Edavārdi - Es Esmu Šeit (Kashuks remix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi - Es Esmu Šeit (Kashuks remix)

Es Esmu Šeit (Kashuks remix)
I Am Here (Kashuks remix)
Pie manis policists piegāja, kam smaids bij' imitēts
A police officer approached me with a forced smile
Es ātrumu pārkāpu, skrienot baigais zibenzellis
I was speeding, running like a crazy lightning bolt
Prasīja: "Tu esi traks, dēls, vai civilizēts?"
He asked, "Are you crazy, son, or civilized?"
Un es paskaidroju ka mans laiks ir limitēts
And I explained that my time is limited
Kad man teica pārmetot: "Tu mainīties sāc!"
When he told me to change my ways: "Start changing!"
Es teicu, ka nokavēju, lai mani gaidītu kāds
I said that I'm late, someone is waiting for me
Kad mani pratināj' prasot: "Uz ko tautu vedini Tu?"
When they used to ask: "To what nation are you leading?"
Es teicu, ka tikai eju, un es nezinu, kur
I said that I'm just going, and I don't know where
Manai dzīvei tikai pienāk starts vakarā
My life only starts in the evening
Bars atkal stāv, sākas fars, maskarādes
The crowd is standing again, the farce begins, masquerades
Bet man pofig par manām acīm tik' Marss sarkanāks
But I don't care only Mars is redder than my eyes
Prasi: "Kāpēc?" Es nezināju, ka var savādāk
You ask, "Why?" I didn't know it could be any other way
Visu, ko rakstu Tev, par kapeiku var pirkt
Everything I write to you can be bought for a penny
Bet es esmu meklēšanā, jo es pateicu, ir
But I'm searching because I told you how it is
Nav man viegli, labi ir, atkal lietas daru
It's not easy for me, it's alright, I'm doing things again
Mani iedvesmoja dziesma, bet man nav neviena alibi
A song inspired me, but I don't have an alibi
Mani paņēma ciet kāda veikalā, jo man izmaiņas vaj'g
Some lady caught me in the store because I needed change
Jo acīs man palika prieks pat, kad izgaisa smaids
Because joy remained in my eyes even when the smile faded
Kāpēc par visu Tu necepies, tie, kurus izmaina naids?
Why don't you worry about everything like those consumed by hatred?
Es pateicu viņiem, jo esmu šeit tikai uz laiku
I told them because I'm only here for a while
Līdzinos lirikā reizēm es vulgāram tipam
Sometimes my lyrics resemble a vulgar guy
Dabūju kvīti, jo man vajadzēja būt kādam citam
I got a receipt because I had to be someone else
Kļūdas pieļāvu, par kurām nedraud iet uz cietumu
I made mistakes for which I'm not threatened with jail time
Bet Tavs acu skatiens man ir tiesas spriedums
But your look is like a court sentence to me
Es esmu šeit
I am here
Ko vēl man teikt
What else can I say
Es biju īsts, es biju feiks
I was real, I was fake
Es biju dzīvs, es biju beigts
I was alive, I was dead
Man jābūt labam pilsonim, to patīk deldēt manī
I have to be a good citizen, they love to instill that in me
Bet, ja ticu paradīzei vai man jātic ellei arī?
But if I believe in paradise, should I believe in hell too?
Es nevēlu sliktu, es tikai dodos tālāk
I don't wish bad things, I'm just moving on
Bet, novelkot robežas, Tu man dod, ko pārkāpt
But by setting boundaries, you give me something to break
Sirdsapziņa lēnām nogalina neass nazis
Conscience slowly kills like a dull knife
Jā, es esmu melojis, jā, es esmu zadzis
Yes, I've lied, yes, I've stolen
Es to ne vienmēr risinu tās kļūdas liek bēguļot
I don't always solve it these mistakes make me run away
Varbūt tāpēc, kad man ir labi, es jūtos grēkojot
Maybe that's why when I'm happy, I feel like I'm sinning
Tu vari man teikt, ka par visu, ko daru, te pienākas stress un bēdas
You can tell me that everything I do deserves stress and sorrow
Vari baidīt ar elli pat sātanu, bet mans lielākais grēks ir gļēvums
You can scare me with hell and even Satan, but my biggest sin is stupidity
Tas piedāvāt bērnam bēres vai likt piegādāt ēst uz Mēness
It's like offering a child a funeral or ordering food to the Moon
Jā, esmu vainīgs, un varu vēl piebilst bez pietātes: "Esmu dzēris."
Yes, I'm guilty, and I can add without piety: "I've been drinking."
Jo vai Tu ticētu, ka patiesībā man mantas, nu, nerūp?
Because would you believe that I really don't care about possessions?
Bet esmu tas vainīgais te, tikai lai tas Tu nebūtu
But I'm the guilty one here, just so you wouldn't be
Ar asarām acis jau piepildās, tai to tikko šeit nebij'
My eyes are filling with tears, it wasn't here just now
Es aizskāru tevi, bet tikai, jo likās, Tev ir, ko teikt pretī
I offended you, but only because it seemed like you had something to say back
Tu dāvā man siltumu, mieru te, nevis izstaro noliegumu
You give me warmth, peace here, not radiating negativity
Bet kāpēc, kad tuvojos Tev, šķiet, ka es izdaru noziegumu?
But why, when I get close to you, it feels like I'm committing a crime?
Es varu būt sarunās skaļš, ass, ja stāstuprikolus
I can be loud, sharp, telling jokes in company
Bet bail, ko jūtu, Tev atklāt, it tas ir ārpus likuma
But I'm afraid to reveal to you what I feel, as if it's against the law
Es paskaidrot nevaru to, ko te daru, jau sodiem gaidu debiju
I can't explain what I'm doing here, I'm already waiting for punishment
Kas ticēs, ka nozagu pulksteni tādēļ, ka todien laika nebija?
Who would believe that I stole a watch because I didn't have time that day?
Un ka man ir slepeni plāni, kas mainīs visu, bet negribu kādu vēl gaidīt
And that I have secret plans that will change everything, but I don't want to wait for anyone else
It Tu ticētu tam, ja Tev teiktu, ka nebiju pālī, bet laimīgs
As if you would believe it if I told you I wasn't in the barn, but happy
Es esmu šeit
I am here
Ko vēl man teikt
What else can I say
Es biju īsts, es biju feiks
I was real, I was fake
Es biju dzīvs, es biju beigts
I was alive, I was dead

Writer(s): Edavārdi, Kashuks

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