Edavārdi feat. Arčijs - Tas Nav Tavs - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi feat. Arčijs - Tas Nav Tavs

Tas Nav Tavs
It's Not Yours
Tu piedzimi kliedzot, kā, kad nogalina, liekas
You were born screaming, like when they kill, it seems
Šīs pasaules bērns, kas nāk no pavisam citas vietas
A child of this world, who comes from a completely different place
Dzīvības dzirksts, kas lec pāri likumam
A spark of life, jumping over the bend
Tava mīkla, kura jārisina visumam
Your riddle, which the universe has to solve
Kur Tu biji, bērns, cik atlicis vēl laiks?
Where have you been, child, how much time is left?
Ko teici pasaulei, vai apnicis ir kaifs?
What did you tell the world, are you tired of the buzz?
Tevi pieņēma, bija papildus kas skaists?
How was you accepted, was there something extra beautiful?
Jautājumi, uz kuriem atbildes ir naids?
Questions to which the answers are hatred?
Ko Tu man parādīsi, maz vai daudz?
What will you show me, little or much?
Tu sauc man savu vārdu, bet tas nav Tavs
You call your name to me, but it's not yours
Tu rādi dzimteni, par kuru upurēsies likts
You show your homeland, for which you'll sacrifice yourself as if destined
To sauc par mājām, bet to uzbūvēja kāds cits
They call it home, but someone else built it
Labi pavadīts laiks, ņem no piemiņu
Good time spent, take a memory from it
Bet tas nav Tavs, Tev to kāds iedeva
But it's not yours, someone gave it to you
Rādi savu māju, kājas velkot pa parketu
Show your house, dragging your feet across the parquet
Bet nav Tava, Tev to kāds pārdeva
But it's not yours, someone passed it on to you
Lamuvārdus pievienot jau replikai gribēji
You wanted to add swear words to your rap
Bet tie nepieder Tev, bet tavai videi
But they don't belong to you, they belong to your environment
Tu rādi savus draugus, jūs piektdienu gribiet
You show your friends, you want Friday
Viņi nepieder Tev, Tu piederi viņiem
They don't belong to you, you belong to them
Tu rādi dusmas aktīvi, braši
You show your anger actively, bravely
Tās nav tavas, tu tikai atbildi ar to pašu
They're not yours, you're just responding with the same
Apgalvojot, ka par Tevi citi nepavēl
Claiming that no one commands you
Bet Tu tikai dod pretī to, ko citi deva Tev
But you only give back what others gave you
Tu redzēji zeltu, tāpēc štuko, perini
You saw gold, so you ponder, you hatch
Tu tam visam tici, bet Tu to nezini
You believe it all, but you don't know it
Demonstrē man stilu, citiem līdz tam tālu vēl
Show me style, others are still far from it
Bet Tas nav tavs, ja tas sākumā ir jāuzvelk
But it's not yours, if you have to put it on in the beginning
Kas Tu esi, mans bērns, Tu nestaro bet karo
Who are you, my child, you don't shine, but you fight
Tevi zvaigznes sauc, bet Tu nesaproti viņu valodu
The stars call you, but you don't understand their language
Kas Tu būsi, ja visi ceļi, kas vijas, tiks aprauti
What will you be if all the winding roads are cut off
Ja Tu beigās esi tikai reakcija uz pasauli
If you're just a reaction to the world in the end
2x Piedz.
2x Chorus
Kas Tev iedeva šīs bailes un atklāsmes
Who gave you these fears and revelations
Neko nevar paņemt līdz, ko Tu aiz sevis atstāsi
You can't take anything with you, what you leave behind
Ja Tu esi dzīvs, aizej un pastāsti
If you're alive, go and tell
Ko Tu, ko Tu, ko Tu aiz sevis atstāsi
What you, what you, what you leave behind
Ieklausies! Esmu piederība tava, jūti savādu stresu
Listen! I'm your belonging, you feel a strange stress
Šķiet, jo ātrāks nets, jo Tu tālāk esi
It seems the faster the internet, the further away you are
Esmu ego Tavs, ausī dziedu balādi vecu
I'm your ego, singing an old ballad in your ear
Nopērc garāku mersi un dod man karātus vēl
Buy a longer Mercedes and give me more carats
Esmu sirds Tava, par to reizēm lamāju Tevi
I'm your heart, I sometimes scold you for that
Neaizber ar naudu, un es banka parādu ceļu
Don't cover me with money, and I, like a bank, will show you the way
Esmu talants, veci, tici man, Tu labāks esi
I'm talent, old man, believe me, you're better
Tu mani manāmi slēp, es parādos, kad hlamā esi
You noticeably hide me, I appear when you're wasted
Esmu ķermenis Tavs elpu ārā dvešu
I am your body - I breathe out
Visu, kas Tu esi, ārpasaulei parādu es
I show the outside world everything you are
Tās ir lamatas, veci, Tu liec man samazgas ēst
These are traps, old man, you make me eat crumbs
Es varu važas plēst smagatlēts
I can tear the reins like a weightlifter
Esmu brīvība Tava, izmet ārā darba drēbes
I am your freedom, throw away your work clothes
Parādi man Marakešu vai no parapeta
Show me Marrakech or how from the parapet
Lamanšs plešas . nav Tava dzīve, ko Tu dzīvo
The English Channel stretches . it's not your life you're living
Tās nav Tavas acis, tajās sen jau pagaisa degsme
These are not your eyes, the passion in them has long since faded
Cik vēl apļus ap Sauli Tu domā sēdēt pasīvi
How many more circles around the Sun do you think you'll sit passively
Pleķītī uz akmens kosmosā, ko dēvē Latvija
On a patch of rock in space called Latvia
Pildīt svešus ideālus, ar saviebtu ģīmi izdabāt
Fulfill other people's ideals, indulge with a feigned smile
Mērīt, vai Tev izdevās, pēc nelaimīgas sabiedrības lineāla
Measure whether you've succeeded by the ruler of an unhappy society
Tu vaino visus citus un jau banālo recesiju
You blame everyone else and the banal recession
Bet visi ceļi, ko Tu gāji, bij' ar mazāko pretestību
But all the roads you took were with the least resistance
Vecāku cerības caur depresiju līdz kapsētai vedīs
Parental hopes through depression will lead to the cemetery
Tu bēdz no atbildēm, kas ir paslēptas tevī
You run from answers that are hidden within you
Dzīvo vienreiz? Dari to, kas vērts ir un Tavs
Live once? Do what is worthy and yours
Vai, būdams bērns, uz sevi nokatītos lepni Tu pats?
Would you, as a child, look upon yourself proudly?
Ja Tu tikai labo redzi tā, lēcas uz acs
If you only see good as lenses on your eyes
Tad Tu vēsi esi kandidāts priekš spēlmaņu nakts
Then you'd be a cool candidate for a gambler's night
Štatu sapnis kredītā mantas lētas un prastas
The dream of a state in credit - things are cheap and common
Tablešu grēdas ar to sader tā, zēni un karš
Rows of pills go with it like boys and war
Bērni un darbs, bez sapņa kļūst bēdas un nastas?
Children and work, without a dream become sorrows and burdens?
Ko Tu atstāsi spamu netā vai pēdas uz Marsa?
What will you leave behind - spam on the internet or footprints on Mars?

Writer(s): Eduards Gorbunovs, Karlis Kolmanis, Arturs Jablokovs

Edavārdi feat. Arčijs - Galvaskauss
date de sortie

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