Edavārdi - Gribēju, Kā Labāk - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi - Gribēju, Kā Labāk

Gribēju, Kā Labāk
I Wanted the Best
Es izskatījos nemirstīgs, saniķojies ar nāvi
I looked immortal, like I'd made a deal with death.
Mans katrs solis bija paziņojums, ka nāku
Every step I took was a statement: I'm coming.
Katrs teikums svarīgs, pareģojums ar prāvu
Every sentence mattered, like a prophecy with a hefty
Fanu pulku, es plūdu, cits sapiķotu par tādu
Crowd of fans, I'm swimming in it, others would kill for this.
Mēs ienācām dziedot, visi planēja tad pakaļ man
We entered singing, everyone was glowing, following me.
Priesteri sauca sargus, tie kavējās līdz vakaram
Priests called the guards, they were delayed till evening.
Es sludināju, lai gaismu slavētu atskaņas
I preached to praise the light like an echo.
Ka katrs ir īpašs, un ka planēta ir apaļa
That everyone is special, and that the planet is round.
Es gāju ar neapautām kājām, lai es varētu just Zemes silto elpu.
I walked barefoot, so I could feel the Earth's warm breath.
Kad es prasīju: "Vai es varu to nobliezt?", tauta teica, es varu.
When I asked, "Can I pull this off?", the people said, I could.
Viņi uzsāka teikumus, bet es tos pabeidzu.
They started sentences, but I finished them.
Kad es runāju, mans spieķis pārvērtās par mikrofonu.
When I spoke, my staff turned into a microphone.
Mēs ieturējām launagu, lai parādītu cieņu tālajam ceļam ko veicām.
We had lunch to honor the long journey we took.
Tad es parādīju virzienu, un viņi uzbūvēja ceļu.
Then I showed the direction, and they built a road.
Mēs devāmies uz templi, un bez plašas maskarādes
We went to the temple, without a grand masquerade.
Un pirmais, ko dzirdēju, bija kases aparāts
And the first thing I heard was the cash register.
Apgāzu stendus, uz grīdas izbira zelts
I overturned the stands, gold spilled on the floor.
Šī vieta nav tirgus, jūsu izbrīns ir velts
This place is not a market, your surprise is in vain.
Mēs svinējām vakarā, alus lija no kausa
We celebrated in the evening, beer flowed from the goblet.
Spriedu: "Tas, ko darīju šodien, moš' bija par daudz."
I thought, "What I did today, maybe it was too much."
Bet pūļa gaviles apbur un maitā
But the crowd's cheers enchant and spoil.
No katras par mani paceltās glāzes es apskurbu vairāk
With every glass raised for me, I warmed up more.
Mana apziņa izšķīda alkoholā un uzslavās cukurs.
My conscience dissolved in alcohol and praise like sugar.
Es aizmigu, un visi apklusa, lai dzirdētu, ko es sapņoju.
I fell asleep, and everyone came closer to hear what I was dreaming.
Bet es nesapņoju, es biju piedzēries, es biju noguris.
But I didn't dream, I was drunk, I was tired.
Kad es pamodos, es biju piesists pie krusta
When I woke up, I was nailed to the cross.
Pūlis tas pats, bet manas dziesmas dzied klusu
The same crowd, but they're singing my songs quietly.
"Kas notika?!" kliedzu, man liesmas griež dusmas
"What happened?!" I screamed, anger burns me like flames.
Līdz es pamanīju, ka citam uz ielas sviež puķes
Until I noticed that someone else on the street is being showered with flowers.
tad ar mani? Retais žēloja vai nolika
What about me? Few pitied or acknowledged me.
Centos pievērst uzmanību, tēloju, ka nomiru
Trying to get attention, I pretended to die.
Kāds teica: "Re, kur vandālis, kas jēlības nes!"
Someone said, "Look, a vandal who's up to no good!"
Ja runa iet par templi, cienītais tas nebiju es
If it's about the temple, dear, it wasn't me.
Noiets etaps, lai par mani domātu pat drusku
A stage passed, so they would think of me even a little.
Visiem bij vienalga, un es nokāpu no krusta
Everyone didn't care, and I got off the cross.
Dzīve ir ceļš, ko tur padarīt, gana bēdas
Life is like a road, what to do, enough sorrow.
Es gāju meklēt kādu, kam parādīt manas rētas
I went to look for someone to show my scars.
Atpakaļ mājās un atkal atpakaļ rutīnā
Back home and back to routine again.
Atkal biju "nekas" es, un nevis vakara rubrikā
