Edavārdi - Pēdējo Reiz - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi - Pēdējo Reiz

Pēdējo Reiz
Last Time
Man vienmēr liekas, ka man nav viss
I always feel like I don't have everything
Ka rīt sākšu dzīvot, šodien varu ļaut krist
That tomorrow I will start living, today I can let fall
Savām rokām, domas melnākas krauklis
In my hands, thoughts blacker than a raven
Es neiederos, stāvu skaistā telpā Mauglis
I don't fit in, I stand in a beautiful room like Mowgli
Bail piecelties no gultas, it mīnas uz grīdas
Afraid to get out of bed as if there are mines on the floor
Šodien nesākšu neko, jo īstā dzīve būs rīt
Today I won't start anything, because the real life will be tomorrow
Neko nemēģinot, nebūšu es idiots mīlnieki
Not trying anything, I won't be an idiot like lovers
Sākšu kaut ko darīt, kad būs miljons vai brīvdienas
I'll start doing something when I have a million or a day off
Gaidīt starta zīmi ir ideja skaista
Waiting for the starting signal that's a beautiful idea
Bet saule izskatās luksofora vidējā gaisma
But the sun looks like a traffic light's middle light
Nekad nav naudas, bet nav tā, ka nepietiktu cīgām
There's never any money, but it's not like I don't have enough for a cigarette
Es noteikti būtu kaut kas, ja nepiedzimtu Rīgā
I would definitely be something if I wasn't born in Riga
Tāpēc sķiet, ka viss, ko gribu, stāv tālāk Persija
That's why it seems that everything I want is further than Persia
Kamēr uz to visu skatās manis labākā versija
While my better version is looking at all this
Pasaku, ir, un esmu kāda skalā mesija
I tell it as it is, and I am like a messiah on some scale
Bet jēga tam visam netiek atrasta galu galā Nesija
But no meaning is found in all of this in the end, like Nessie
Sapņoju par labu dzīvi tieši man un biedriem
I dream of a good life for me and my comrades
Varu to iedomāties, un bieži ar to pietiek
I can imagine it, and often that is enough
Gribam mazāk just un, plus, tad blatot
We want to feel less and, plus, then have connections
Kamēr mūsu stiprās puses DUS statoil
While our strengths are like Statoil
Šodien es nepateicu, cik ļoti māti mīlu
Today I didn't say how much I love my mother
Bet es esmu cilvēks labs, jo laikā samaksāju īri
But I am a good person because I pay my rent on time
Es varēju pazvanīt, tagad saskatīt, ka to varu
I could have called, now I can see that I can do it
Bet, uz kaut ko gaidot, atkal sarakstīju šo pantu
But, waiting for something, I wrote this verse again
Un es ceru, ka šī ir pēdējā reize
And I hope this is the last time
Kad uz mūsu iegribām mēs tērējam veiksmi
When we spend our luck on our desires
Un es ceru, ka dos spēku reiz Dievs mans
And I hope that God will give me strength
Jo, ja viss ir viens, tad es esmu šeit viens pats
Because if everything is one, then I am here alone
Lai cik cerētu, tomēr es esmu šaubu pilns
No matter how much I hope, I am still full of doubts
Ja dzīve iet uz apli, tad beigās redzēšu šausmu filmu
If life goes in a circle, then in the end I will see a horror movie
Pilsētas gaismas uz manis līst lietus
The city lights pour on me like rain
Es ļaujos gravitācijai, mans ķermenis uz centru slīd ziepes
I let gravity take me, my body slides to the center like soap
Mēs dzeram alu mēs paprasām, vai kādam ir cīga
We drink beer, we ask someone if they have a cigarette
Un paģirās bez naudas sakām: "Tāda ir dzīve."
And in a hangover without money we say: "Such is life."
Es rakstu gadiem, vietā, lai ārā brauktu ar riteni
I write for years, instead of riding a bike outside
Kāpēc to, ka Tavās ausīs esmu, sauktu par likteni
Why would I call the fact that I'm in your ears destiny
Dziesmu sacerēšanai aug apetīte nemanāmi
The appetite for songwriting grows unnoticed
Civilizācijas nomalē Asteriks vai ģermāņi
On the outskirts of civilization like Asterix or the Germans
Pie miķa bīstamāks dakteris ar peregaru
At the microphone more dangerous than a doctor with a scalpel
Jūs sajaucāt Eminems ir Amerikas Edavārdi
You got it wrong Eminem is America's Edavārdi
Viss ir neitrāls, to daudzi nesaprot, kāpēc
Everything is neutral, that's why many don't understand
Visiem sava taisnība jo visu varam parjebko pārvērst
Everyone has their own truth, because we can turn anything into something
Ja nav sirdī, ticību tad jāpako zālēs
If there is no heart, then faith should be packed in places
Te to pieprasījums nosaka, man jāpārdod sāpes
Here the demand dictates it, I have to sell pain
Zinu, ka nevajag meklēt nirvanu mantā
I know that you shouldn't look for nirvana in drugs
Es pats sev pateicu, kur kļūdos, pirmajā pantā
I told myself where I was wrong, in the first verse
Tas nav noslēpums vairs, skaista var palikt dzīve
It's no longer a secret how beautiful life can become
Bet to turpinu malt uz apli, jo man patīk mīkla
But I continue to grind it in a circle, because I like a riddle
Uz citu pusi iešu, lai uz kurieni mūs pasauks
I will go to the other side, wherever the world takes us
Kaut tik stipri līst, ka par dubļiem kļūst asfalts
Just so that it rains so hard that the asphalt becomes mud
Man ir viss, izbēgu no cietumiem, maldiem
I have everything, I escaped from prisons, delusions
Izvīlējot atslēgu pats no saviem kauliem
Choosing the key from my own bones

Writer(s): rihards fedotovs, sivick beats

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