Eddie MV feat. Endecah - Dame tu mano - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Eddie MV feat. Endecah - Dame tu mano

Dame tu mano
Give me your hand
Déjame mirarte, acariciarte sin temor a perderte
Let me look at you, caress you without fear of losing you.
Quiero volar creer que aun puedes conocerme
I want to fly, believe that you can still know me.
Dejo atrás al menos creo parte de lo que enterrado
I leave behind, at least I believe, part of what is buried,
Parte de uno enloquecido aburrido ya desterrado
Part of one crazed, bored, and already exiled.
Viaje sin rumbo para poder encontrarme
A journey without a course to be able to find myself.
Siento que deje de amarme cuando decidí marcharme
I feel like I stopped loving myself when I decided to leave.
Pienso que el tiempo se detuvo en un instante
I think that time stopped in an instant,
Antes de jugar con fuego mi ego debió escucharme
Before playing with fire, my ego should have listened to me.
He vuelto siempre para pelear por lo que quiero
I have always returned to fight for what I want,
Para serme sincero olvide sucio juego
To be honest, I forgot your dirty game.
Pero heridas sangran, queman sin dejarme caminar
But wounds bleed, they burn without letting me walk,
Ni siquiera quiero alcanzar los rastros de tu estela
I don't even want to reach the traces of your wake.
El niño crece pero el hombre no quiere asimilarlo
The child grows but the man does not want to assimilate it,
Porque hace años no tenía problemas ni daños...
Because years ago, he had no problems or damages...
Prueba ponerte en la piel de las demás personas
Try putting yourself in other people's shoes,
Puede que ahora entiendas porque muchos te abandonan
Maybe now you understand why many abandon you.
Logre encontrar en lo que escribo lo que había perdido
I managed to find in what I write what I had lost,
Y ahora compito para hacer de ...
And now I compete to make of ...
Habiendo perdido pesos pesados en mi vida
Having lost heavyweights in my life,
Como el básquet un deporte que ayudo a calmar mi ira
Like basketball, a sport that helped calm my anger,
Analizarme en cada cancha y poder mejorar mi técnica
Analyze myself on each court and be able to improve my technique.
Mi estética ya forman parte de una historia céntrica
My aesthetics are already part of a centric story.
Dame tu mano ven vuela conmigo, nota mis versos, mira el destino
Give me your hand, come fly with me, notice my verses, look at destiny.
Quieres llorar no te detengas busco la paz en medio de guerras
You want to cry, don't stop, I look for peace in the middle of wars.
Pinta sonrisas en todas las caras compara tu luz y dime quien gana
Paint smiles on all faces, compare your light and tell me who wins.
No puedes frenar, si quieres vencer en cada batalla mantente de pie
You can't stop, if you want to win every battle, stay on your feet.
Quieres sentir ser feliz buscar razones para vivir
You want to feel happy, find reasons to live.
Sobrevivir es parte del juego, música, rap es como me muevo
Surviving is part of the game, music, rap is how I move.
Siento que puedo vencerme, si quiero,
I feel like I can beat myself, if I want to,
Si quiero vencerme lo hare con un pleno
If I want to beat myself, I will do it with a plenary,
En un duelo sincero de amor y respeto
In a sincere duel of love and respect.
Completo mis rimas que salen de dentro
I complete my rhymes that come from within,
La vida escapa yo vivo a mi modo
Life escapes, I live my way.
El mundo es tan tacaño que nos lo quitaran todo
The world is so stingy that they will take everything from us.
Una tumba un destello eso es lo que seremos
A tomb, a sparkle, that's what we will be.
Cuando se pudra lo bello no me sello... la boca
When the beautiful rots, I don't seal... my mouth,
Por miedo a que dirán para sus comentarios son basura
For fear of what they will say, their comments are garbage to me,
Y poco mas no me darán de comer
And little more, they won't feed me,
No me centarán tan mal
They won't make me feel so bad.
Yo que donde he llegado
I know that where I have arrived,
Ellos no pueden llegar no soy estrella fugaz
They can't get there, I'm not a shooting star.
No cuido de mis amigos y no dónde estaría
I don't take care of my friends and I don't know where I would be
Si no ser por su amistad sería un pobre desgracio'
If it weren't for their friendship, I would be a poor wretch,
Sin nada donde agarrarme doy gracias cada día
With nothing to hold on to, I give thanks every day
Por tener donde ducharme, una cama, tres comidas
For having a place to shower, a bed, three meals,
Y todo que necesito, nunca he sido persona
And everything I need, I have never been a person
Para otros por mis gritos lo he pasado mal
For others because of my screams I've had a bad time,
Y hoy no quiero nada que no sea mi libertad
And today I don't want anything but my freedom.
La vida es algo sencillo solo quiero disfrutar
Life is simple, I just want to enjoy it.
Si quieres vete conmigo si quieres echa a volar
If you want, come with me, if you want, fly away,
Coge tus recuerdos no necesitaras mas
Take your memories, you won't need anything else.
Y hoy no quiero nada que no sea mi libertad
And today I don't want anything but my freedom.
La vida es algo sencillo solo quiero disfrutar
Life is simple, I just want to enjoy it.
Si quieres vete conmigo si quieres echa a volar
If you want, come with me, if you want, fly away,
Que le den a los errores no miremos hacia atrás
To hell with mistakes, let's not look back.
Pienso que quizás olvide parte de mi
I think I might have forgotten part of myself,
Por eso he decidido alejarme de ti
That's why I decided to get away from you.
Para poder Salir de juego enfermizo tuve que odiarme
To be able to get out of the sick game, I had to hate myself,
Arañarme en esta piel manchada por tus ideales
Scratch myself on this skin stained by your ideals.
No quise seguir siendo quien quisieras que fuera
I didn't want to continue being who you wanted me to be,
Quien pueda destrozarte destrozarme hasta que muera
Whoever can destroy you, destroy me until I die,
Es lo que quieres hacerte sentir más libre
That's what you want to make you feel freer,
Para poder olvidarte de que un día me tuviste
So you can forget that one day you had me.

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