Edavārdi - Kur Tas Ir - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi - Kur Tas Ir

Kur Tas Ir
Where Is It
Viņš turējās līdz galam, jā, spītīga sirds
He held on till the end, yeah, a stubborn heart
Līdz pēdējā elpa nopūta dzīvības dzirksti
Until the last breath blew out the spark of life
Gars beidzot brīvībā ir, vairs nav upuris
The spirit is finally free, no longer a victim
Tas izspruka no ķermeņa gaisa burbulis
It burst out of the body like an air bubble
Viņš nebij' ne labs cilvēks, ne fīrer(i)s reiz
He was neither a good man, nor a Führer once
Bet tik tiešām viss notika, Bībelē teikts
But everything happened so directly, as the Bible says
Kunga grāmatā viņš bij' zem nodaļas LV
In the Lord's book, he was under chapter LV
Un par saviem grēkiem galu galā nonāca ellē
And for his sins, he ended up in hell
Viņš negribēja mīlēt, labāk kaut ko pirkt
He didn't want to love, better to buy something
Un tagad dega liesmās par savu auksto sirdi
And now burned in flames for his cold heart
Viņš nepretojās, kaut bij' savulaik tik bīstams
He didn't resist, even though he was so dangerous
Jo beidzot saņemt sodu bij' sava veida līdzsvars
Because finally getting punished was a kind of balance
Viņu biedēja dēmoni un katrs mazs monstrs
He was afraid of demons and every little monster
Tik skaļi kliedza, it tas būtu mans koncerts
Screaming so loud, as if it were my concert
Šeit neiesniedzās cerības un Dieva balss
Hope and God's voice did not penetrate here
Viņa rētās bēra sāli, pie pusdienu galda
His wounds were sprinkled with salt, as at the dinner table
Āda kļuva biezāka, viņš sprieda, kas tagad nāks
The skin became thicker, he wondered what would happen next
Bet ar laiku tikai pierada pie sarkanās krāsas
But over time, he just got used to the red color
Tas deva mērenumu kokteiļiem sula
It gave moderation like juice to cocktails
Redzēja velnu tik bieži, ka par kolēģiem kļuva
He saw the devil so often that they became colleagues
Viņš nospļāvās, varēja tik kļūdīgi spriest
He spat, how could he have judged so wrongly
Šis nav nekas, tikai kārtējā sūdīgā vieta
This is nothing, just another shitty place
Viņš piecēlās, ignorējot dūmus un svelmi
He stood up, ignoring the smoke and the stench
Es to visu pieredzēju dzīvē, kur tad ir jūsu elle?
I experienced it all in life, where is your hell?
Kur tad ir jūsu Elle?
Where is your Hell?
Kur tad ir tas mans sods?
Where is my punishment?
Kur tad ir jūsu Elle?
Where is your Hell?
Kur tad ir patiesība?
Where is the truth?
Kur tad ir jūsu Elle?
Where is your Hell?
Kur tad ir tās visas atbildes?
Where are all the answers?
Kur tad ir jūsu Elle?
Where is your Hell?
Kur tad ir visa jēga?
Where is the whole point?
Dziļi sarūgtināts, viņš nestaros, ja to palūgs
Deeply saddened, he won't shine if you ask him to
Viņš peldēja visumā, nevarot ar to saplūst
He swam in the universe, unable to merge with it
laiva mierīgā jūrā ar zobenu uz borta
Like a boat in a calm sea with a sword on board
Nenoteiktība piešķīra robežu un formu
Uncertainty gave it boundaries and form
Peldot gar molekulām, no kurām Dievs uztaisīja te visu
Swimming past the molecules from which God made all this
dzirksteles, atomi uzplaiksnīja un dzisa
Like sparks, atoms flashed and faded
Viņš to nespēja pieņemt, cirkuli abats
He couldn't accept it, like a abbot with a compass
Viņu noķēra eņģelis zvirbuli vanags
An angel caught him like a hawk - a sparrow
Viņš nonāca Ēdenē, kaut pirms tam tas nesanāca
He ended up in Eden, even though he didn't succeed before
Tās vārti spīdējā nošu raksts zelta krāsā
Its gates shone like a musical score in gold
Viss bija pie Dieva balts, pie viena galds
Everything was white at God's, at one table
Uz kura bija siers, piens, visa pietiekami daudz
On which there was cheese, milk, enough of everything
Grēkus piedeva, vairs nebij' sviedru vai auksts
Sins were forgiven, there was no more sweat or cold
Viņam pateica, ka tas ir ciešanu gals
He was told that this was the end of suffering
Viss bija tik tīrs, jā, šeit šaufeļu maz
Everything was so clean, yes, there are few worries here
Mīlestība gaisā virmoja taureņu bars
Love hovered in the air like a flock of butterflies
Bet viņš pierada pie tā, tad viss pārtop par mīnusu
But he got used to it, then everything turns into a minus
Un viņš vairs nesajuta mākoņu mīkstumu
And he no longer felt the softness of the clouds
Ja te nav ziemas, var sajust zaļu vasaru
If there is no winter here, how can you feel the green summer
Paradīze sāka zust līdz ar maņu asumu
Paradise began to disappear along with the sharpness of the senses
Vairs nesaskatot starpību starp eņģeli vai Dievu
No longer seeing the difference between an angel or God
Viņš nospļāvās, ķeķeris ar prieku
He spat, like a janitor with joy
Šis nav nekas, tikai jūtu paralīze
This is nothing, just a paralysis of feelings
Es to visu pieredzēju dzīvē, kur tad ir Jūsu paradīze?
I experienced it all in life, where is your paradise?
Kur tad ir jūsu paradīze?
Where is your paradise?
Kur tad ir mana laime?
Where is my happiness?
Kur tad ir jūsu paradīze
Where is your paradise?
Kur tad ir patiesība?
Where is the truth?
Kur tad ir jūsu paradīze
Where is your paradise?
Kur tad ir tās visas atbildes?
Where are all the answers?
Kur tad ir jūsu paradīze?
Where is your paradise?
Kur tad ir visa jēga?
Where is the whole point?

Writer(s): Oriole

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