I was "nobody" again, not in the evening headlines.
Manas asinis nožuva, kad pārkāpu pār lieveni
My blood dried as I crossed the threshold.
Gribēju labāk, sanāca kā... vienmēr
I wanted the best, it turned out as... always.
Man bija labākais plāns pasaulē, pacelt piķi
I had the best plan in the world, how to make bank.
Skeptiķi teica: "Prāts satraumēts," man, "atcel visu!"
Skeptics said: "Mind traumatized," told me to "cancel everything!"
Vajadzēja tikai savākt grupu, ko pieskatīt
All I had to do was gather a group to look after.
Lai dzirdētu sirēnu dziesmu, un tad to pierakstīt
To hear the siren's song, and then write it down.
Ļoti vienkārši mani piesies pie masta
Very simple they'll tie me to the mast.
Jums būs ausīs vasks iekšā, liesiet to paši
You'll have wax in your ears, take it out yourselves.
Tad sarakstīšu dziesmu saldāku lieliski našķi
Then I'll write a song sweeter than the finest treats.
Naudu dalam vienādi, lai nav tie dienišķie kašķi un viss
Money in the pocket all the same, so there are no daily squabbles, and that's it.
Es vienmēr esmu bijis sapņotājs.
I've always been a dreamer.
Un nez kāpēc nekas neveicina fantāziju tukšs maks.
And for some reason, nothing stimulates the imagination like an empty wallet.
Es nenomēru 7 reizes. Es metu cirvi ar aizvērtām acīm un nākamajā rītā lasu laikrakstus, meklējot savu vārdu.
I didn't die 7 times. I threw an axe with my eyes closed and the next morning I read newspapers, looking for my name.
Mani argumenti bija viegli apgāžami, bet mans entuziasms bija lipīgs.
My arguments were easily refuted, but my enthusiasm was contagious.
Manas acis bija neprātīgas, bet mani vārdi bija pati loģika.
My eyes were crazy, but my words were logic itself.
Mēs izbraucām saulainā dienā, kad strādā galva pienākas
We set off on a sunny day when the head is working properly.
Mūsu burai krāsa baltāka bij' pienam
Our sails were whiter than milk.
Gar salām ar klinšu grēdām stāvākam sienas
Along islands with rock walls taller than walls.
Sadzirdēju balsis cik savādi skan dziesma
I heard voices how strange that song sounds.
Es to gribu likt sev repītā diskus
I want to put it on repeat like disks.
dod galvā daudz spēcīgāk viskijs
It hits the head harder than whiskey.
Es izrāvos no virvēm kur man tas prāts bij'
I broke free from the ropes where were my senses?
Raujot vasku no ausīm, sakot: "Jums tas ir jādzird!"
Pulling wax from my ears, saying: "You have to hear this!"
Es pamodos pālī, guļot krasta kāpās
I woke up in a meadow, lying in the coastal dunes.
Vai tiešām es esmu šeit, vai tikai gļuko, kas man rādās?
Am I really here, or am I just seeing things?
Par to, kas bija vakar, štukot atkal jāsāk
About what happened yesterday, gotta start studying again.
Nav atslēgu, pases un arī, šķiet, ka jakas,
No keys, passport, and it seems, no jacket either, as if
Lai uzvestos, ir jābūt tak trakam pilnīgi
To behave like that, you have to be completely off track.
Ieraudzīju biedru viņš bija ierakts līdz kaklam smiltīs
I saw my buddy he was buried up to his neck in the sand.
Viņš teica, ka mēs viņām izmaksājām kopā uzreiz
He said we paid them all at once.
Un tad es sapratu, ka viss ir nogājis greizi
And then I realized that everything went wrong.
Mūs apmānīja, sīkus ķiparus
They tricked us, like little kids.
Numurā, kuru iedeva viņas, trūka trīs ciparu
The room number they gave us was missing three digits.
Saburzīta cīgu paka tagad liekas mīļa
A crumpled pack of cigarettes now seems dear.
Jo vienīgais, kas sanāca, bij' atstāt vienu rītam
Because the only thing that worked out was leaving one for the morning.
Un es gāju mājās, aptverot tik daudz
And I went home, realizing so much.
Ietinos kuģa karogā, lai patvertos no saules
I wrapped myself in the ship's flag to shelter from the sun.
Paģiras beidzās, kad es pārkāpu pār lievieni
The praise ends as I cross the threshold.
Gribēju labāk, sanāca kā... vienmēr
I wanted the best, it turned out as... always.

Writer(s): Eduards Gorbunovs

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