Edavārdi - Informācijas Laikmets (Niklāvz remix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi - Informācijas Laikmets (Niklāvz remix)

Informācijas Laikmets (Niklāvz remix)
Information Age (Niklāvz remix)
Šī ir traka pasaule, kad tad tāda nav bijusi?
This is a crazy world, when has it not been?
Ir sūdīgi mūziķi? Kad tad tādi nav bijuši?
There are shitty musicians? When have there not been?
Tagad notiek kari? Kad tad tādi nav bijuši?
Wars are happening now? When have there not been?
Kad tad tādi, kad tad tādi, kad tad tādi nav bijuši?
When have there, when have there, when have there not been?
Gadsimts tas ir roks un plastmasa
The century it's rock and plastic
"Republika" tikai vārds ir, un Tavs boss ir patvaļa
"Republic" is just a word, and Your boss is arbitrariness
Youtubā brīnumus redz, kross līdz Maskavai,
You see miracles on YouTube, like a cross to Moscow,
Gaja Foksa maskas, kājās botas ne pastalas
Guy Fawkes masks, boots on your feet, not bast shoes
Sola pasaules galu, ka būsim peklē pat
They promise the end of the world, that we will even be in hell
Maiju kalendārs panesās, ir pat presē tas
The Mayan calendar went crazy, it's even in the press
Es gaidu, lai redzētu, vai tas mani nespēs skart
I'm waiting to see if it won't be able to touch me
Bet, ja pasaule nebeigsies, jāsāk meklēt darbs
But, if the world doesn't end, I have to start looking for a job
Teroristi? No baidījos gan
Terrorists? I was afraid of that
Jo, šķiet, tas, ko rāda TV, notiek kaimiņos man
Because, it seems that what they show on TV is happening next door to me
Informācijas laikmets
Information age
Visus Tavus datus ievāc, izolāciju aizmirsti
Collects all Your data, forget isolation
Ka tas uztrauc, varu notēlot, bet man po
Whatever it bothers, I can imagine, but I don't care
Vai esi tik svarīgs, lai Tevi novērotu masoni?
Are you so important that the Freemasons are watching You?
Draudi Amerikai spiež, lai rīkojos aktīvāk
Threats to America are pushing me to act more actively
Zini, reizēm aizmirstu, ka dzīvoju Latvijā
You know, sometimes I forget that I live in Latvia
Šī ir traka pasaule, kad tad tāda nav bijusi?
This is a crazy world, when has it not been?
Ir sūdīgi mūziķi? Kad tad tādi nav bijuši?
There are shitty musicians? When have there not been?
Cilvēki, kas sūdzās? Kad tad tādi nav bijuši?
People who complained? When have there not been?
Kad tad tādi, kad tad tādi, kad tad tādi nav bijuši?
When have there, when have there, when have there not been?
Par parastu dzīvi te nav par pistolēm reps
About an ordinary life this is not rap about pistols
Klau, dzirdēju baumas, ka visus izolē nets
Listen, I heard rumors that the internet isolates everyone
Runā, ka senāk bij' labāk, prikolē vecs
They say it used to be better, old man jokes
Jūtas nevietā mūsdienās, Tripolē VEF's
Feelings are out of place these days, like VEF in Tripoli
Šis laikmets pa seju bliež traumas beisbolā
This age hits you in the face like injuries in baseball
Kur jaunieši, kuri dzimuši Austrumeiropā
Where are the young people born in Eastern Europe
Jūtas dziļāk hiphopā, kad izlaužas publikā
Feelings are deeper in hip-hop when they break out into the audience
Par, piemēram, Jay-Z, kas izauga Bruklinā
About, for example, Jay-Z, who grew up in Brooklyn
Jo viņš komercija, un to teici Tu?
Because he is commercial, and you said that?
Kad vienu no hiphopa klasikām sauc "Paid in full"?
When one of the hip-hop classics is called "Paid in full"?
Un es to izlasīju netā, tad es mācīju snobus
And I read it online, so I was teaching snobs
Repojošs letiņš globalizācijas produkts
Rapping Latvian a product of globalization
Man tas patīk, jo bez šitā dzīve būtu plika vakuumā
I like it, because without it life would be bare in a vacuum
Gribu parādīt, kas mēs, no cita rakursa
I want to show what we are, from a different perspective
Uzburu bildi nesauc to par aplikšanu
I conjure up an image, don't call it an application
Tikpat labi gleznotājs plenērā apdirš dabu
Just as well a plein air painter shits on nature
Amorāli jaunieši? Kad tad tādi nav bijuši?
Immoral youth? When have there not been?
Zaļāka zāle? Kad tad tāda nav bijusi?
Greener grass? When has it not been?
Labāki laiki? Kad tad tādi nav bijuši?
Better times? When have there not been?
Kad tad tādi, kad tad tādi, kad tad tādi nav bijuši?
When have there, when have there, when have there not been?
Kādreiz bij' labāk, un tagad vairums par to gruzās
It used to be better, and now most people are burdened by it
Bet to arī teica tajā laikā, par ko runā
But they also said that at the time they were talking about
Tāpēc pagriez skaļāk iPod'u, kasetes ārā met
So turn up your iPod, throw out the tapes
Ja tās tiešām tik krutas ir, kapēc Tev nav tās te
If they're really that cool, why don't you have them here
Deviņdesmitajos viss vai tad bij' pa skaisto?
Was everything so beautiful in the nineties?
Jā, tad bija Bigijs, bet vai aizmirsi par Spice Girls?
Yes, then there was Biggie, but did you forget about the Spice Girls?
Šie ir traki laiki, kuros jāturās ir godam
These are crazy times in which you have to hold on to honor
Bet beidz sūdzēties, jo parunāt par ko nav
But stop complaining, because there's nothing to cry about
Nu, un ja radio neveido klasiskus topus
Well, if the radio doesn't make classic charts
Es Beatles viņu laikā nepirktu, jo tas bija pops
I wouldn't buy the Beatles in their time because it was pop
Kādreiz nebij labāk, pat ja vairumam liktos
It never used to be better, even if it seemed to most people
Bet tas vismaz parāda, ka mēs aizmirstam slikto
But it at least shows that we forget the bad
Digitāla ēra, trivālas tēmas
Digital era, trivial themes
Un pa radio mūzika, kas ir krimināli lēta?
And on the radio music that is criminally cheap?
Ja laiku tērē, noliekot to, tad stop
If you waste your time putting it down, then stop
Jo no vari tikt vaļā, nospiežot pogu off, un viss
Because you can get rid of it by pressing the off button, that's all

Writer(s): Eduards Gorbunovs, Niklavs Sekacs

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