Edith Piaf - La petite boutique - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edith Piaf - La petite boutique

La petite boutique
The Little Antique Shop
Je sais, dans un quartier d? sert,
I know, in a deserted quarter,
Un coin qui se donne des airs
A corner that gives itself airs
De province aristocratique
Of aristocratic province
J'y d? couvris l'autre saison,
There I discovered the other season,
Encastr? e entre deux maisons,
Squeezed between two houses,
Une miniscule boutique.
A tiny little shop.
Un beau chat noir? tait vautr?
A beautiful black cat was sprawled
Sur le seuil quand je suis entr? e.
On the threshold when I entered.
Il leva sur moi ses prunelles
He raised his pupils at me
Puis il eut l'air en me voyant
Then he seemed to say to me, seeing me:
De se dire: "Tiens! Un client...
"Look! A customer...
Quelle chose sensationnelle!"
What a sensational thing!"
Ce magazin d'antiquit? s
This antique shop
Excitait ma curiosit?
Excited my curiosity
Par sa d? su? te apparence.
By its strange appearance.
Une clochette au son f? l?
A bell with a cracked sound
Se mit? tintinnabuler.
Began to jingle.
Dans le calme et ti? de silence,
In the calm and tepid silence,
Soudain, sorti je ne sais d'o?,
Suddenly, out of nowhere,
Un petit vieillard aux yeux doux
A little old man with gentle eyes
Me fit un grand salut baroque
Gave me a grand, baroque salute
Et j'eus l'? trange sentiment
And I had the strange feeling
De vivre un tr? s ancien moment
Of living a very old moment
Fort? loign? de notre? poque.
Far from our era.
Je marchandais un vieux bouquin
I was bargaining for an old book
Dont la reliure en maroquin
Whose binding in morocco
Gardait l'odeur des chambres closes
Preserved the scent of closed rooms
Lorsque, je ne sais trop comment,
When, I don't know how,
Je me mis, au bout d'un moment,
I began, after a moment,
A parler de tout autre chose
To speak of something else
Mais le vieux ne connaissait rien.
But the old man knew nothing.
Quel? tonnement fut le mien
What astonishment was mine
De constater que le bonhomme
To constater that the good man
Ne savait rien,? videmment,
Knew nothing, evidently,
Des faits et des? v? nements
Of the facts and the events
Qui passionnaient les autres hommes.
That fascinated other men.
Il ignorait tout de ce temps,
He was ignorant of everything about the time,
Aussi bien les gens importants
As well as important people
Que les plus c? l? bres affaires
As the most celebrated affairs
Et c'? tait peut-? tre cela
And perhaps it was that
Qui, dans ce tranquille coin-l?,
That, in this quiet corner,
Cr? ait cette? trange atmosph? re.
Created this strange atmosphere.
J'acquis le bouquin poussi? reux
I acquired the dusty book
Et je partis le c? ur heureux.
And I left with a happy heart.
Le chat noir, toujours impassible,
The black cat, still impassive,
Dans un petit clignement d'yeux
In a little blink of the eye
Parut me dire, malicieux:
Seemed to tell me, maliciously:
"Tu ne croyais pas? a possible!..."
"You didn't think that was possible!..."
Je m'en allai, et puis voil?.
I went away, and then it was over.
Mon anecdote finit l?
My anecdote ends there.
Car cette histoire ne comprend
For this story comprises
Ni chute, ni moralit?
Neither fall nor morality.
Mais quand je suis trop affect? e
But when I am too affected
Par le potins que l'on colporte,
By the gossip that is peddled,
Par les scandales d? go? tants,
By the disgusting scandals,
Par les proc? d? s r? voltants
By the revolting procedures
Des requins de la politique,
Of the sharks of politics,
Afin de mieux m'? loigner d'eux
In order to better distance myself from them
Je vais passer une heure ou deux
I will spend an hour or two
Dans cette petite boutique...
In this little shop...

Writer(s): Romeo Carles, Octave Hodeige

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