Edavārdi - Pamats Visam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi - Pamats Visam

Pamats Visam
Foundation for Everything
Es ticu, kaut es neredzu, bet jūtu
I believe, even though I don't see, but I feel
Teorija bez prakses man te nedeva ne sūda
Theory without practice didn't give me a damn thing here
Man tas neder, jā, veci, lietas nevedas, ir grūti
It doesn't work for me, yeah, man, things aren't going well, it's hard
Kad šeit strīdu cēloņi ir grebenes un šūzi
When the reasons for arguments here are combs and shoes
Man bieži tikai palīdz kritika riktīga
Often only real criticism helps me
Jocīgi, bet, ja krītu, tas tikai stiprina ticību
Funny, but when I fall, it only strengthens my belief
Kaut nemiera problēmu man bieži risina visītis
Although the problem of anxiety is often solved by a little whiskey
Lūdz Kristu vietā, kur tev pat par prikidu sitīs
Pray to Christ where they'll hit you even for a trifle
Par katru mantu man jūsmas jūtas pagāja
The feeling of euphoria for every possession has passed
Tad es padomāju, tad būs, kad būsim bagāti?
Then I thought, what will happen when we are rich?
Dēļ pat mūži lūzt, un tas ir banāli
Because of that even lives break, and it's banal
Come on, te tikai sūdus grūž tie masu kanāli
Come on, those mass channels only push shit here
Ja būšu tur, tad tikai, lai mainītu situāciju
If I'm there, it's only to change the situation
Te jāstrādā, domā vaj′g laist uz citu nāciju?
We have to work here, you think we should go to another nation?
Tici uzvarai, nez' vai diss tad savainos
Believe in victory, don't know if this diss will hurt
Kad beigšu par reperiem jau turēs visus matainos
When I'm done with rappers, they'll already be holding all the hairy ones
Es saku sev, kad kāds nīst, manu maitā
I tell myself that if someone hates my shit
To čista nevaru, ja nesanāk pat 3 gadu laikā
I can't clean it up, even if it doesn't work out in 3 years
Vai vairāk, par pamatu ņem piemērus laimīgus
Or more, take happy examples as a basis
Sakot "Varu vai nevaru," tev vienmēr būs taisnība
Saying "I can or I can't," you'll always be right
Tu vari zaudēt, pamest visu
You can lose, leave everything
Bet dzīve turpinās, tam es ticu
But life goes on, I believe in that
Gatavs strādāt, nevajag visu ātrāk
Ready to work, don't need everything faster
Es nezinu kā, bet tikšu tālāk
I don't know how, but I'll get further
Tu vari zaudēt, pamest visu
You can lose, leave everything
Bet dzīve turpinās, tam es ticu
But life goes on, I believe in that
Gatavs strādāt, nevajag visu ātrāk
Ready to work, don't need everything faster
Es nezinu kā, bet tikšu tālāk
I don't know how, but I'll get further
Vārdi palīdz tas ir fakts visos laukos
Words help it's a fact in all fields
Zini, saku tu, veci, jo pats šito klausos
You know, I'm telling you, man, because I listen to this myself
Mani nedefinē rase vai prasme, ja kautos
I am not defined by race or that skill if I fight
Man nav pistoles, kaut gan es acis te šaudos
I don't have a gun, even though I shoot like eyes here
Par spīti tendencēm nesu labu zilbēs
Despite the trends I carry good in syllables
Dzeram tik daudz alkahola, ka mēs esam alu cilvēki
We drink so much alcohol that we are beer people
Zinu, cīga labumu, ja dedzināšu, nenesīs
I know the benefit of a cigarette, if I burn it, it won't bring
Bet rudenī pat Dievs pīpē redzi kāšus debesīs?
But even God smokes in autumn see the leaves burning?
Jau cik reizes čista domāju atmest
I've thought about quitting so many times already
Moš′ tad, ja frāze "tu to vari!" rotātu apenes?
Maybe if the phrase "you can do it!" decorated the scales?
Visi saka vienu, bet, kad paies gadi
Everyone says one thing, but when years pass
Vai būsi svara vērotājs, kad man ies smagi?
Will you be a weight watcher when I'm doing hard?
Principi ir kruti, nu, ķipa, cieņa, mīlēt
Principles are cool, well, like, respect, love
Bet ir cita lieta dzīvē tam es ticu
But that's a different thing in life - I believe in that
Esi tas, kuru visi šodien nolād?
Are you the one everyone curses today?
Bet dzīve visu noliek otrādi tam es ticu
But life turns everything upside down I believe in that
Jā, dzīve dod sāpes zobi
Yeah, life gives pain like teeth
Drāmas tad rodas, ķieģeļi pat trāpa pa logu
Dramas arise, bricks even hit the window
Prāvas un sodi, bet nesēžu uz lāvas vai sola
Losses and punishments, but I don't sit on a bench or a stool
Moš' labāk mēģināt? Viss sākas ar domu
Maybe it's better to try? It all starts with a thought
Tu vari zaudēt, pamest visu
You can lose, leave everything
Bet dzīve turpinās, tam es ticu
But life goes on, I believe in that
Gatavs strādāt, nevajag visu ātrāk
Ready to work, don't need everything faster
Es nezinu kā, bet tikšu tālāk
I don't know how, but I'll get further
Tu vari zaudēt, pamest visu
You can lose, leave everything
Bet dzīve turpinās, tam es ticu
But life goes on, I believe in that
Gatavs strādāt, nevajag visu ātrāk
Ready to work, don't need everything faster
Es nezinu kā, bet tikšu tālāk
I don't know how, but I'll get further
Būs brīži, kad dzīve sakratīs riktīgi
There will be times when life shakes things up real good
Un daudz kam šeit tie pamati ir fiktīvi
And for many here these foundations are fictitious
Bet svarīgi ir, ko tu padari un izcīni
But what matters is what you do and fight for
Vismaz man tas viss ir atkarīgs no ticības
At least for me it all depends on faith
Būs brīži, kad dzīve sakratīs riktīgi
There will be times when life shakes things up real good
Un daudz kam šeit tie pamati ir fiktīvi
And for many here these foundations are fictitious
Bet svarīgi ir, ko tu padari un izcīni
But what matters is what you do and fight for
Vismaz man tas viss ir atkarīgs no ticības
At least for me it all depends on faith

Writer(s): Edavārdi, Tablis

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