Edavārdi feat. Arčijs & Skutelis - Mirušie Prezidenti - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi feat. Arčijs & Skutelis - Mirušie Prezidenti

Mirušie Prezidenti
Dead Presidents
Viss ir tikai galvā, kamēr citi šaubās
It's all in your head, while others doubt
Mūsu diski ir Hitlers ar bisi saujās
Our disks are like Hitler spraying bullets about
Kas domā šis nav fitness dikti maldās
Who thinks this isn't fitness is greatly mistaken
Tāpēc viņi nevar iznest, ko liku galdā
That's why they can't handle what I put on the table
Gribi pabarot, parazīt, savu naidu?
Want to feed, parasite, your hatred?
Es te gribu tikai pavadīt labi laiku
I just want to have a good time here
Moš' par jēdzīgu padarīt gadu gaitu
Maybe make a year's time worthwhile
Pārmaiņas pēc pamanīt tavu smaidu
For a change, see your smile
Pirms došu no repa karabīnes galu baigu
Before I give you a bad end from the rap carbine
Jo batlos nav upes no piena
Because in battles there are no rivers of milk
Un kad visu, ko tu uznes, nolieku
And when I put everything you bring
Salieku ar mieru puzles no viena
I put it together like puzzles from one
Gabala, sajūtos es kruts un nopietns
Piece, I feel cool and serious
Jo tikai šitā varu blusas nospiest
Because only this way I can crush the fleas
Un kad Edavārdi degot ber šo brīvi
And when Edavārdi burns freely
Nevaj'g jums ņemt neko personīgi
You don't have to take anything personally
Daži saka "Tā bliezt spēt ir lāsts!"
Some say "Being able to rap like that is a curse!"
Bet, veci, mans piemērs bija Nas
But, man, my example was Nas
"Illmatic" toreiz palīdzēja izprast
"Illmatic" once helped to understand
To, toreiz viņš sarīmēja tik traki
How he rhymed so crazy back then
Velāk to pašu arī mēdza Big Pun's
Big Pun's used to do the same later
Tādām skilam šeit, pagrīdē, pat ir bans
Such skills here, underground, even have a ban
Bet, ja uzmauktu daļa popscēnas
But if it were put on as part of the pop scene
Vai tevi uztrauktu tās manas problēmas?
Would you be worried about my problems?
Piedz. 4X
Chorus 4X
Šādam skilam nav bijuši precidenti
Such skill has had no presidents
Tas netiks viltots miruši prezidenti
It will not be counterfeited like dead presidents
Kāpēc tu klausies tajā, ko saku?
Why do you listen to what I say?
Un kāpēc es vietā šajā šo lasu?
And why am I reading this in this place?
Domas? Varu arī glabāt šo masu
Thoughts? I can also keep this mass
Bet masku katra teksta galā nokasu
But I scratch off the mask at the end of each text
Laiku tērē tik tālu, ka mēle ir bāla
Time is wasted so far that my tongue is pale
Un vērtē ik vārdu Mēness kristālu
And evaluate every word like a Moon crystal
Tēmē uz skilu uz drēbēm itāļi
Aim for the skill like Italians do on clothes
Jo repot labi ir spēlēt ģitāru
Because rapping well is like playing the guitar
Kaut gan nav zagtas spējas no TV
Even though the skills are not stolen from TV
Laikam tikai daži spēj to novertēt
Sometimes only a few can appreciate it
Un par šīm rīmēm reizēm bari pat uzbrauc
And sometimes people even attack for these rhymes
Bet, zini, tomēr tikai mani tas uztrauc
But, you know, only I'm worried about it
Staigā zem vielas štīmī, vai ar lielu blingu
Walk under the substance mood, or with a big bling
Kas ik dienas šķind, un club hītus griez uz riņķi
Which jingles every day, and plays club hits on repeat
Ko tu izmurgo pantā, es saku ar 1 rindu
What you mumble in the verse, I say with 1 line
Bet vienalga mani gan nīst, gan ciena simti
But I'm still hated and respected by hundreds
Un ignorē miljoni, bet es turpinu bīdīt tās lietas
And ignored by millions, but I keep pushing those things
Nemainot sev standartu un brīvību pret cieņu
Without changing my standard and freedom for respect
