Edavārdi - Teikuma Beigās - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edavārdi - Teikuma Beigās

Teikuma Beigās
At the End of the Sentence
Šis ir tas, par ko mēs runājam tad "Double Coffee"
This is what we talked about at "Double Coffee"
Ka mums jābūt kaut kam krutākam Pavaroti
That we should be something cooler than Pavaroti
Prāts ir jāver vaļā, konspirācijas tad bija topā
The mind must be opened, conspiracies were on top then
Bēdas atstāja pēdas komētas uz biotopa
Troubles left traces like comets on the biotope
Domu spēks? To liekam obligāti dialogā
The power of thought? We put it obligatorily in a dialogue
Jo ar to viss sanāks, lai tie goliāti tinas fonā
Because with it, everything will work out, let those goliaths spin in the background
Viss bija tālu - sapņu sievietes un nauda
Everything was far away - dream women and money
Viss tā, parasti - atkal piemeties pie galda
Everything as usual - back at the table again
Jutos nepelnīti ignorēts un dienas dedzināju
I felt undeservedly ignored and burned the days
Jo man bij' zvaigžņu slimība, kad mani neviens nezināja
Because I had a star disease when nobody knew me
Paralēli tam parazīts un niecība
Parallel to that, as a parasite and insignificance
Jo kad gāju ārā senčiem paprasīju piecīti
Because when I went out, I asked my ancestors for a five
Sanāca divi ali un mazā cīgu "pačka"
It turned out to be two beers and a small pack of cigarettes
Gaidu pirmo trolejbusu vai parazīts es līdu "tačkā"
I'm waiting for the first trolleybus or, like a parasite, I'm riding in a "tachka"
Ja ir citi ceļi - obligāti pastāsti
If there are other ways - be sure to tell
Vai dabū bakalauru, sēdi ofisā un atslābsti
Or get a bachelor's degree, sit in the office and relax
Rakstu repu "pofigā" par to, vai sanāks daudz
I write rap "pofig" about whether it will be a lot
Nav tā, ka par to nezinās vēl mazāk tautas
It's not that even fewer people won't know about it
Tas ir tas, par ko mēs runājām, kad trūka veiksmes
This is what we talked about when we lacked luck
Bet, kad sapņi piepildās, tad sarunas beidzas
But when dreams come true, then the conversations end
Beidzas, beidzas
End, end
Sarunas beidzas
Conversations end
Kādreiz nebiju nekas, nekas, nekas
I used to be nothing, nothing, nothing
Nezināju es neko, neko, neko
I didn't know anything, anything, anything
Un man nebija nekā, nekā, nekā
And I had nothing, nothing, nothing
Un man nebija nekā, nekā, nekā
And I had nothing, nothing, nothing
Kādreiz nebiju nekas
I used to be nothing
Bet es zinu savu ceļu jau kopš debijas plates
But I know my way since my debut album
Kadreiz nebiju nekas
I used to be nothing
Bet, lai to mainītu nevajag deviņas klases
But you don't need nine classes to change that
Kādreiz nebiju nekas
I used to be nothing
Bet es zinu savu ceļu jau kopš debijas plates
But I know my way since my debut album
Kādreiz nebiju nekas
I used to be nothing
Bet to mainīja šīs dienas un naktis
But these days and nights changed that
Un pēc "feima", kontā eiro veikala seifā
And after that "fame", euro in the account like in a store safe
Fani, heiteri un meitenes sveicināt steidzās
Fans, haters and girls rushed to greet
Beidzu domājot, ka būšu tev pleilistā, veicās
I stopped thinking that I would be on your playlist, lucky
Par to mēs runājām, es jūtos teikuma beigās
We talked about this, I feel like I'm at the end of the sentence
Lai gan liktenis tik bieži man izdabā
Although fate indulges me so often
Joprojām gribu tikai sēdēt viens savā istabā
I still just want to sit alone in my room
Joprojām gremdē katrs aisbergs uz Zemes
Every iceberg on Earth still sinks
Es laikam tikai vēlējos aizbēgt no sevis
I guess I just wanted to run away to myself
Glābiņu gaidīt - šis paradums ir limitējis
Waiting for salvation - this habit is limited
Jo mūsu mērķi ir nevis galapunkts, bet dzīvesveids
Because our goals are not the end point, but a way of life
Tāpēc šodien ir jābliež
So today we have to hit
Jo pats no sevis nekas nenotika kopš lielā sprādziena
Because nothing happened by itself since the big bang
Lepns, ka noticēju katrai rīmei un procesam
Proud that I believed in every rhyme and process
Un tas neliek justies T-Pain vai Lopesai
And it doesn't make me feel like T-Pain or Lopes
Gribu dzīvot pa savam - nevjaig "replay" tam protestam
I want to live my own way - you don't need "replay" for that protest
Jo dzīvei būtu jābūt nevis cīņai, bet progresam
Because life should be not a struggle, but progress
Man liekas, ka atkal jātiekās fiksāk
I think we need to meet again more steadily
Vecās vietas vēl ir vaļā, bet mums jāiet uz citām
There are still old places left, but we have to go to others
Bija problēmas, kuru dēļ galva regulāri noreibst
There were problems that made my head spin regularly
Tagad tikai uzvaram - nekas nebūs toreiz
Now only victory - nothing will be like the last time
Won't be
Last time
Nebūs, nebūs
Won't be, won't be
Last time
Kādreiz nebiju nekas, nekas, nekas
I used to be nothing, nothing, nothing
Nezināju es neko, neko, neko
I didn't know anything, anything, anything
Un man nebija nekā, nekā, nekā
And I had nothing, nothing, nothing
Un man nebija nekā, nekā, nekā
And I had nothing, nothing, nothing
Kādreiz nebiju nekas
I used to be nothing
Bet es zinu savu ceļu jau kopš debijas plates
But I know my way since my debut album
Kadreiz nebiju nekas
I used to be nothing
Bet, lai to mainītu nevajag deviņas klases
But you don't need nine classes to change that
Kādreiz nebiju nekas
I used to be nothing
Bet es zinu savu ceļu jau kopš debijas plates
But I know my way since my debut album
Kādreiz nebiju nekas
I used to be nothing
Bet to mainīja šīs dienas un naktis
But these days and nights changed that

Writer(s): Eduards Gorbunovs

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