Edavārdi - Katrs Par Sevi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi - Katrs Par Sevi

Katrs Par Sevi
Everyone for Themselves
Ja tev dirš dēļ repa, jo tu esi lisijs ar kladīti
If you're pissed 'cause of rap, 'cause you're a loser with a notepad,
Tad šauj pa tiem pidarasiem Bigijs darītu
Then shoot those motherfuckers Biggie would've done that.
kāds politiķis zog un vispār ir feiks
Yeah, if some politician steals and is a fake in general,
Ej uz praidu, dabū AIDS, tad izdrāz viņa meitu
Go to the parade, get AIDS, then fuck his daughter.
Ja tevi nodirš netā, kaut lirika laba
If you get dissed online, even if your lyrics are good,
Ej piekaut kādu barā, pohuj, te visi dara
Go beat someone up at a bar, who cares, everyone does that here.
Ja tusā esi neglīta, tāda totāla pabira
If you're ugly in the club, such a total wreck,
Neuzmācies man, man nevajag arī morālas paģiras
Don't hit on me, I don't need a moral hangover either.
Nepadodies sūdiem, kad tie ierauj kaut
Don't give in to bullshit when it drags you down,
Ja tu spied roku ienaidniekam iespļauj plaukstā
If you shake hands with the enemy spit in their palm.
Es paciešos, ja šīs dziesmas glabā musarā
I'll endure if these songs are kept in the trash,
Jo labāk visiem atriebšos ar savām uzvarām
'Cause I'll get back at everyone with my victories.
Esmu fanāts, paliekošs un savāds, nupatās
I'm a fanatic, enduring and strange, just now
Pamodos te hlamā, ģērbies vēl ne savās lupatās
Woke up here in this shithole, still dressed in someone else's rags.
A ko? Būt nedrošam ar necilu stāvu?
So what? Be insecure with a lame story?
Es to mēģināju un, zini, es netiku tālu
I tried that, and you know, I didn't get very far.
Man ir pimpis tik garš, tas ir augošs, nemīz
My dick is so long, it's growing, doesn't pee.
Es paskatos uz viņu, tad, kad šaubos sevī
I look at it when I doubt myself.
Es kompensēju kompleksus, ko heiteri var izdarīt?
I compensate for the complexes, what can haters do?
Es kaušos ar jebkuru meiteni vai invalīdu
I'll fight any girl or disabled person.
Nesaki, ko teikt, vai zeltu dabūt
Don't tell me what to say or how to get gold,
Jo beigās no visa jau tev būs kāds labums
'Cause in the end, you'll get some benefit from all of this.
Te katrs par sevi, netikai krīzes apstākļos
Here everyone's for themselves, not just during a crisis.
Lai iesper zibens, ja dēļ tevis es uz brīdi apstāšos
May lightning strike if I stop for a second because of you.
Nesaki ko teikt, vai zeltu dabūt
Don't tell me what to say or how to get gold,
Jo beigās no visa jau tev būs kāds labums
'Cause in the end, you'll get some benefit from all of this.
Vietā, kur "Tu nevari!" tie bari tik' klaigā
In a place where "You can't!" they just keep shouting,
Bet, ja kāds saka nedari, tad dari tik' vairāk
But if someone says don't do it, then do it even more.
Nemainies, ja gvelž, ka tev domas ir slimas
Don't change if they say your thoughts are sick,
Un ja senči nekur nelaiž nogalini viņus
And if your folks don't let you go anywhere kill them.
Mans krāns ir lielāks ods no Ignalinas
My cock is bigger than a mosquito from Ignalina.
Ignorats reps, un par to sods te ir un bija
Rap is ignored, and there is and was punishment for it.
Vai nav pohuj, ko man sacīs, ķipa, recenzents
Who cares what some dickhead, reviewer tells me,
Kad es beigšu te visi atzīst tikai reprezentus
When I'm done, everyone will recognize only the real ones.
Nelasu dzeju, domā es to lieku te talkā?
I don't read poetry, you think I use it here for help?
Čaks man asocējas tik' ar ielu un maukām
Chuck to me is associated only with the street and fists.
Kāda sirds? Man ir tik garš, stāvs un populārs
What heart? Mine is so long, tall, and popular,
Ka es sauktu to krājumu par "Krāns uz trotuāra"
That I'd call that collection "Cock on the Sidewalk".
Es saku to, ko gribu, nesu ēkā rīmes
I say what I want, bring rhymes to the building,
Viņiem patiks viss, jo es esmu PKI
They'll love it all 'cause I'm PKI.
Bēdīgi, kad paliek viss, ko devi nemanīts
It's sad when everything you give stays unnoticed.
Tev ir izruna daudz labāka, un tevi neatzīst?
You have a much better delivery, and you're not recognized?
Kamēr es vēl nometīšu dažas dziesmas
While I'll drop a few more tracks,
Līdz būšu tikai es, kad nositīšu savus biedrus
Until it's just me when I kill my comrades.
Bieži sarunas tās par to, kas īsts mana rada smieklus
Conversations often revolve around what truly makes me laugh.
Šito atzīs viņi, tikai nogaidīsim gadus 5
They'll recognize this, just wait 5 years.
Ja tēmu tekstā, tad moš' pauti un fakti?
If we talk topics in the lyrics, then maybe clout and facts?
Tupaka ūsas izskatās mani kaunuma mati
Tupac's mustache looks like my pubes.
Es nositīšu repu, tam ar bitu pa kaklu
I'll kill rap, hit it in the neck with a bit,
Un tad apēdīšu big mac'u pie Big Pun'a kapa
And then I'll eat a Big Mac at Big Pun's grave.
Pat sakot šito bītā, krīt uz grīdas tas jumts
Even saying this in the beat, the roof is falling down.
Un pat stāvot rozā kreklā, esmu īstāks par jums
And even wearing a pink shirt, I'm more real than you.
Nesaki, ko teikt, vai zeltu dabūt
Don't tell me what to say or how to get gold,
Jo beigās no visa jau tev būs kāds labums
'Cause in the end, you'll get some benefit from all of this.
Te katrs par sevi, netikai krīzes apstākļos
Here everyone's for themselves, not just during a crisis.
Lai iesper zibens, ja dēļ tevis es uz brīdi apstāšos
May lightning strike if I stop for a second because of you.
Nesaki ko teikt, vai zeltu dabūt
Don't tell me what to say or how to get gold,
Jo beigās no visa jau tev būs kāds labums
'Cause in the end, you'll get some benefit from all of this.
Vietā, kur "Tu nevari!" tie bari tik' klaigā
In a place where "You can't!" they just keep shouting,
Bet, ja kāds saka nedari, tad dari tik' vairāk
But if someone says don't do it, then do it even more.

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