No pseido-true MC'ijiem, kas nebeidz skolot un īdēt
From pseudo-true MCs who don't stop teaching and yelling
Katrā dziesmā, tik' nemāk labi flow'ot un rīmēt
In every song, just can't flow and rhyme well
Tu stāsti rajoņikiem, ka es tev besīju, ārprāts
You tell the hoodlums that I pissed you off, crazy
Bet kāpēc sejā es dzirdu "Respekts, vecīt, ka atnāci!"
But why do I hear in my face "Respect, man, that you came!"
Mūs diss'o, mūs heito, un vēl te džeki apskauž
We are dissed, we are hated, and the dudes are envious here
Jo PKI tiem sagrāva LV repa pasaulīti
Because PKI ruined their world of Latvian rap
Vairums uzticīgo fanu, čista, apsitās
Most loyal fans, pure, as beaten up
Beidzot izdzirdot, ka arī šis skan latviski
Finally heard that this also sounds Latvian like that
Kad sapisīšos būs liels blings man svastiskā
When I get rich I will have a big bling in a swastika
Jo piesaku feikiem genocīdu instant klasikās
Because I order genocide for fakes in instant classics
"Multi rīmes un flovs, tas ir sūdīgi," saki nafig?
"Multi rhymes and flow, that's bad," say what?
Ja to aizsāka leģendas Kool G Rap un Rakim
If it was started by legends like Kool G Rap and Rakim
Tu nīsti tos reprezentus, un pats tu visu zini
You hate those representatives, and you know everything yourself
Bet, tad tu heito un nesaproti Nas'u vai Bigiju?
But then you hate and don't understand Nas or Biggie?
Pārdrukājat grāmatiņas un murgus tik' kaisat
You reprint little books and just keep pouring nonsense
Jūs varat mest ēnas, kad ugunis taisam
You can cast shadows when we make fire
Es jūtos ērti, jūsuprāt, repot par repu
I feel comfortable, in your opinion, rapping about rap
Ja jūs repojat repu par repu, kuru es repoju par repu
If you rap rap about rap that I rap about rap
Piedz. 4X
Chorus 4X
Skutelis pie miķa nu tik dulli būs
Skutelis on the mic it's going to be crazy
Es izārstēšu Tavu kuci Dulituls
I'll cure Your chick like Dulituls
Man nevajag, lai piešķirtu man slavu, titulu
I don't need to be given glory, title
Savu pagātni Es nesaku Tito kungs,
I don't tell my past like Mr. Tito, yeah
Bīstams tarantuls; lai mūk ganāmpulks
Dangerous tarantula; let the herd flee
Un mans galapunkts ir Olimps
And my final destination is Olympus
Es nezinu, kas notiks, bet, pat ja maina notis
I don't know what will happen, but even if the notes change
Man vajag laikam norimt pirms ļauju laikam nodilt
I probably need to calm down before I let time wear out
Esmu Harisons kaut kas starp Lenonu un Bahu
I'm like Harrison something between Lennon and Bach
baritons kaut kas starp tenoru un basu
Like a baritone something between a tenor and a bass
Aristotelis starp Zenonu un Krasu
Like Aristotle between Zeno and Krasus
Vašingtona kas starp Detroitu un Karakasu
Like Washington which is between Detroit and Caracas
Un, ja man prasa, tad bara masu tas dara mazu
And if they ask me, it does little to the mass of the crowd
Ka viņi cenšas pateikt katram asu vārdu
That they try to say a sharp word to everyone
Esmu neglīts, atgādinu Karabasu. Bet kam man tas
I'm ugly, I resemble Karabas. But why do I need that
Ja labāk lasu, bez steigas gaidot to, kāds būs žūrijas verdikts?
If I read better, slowly waiting for what the jury's verdict will be?
Pat ja mūzikai reps slikts, Es turpinu bez trika
Even if the music is bad for rap, I continue without a trick
grūpijas bez stila, sniegt neķītras atbildes
Like groupies without style, give dirty answers
No netīras mapītes, gaidot sekmīgas atzīmes
From a dirty folder, waiting for successful grades
Piedz. 4X
Chorus 4X

Writer(s): Artūrs Jablokovs, Arturs Skutelis, Eduards Gorbunovs

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