Edavārdi - Ej Ellē - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi - Ej Ellē

Ej Ellē
Go to Hell
Tas, ka nedegšu Ellē šķiet pašsaprotami
It seems obvious that I won't burn in Hell
Bet reizēm pretējo man liek saprast godam
But sometimes life makes me understand the opposite
dzīve, manu ticību viegli atkarodama
It easily loosens my faith
stipra amazone, līdz sviesti atkal nosaka
Like a strong amazon, until butter decides again
Visu, jo skaties es varu saprast atziņas
Everything, because look I can understand insights
Atrakt atmiņas, un rakstīt garas, saspringtas
Find memories and write long, tense
Rīmes, kurās ticība manis labad atdzimst
Rhymes in which faith is reborn for my own good
Bet joprojām būšu parasts mūzikas fanāts
But I'll still be a regular music fan
Garmatains, slinks, kurš pa ceļam kūciņas pagrābs
Long-haired, lazy, who will grab a cupcake along the way
Teiks, ka vairs nepīpēs, un tūlīt pat savāks
He'll say he won't smoke anymore and will immediately pick up
Atkal vienu no drauga, līdz dūmi ir galā
Another one from a friend, until the smoke is gone
Teikšu, ka saņemšos, bet jūtu, ka pofig
I'll say I'll pull myself together, but I feel like I don't care
būs arī ar skolu, līdz es kļūšu ka Kosķiks
It will be the same with school until I become like Kosķiks
Vienalga pēc tam sēdēšu pie TV ar riepu
Anyway, after that, I'll be sitting by the TV with a tire
Tie parastie cilvēki laiku tērē ar Dievu
Those ordinary people waste time with God
Nevis domājot šito, vai arī rakstot šito
Instead of thinking about this, or even writing this
Cerot stundas darbu pēc tam atdot diskos
Hoping to release hours of work on discs afterwards
Sakot "Pisos gadus, smagi radot visu šo!"
Saying "Damn years, it was hard to create all of this!"
Varam runāt pozitīvi zem kokaīna
We can talk positively like under cocaine
Saprast prosta dzīvi, bet tagad jau es prosta smīnu
Understand a simple life, but now I'm just smiling
Jo puse jau aizmirst to, kad iziet vodka tīra
Because half of them already forget it when they go out on pure vodka
Un stājas uz eskalātoru nākamajā rītā
And get on the escalator the next morning
Nopērk tam biļeti nākamajā strīdā
Buy a ticket for it in the next argument
Līdz Ēdene nav klāt, bet pārāk tālu drīzāk
Until Eden is not here, but it's too far away
Un Elle ir tuvu, un arī vāji stāvi līdzās
And Hell is close and you are also standing weakly nearby
Reizēm man šķiet, ka arī maucu uz to pusi
Sometimes it seems to me that I'm also gravitating towards that side
Uz tīru iznīcību, tur, kur graustus uzkopusi
To pure destruction, where the grains have been harvested
Nāve, bet, zini, tomēr viss ir galvā, pareizi?
Death, but, you know, it's all in your head, right?
Ja jutīšos ātrs, tad sanāks kaut sasteigt
If I feel fast, then I'll manage to hurry up somehow
Un tagad es domāju, ka es eju baigā pakaļā
And now I think I'm going to hell
Šajā brīdi prāta spēks ir vairāk saskatāms
At this moment, the power of the mind is more visible
Skatoties apkārt, bet gribas staigāt patvaļā
Looking around, but you want to walk freely
Vajag tikai ideju, ja vajag tikai izeju
All you need is an idea, if you just need a way out
Veidojas okeāns, kad savas es tev izleju
An ocean is formed when I pour out mine to you
Tauta būtu mēma, ja zinātu, cik spējīga
The nation would be a meme if it knew how capable it was
Tieši tāpēc viņas dzīve ir it jēdzīga
That's why her life is so meaningful
Ja tev tas nepatīk, tad pasaki to acīs
If you don't like it, then say it to my face
Kad kustās uzacis, es zinu esi zadzis
When your eyebrows move, I know you've stolen
Atbalsti dievus un esi lelle
Support the gods and be like a doll
Saki, ko domā, ja ne tad ej Ellē
Say what you think, if not, go to hell
Ja tev tas nepatīk, tad pasaki to acīs
If you don't like it, then say it to my face
Kad kustās uzacis, es zinu esi zadzis
When your eyebrows move, I know you've stolen
Atbalsti dievus un esi lelle
Support the gods and be like a doll
Saki, ko domā, ja ne tad ej Ellē
Say what you think, if not, go to hell
Tad, kad savas dziesmas saucu par neko labu
When I call my songs no good
Mans vienīgais arguments bij′, ka es to varu
My only argument was that I can do it
Es vēl nepazīstu dzīvi, kaut norit jau dekāde
I don't know life yet, even though a decade has already passed
Bet atkārtosies tas, kas notika repā
But what happened in rap will repeat itself
Nenokā radīju šo, lai arī cik smiekli plūstu
I didn't create this for nothing, no matter how much laughter flows
No 1 santīma 10 var viegli gūt
From 1 cent you can easily get 10
Jo viss, kas apkārt radās no 1 šūnas
Because everything around came from 1 cell
Zini, viss ir iespējams, ja ir bezgalīgs Visums
You know, anything is possible if there is an infinite Universe
Tāpēc manas idejas neskar erudīts likums
Therefore, my ideas are not touched by the law of the erudite
Un to es paņēmu, kad dzīve deva izvēli
And I took it when life gave me a choice
Manas drēbes un sapņi ir XXL izmēra
My clothes and my dreams are XXL size
Es beidzot atradu izeju, man gribējās zīmēt
I finally found a way out, I wanted to draw
Ar mūziku, lai pastītos uz ideju dzīvē
With music, to mock the idea of life
Galvenais darīt gribu, un savu nesasteidzu
The main thing is to do what I want, and I'm not rushing mine
Bet daži saka, ka pat to daru nepareizi
But some say I'm even doing that wrong
Grib mest man sāli kaut kādi kulināri
They want to throw salt at me like some kind of cooks
Bet cik daudzi dzīvot šeit šādi turpinātu
But how many would continue to live here like this
Zinot, ka šī dzīve ir unikāli unikāla
Knowing that this life is uniquely unique
Ja tev tas nepatīk, tad pasaki to acīs
If you don't like it, then say it to my face
Kad kustās uzacis, es zinu esi zadzis
When your eyebrows move, I know you've stolen
Atbalsti dievus un esi lelle
Support the gods and be like a doll
Saki, ko domā, ja ne tad ej Ellē
Say what you think, if not, go to hell
Ja tev tas nepatīk, tad pasaki to acīs
If you don't like it, then say it to my face
Kad kustās uzacis, es zinu esi zadzis
When your eyebrows move, I know you've stolen
Atbalsti dievus un esi lelle
Support the gods and be like a doll
Saki, ko domā, ja ne tad ej Ellē
Say what you think, if not, go to hell

Writer(s): Ansis

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