Edavārdi - Cel glāzi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi - Cel glāzi

Cel glāzi
Raise a Glass
Mājās palieku šodien ar paiku un wi-fi
Staying home tonight with takeout and Wi-Fi
Kāda vaina? Pat, ja mani gaida - bye bye
So what? Even if they're waiting for me - bye-bye
Ja šonedēļ tikai ir nine to five, lai
If this week is just a nine-to-five grind, so be it
Un istaba līdzinās karalaika ainai
And my room looks like a wartime scene
Vajag laiku, gadalaiku maiņai
Need time like the changing seasons
Pilnīgi nekam, nevajag man "davai" vai "laižam"
Absolutely nothing, I don't need "come on" or "let's go"
Tās nav vaimanas, nejautā te, vai kas kaiš man
These aren't complaints, don't ask if something's wrong
Kamēr tinat zāli vainagus vaibam gaišam
While you roll weed like wreaths for a bright face
Man slāpst arī, bet pēc jūras vai dušas
I'm thirsty too, but for the sea or a shower
Manas glāzes ir tīras, jūsu ir tukšas
My glasses are clean, yours are empty
Kur visiem telefoni rokās deg "Pall Mall"
Where everyone's phones in their hands burn like "Pall Mall"
Jums ir rinda uz tualeti, bet man gan nav
You have a line for the bathroom, but I don't
Guļu gultā, tālāk nav jākrātās
Lying in bed, no need to move further
Storijus taisāt, kādam tie jāskatās
Making stories, someone has to watch them
Dejo tā, ka no dabū plakano pēdu
Dancing so hard you get flat feet
Man plānu nav tādu, jo vakar jau dzēru
I don't have such plans, because I already drank yesterday
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar
Raise a glass to those who can't
Un nevar, un negrib, un nedrīkst, jo rītā pie stūres
And can't, and don't want to, and shouldn't, because they're driving tomorrow
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar
Raise a glass to those who can't
Un nevar, un negrib, un nedrīkst, jo rītā uz darbu
And can't, and don't want to, and shouldn't, because they have work tomorrow
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar
Raise a glass to those who can't
Un nevar, un negrib, un nedrīkst, jo rītā uz sportu
And can't, and don't want to, and shouldn't, because they have sports tomorrow
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar,
Raise a glass to those who can't,
Par tiem, kuri nevar, par tiem, kuri. nevar
To those who can't, to those who. can't
Par tiem, kam vajadzīgs ūdens
To those who need water
Par tiem, kam vajadzīgs miers
To those who need peace
Par tiem, kas šodien pie stūres
To those who are driving today
Moš′ kāds cits parādīsies
Maybe someone else will show up
Tas nekas, ja visa nakts jau ir svinēta
It's okay if the whole night has already been celebrated
Tas nav miega bads, ir diēta
This isn't sleep deprivation, it's a diet
Visi klusi, bet es pats, hiēna
Everyone's quiet, but I'm by myself, like a hyena
Kur ir tuss? Tagad rakstu tev DM'ā
Where's the party? Now I'm writing to you in DM
Tieši, kad karuseļi man jau pa pusei ir klāt
Right when the carousels are already halfway there for me
Jums ir balle? Vai es varu sevi uzaicināt?
You having a party? Can I invite myself?
Lai pasēdēt varam tur, kur ir peregara daudz
So we can sit where there's a lot of smoke
Krēslu man nevajag, jo man derēs tava auss
I don't need a chair, your ear will do
Vajag vēl padzert un parunāt, kad no disenes izejam
Need to drink more and talk when we leave the club
Un es tev to pasniedzu biznesa ideju
And I present it to you as a business idea
Davai, šo nakti bliežam vienīgo
Come on, let's blow this night like it's the only one
Ko? Šodien visi tiešām pa mierīgo?!
What? Is everyone really taking it easy today?!
nav standarta lieta, taisam bardaku lielu
This is not a standard thing, let's make a big mess
Jo brīvdienu ir mazāk nekā darba dienu
Because there are fewer days off than workdays
Vajag iedzīt nokavēto, bet jūs buksējat atkal
Need to catch up on what we missed, but you're stalling again
nav mana vaina, ka jūs tusējāt vakar
It's not my fault you partied yesterday
Par tiem, kam vajadzīgs ūdens
To those who need water
Par tiem, kam vajadzīgs miers
To those who need peace
Par tiem, kas šodien pie stūres
To those who are driving today
Moš′ kāds cits parādīsies
Maybe someone else will show up
Par tiem, kam vajadzīgs ūdens
To those who need water
Par tiem, kam vajadzīgs miers
To those who need peace
Par tiem, kas šodien pie stūres
To those who are driving today
Moš' kāds cits parādīsies
Maybe someone else will show up
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar
Raise a glass to those who can't
Un nevar, un negrib, un nedrīkst, jo rītā pie stūres
And can't, and don't want to, and shouldn't, because they're driving tomorrow
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar
Raise a glass to those who can't
Un nevar, un negrib, un nedrīkst, jo rītā uz darbu
And can't, and don't want to, and shouldn't, because they have work tomorrow
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar
Raise a glass to those who can't
Un nevar, un negrib, un nedrīkst, jo rītā uz sportu
And can't, and don't want to, and shouldn't, because they have sports tomorrow
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar,
Raise a glass to those who can't,
Par tiem, kuri nevar, par tiem, kuri. nevar
To those who can't, to those who. can't
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar
Raise a glass to those who can't
Un nevar, un negrib, un nedrīkst, jo rītā pie stūres
And can't, and don't want to, and shouldn't, because they're driving tomorrow
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar
Raise a glass to those who can't
Un nevar, un negrib, un nedrīkst, jo rītā uz darbu
And can't, and don't want to, and shouldn't, because they have work tomorrow
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar
Raise a glass to those who can't
Un nevar, un negrib, un nedrīkst, jo rītā uz sportu
And can't, and don't want to, and shouldn't, because they have sports tomorrow
Cel glāzi par tiem, kuri nevar,
Raise a glass to those who can't,
Par tiem, kuri nevar, par tiem, kuri. nevar
To those who can't, to those who. can't

Writer(s): Eduards Gorbunovs

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