in Mežaparks with a little earpiece on your jacket.
Kad biji komjaunatnē, Tev sapņos nerādījās
When you were in the Komsomol, you didn't dream
Brīva Latvija, prezidentūra un pitons terārijā.
Of a free Latvia, presidency and a python in a terrarium.
Tikai angliski Tu knapi zini pateikt, ir "karsts
You barely know how to say "hot
Dog" in English,
Bet Vašingtonā visi grib, lai Tu saki runu,
But in Washington everyone wants you to give a speech,
Bet Tu...
But you...
Galīgi Dirsā Nosvīdis Samīzies Stāvi Tu esi neglīts pēc vella, bet Tu neslikti pelni
Totally Fucked Up Sweaty Squashed Standing You're ugly as hell, but you earn a decent living
Tāpēc skaistu dāmu ieraugot, Tu nemīz un ej.
So when you see a beautiful lady, you don't pee and run.
Pieej, sāc runāt, zini var flirtu uzsākt,
You approach, you start talking, you know how to start a flirt,
Gadiem slīpēta tehnika, viss ir bumbās.
Years of honed technique, like everything is in the bag.
Šī ir Tava nakts, Tev blakus brīnišķīga dāma,
This is your night, you have a gorgeous lady beside you,
Perfektas formas, Tev prātā izvirtības nāk.
Perfect shape, kinky thoughts come to your mind.
Viņa koķete pasmaida un novelk drānas no sevis,
She smiles coquettishly and takes off her clothes,
Un tad Tu apjēdz, ka ir dāma ar peni (he-he)
And then you realize it's a lady with a penis (he-he)
Galīgi Dirsā Nosvīdis Samīzies Stāvi Tu atrodi eSeSā foršu dzīvoklīt',
Totally Fucked Up Sweaty Squashed Standing You find a nice apartment on SS.lv,
Vecā māja, čīkstoša grīda, bet spīdošs dīls.
Old house, creaky floor, but a brilliant deal.
Nu jāņem ciet, nu!
Gotta take it, now!
Pirmā diena, nu viss ķipa čotka,
First day, well, everything's fine,
Bet uz sienām sakārti kaut kādi mistiski portreti.
But some mystical portraits are hanging on the walls.
Nakts vidū neredzamas rokas aizkarus rausta,
In the middle of the night invisible hands pull the curtains,
Un no pagultes Tev vārdus sētas aizkapa balsis.
And voices buried behind your house whisper your name from the bed.
Apkārt lido tasītes, skapī ūjina pūces
Cups are flying around, owls are hooting in the closet
Un tu domā: "Sūdi, bļe, būs,
And you think: "Shit, man, this is gonna be bad,
Man ir līgums uz sešiem mēnešiem."
I have a contract for six months."
Galīgi Dirsā Nosvīdis Samīzies Stāvi Kad visi saskatās, kad redz Tevi ēkā;
Totally Fucked Up Sweaty Squashed Standing When everyone stares when they see you in the building;
Kad paprasa "Cik pulkstenis?" tev džeks treniņtērpā;
When a guy in a tracksuit asks you "What time is it?";
Kad pastāsta, kāds uzmetējs Tavs koriš bija
When they tell you what a snitch your homie was
Un tviterī Tev pieseko Valsts policija;
And the State Police follow you on Twitter;
Kad Tu raksti "bļe" aiz katra teikuma, vārda
When you write "damn it" after every sentence, every word
Un ieraugi, ka reģistrējās feisbukā māte;
And you see your mom register on Facebook;
Kad ir karsta vasaras diena un vēss ir tikai klubā,
When it's a hot summer day and it's only cool in the club,
Brauc autobusā pilnā un Tev pēkšņi gribas čurāt.
You're riding a full bus and suddenly you need to pee.
Tad Tu...
Then you...
Galīgi Dirsā Nosvīdis Samīzies Stāvi
Totally Fucked Up Sweaty Squashed Standing

Writer(s): Eduards Gorbunovs, Ansis Kolmanis, Juris Strals, Andris Zenovics

Edavārdi feat. Ansis, Melikols & Eliots - #GDNSS
date de sortie

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