Edo Maajka - De-Ža-Vu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edo Maajka - De-Ža-Vu

Završio je dan, lagano uranjam u san
The day is over, slowly drifting into sleep
San me lako prima uz pomoć lexaurina
Sleep welcomes me with the help of Lexaurin
Podsvijest radi, misli izlaze na djelo
My subconscious is working, thoughts coming to life
Sanjam u boji, na meni gotivno odijelo
Dreaming in color, wearing a cool suit
Na licu osmijeh, u ruci su mi plaćeni računi
A smile on my face, paid bills in my hand
Ja u novom stanu, frižideri su mi puni
Me in a new apartment, my fridges are full
Žena se ne buni, na njoj nova bunda
My wife isn't complaining, she has a new fur coat
Na njoj novi miris, u sobi joj cijeli Iris
A new scent on her, the whole Iris collection in the room
Meni kara još veća, a glava mi malo manja
My car's even bigger, my head a little smaller
Nemam strahove, probleme, pun samopouzdanja
No fears, no problems, full of confidence
Konačno sam pravi, mogu se opustit
Finally, I'm successful, I can relax
Od prodaje albuma mogu si sve priuštit
From album sales, I can afford everything
Novu majicu kupit i za vozački uplatit
Buy a new T-shirt and pay for driving lessons
Auto nabavit i kera što voli balat
Get a car and a dog that loves to bark
Onog bernardinca, slikavat njega i svog zdravog klinca
That Saint Bernard, take pictures of him and my healthy kid
A mali, mali isti ja
And the little one, the little one is just like me
Za Real igra fudbal, na leđima desetka
He plays football for Real Madrid, with the number ten on his back
Na klupi mu cupi, od Madone ona kćerka
On the bench, his girlfriend, Madonna's daughter
A njena majka starka, mene stalno mjerka
And her mother, the old lady, keeps checking me out
A ja se opirem, ono znaš, držim distancu
And I resist, you know, keeping my distance
Odjednom sanjam, ko ja, ono u čamcu
Suddenly, I dream, like I'm in a boat
Ko ja pecam, a Savski vjetar me šiba
Like I'm fishing, and the Sava wind whips me
Odjednom skočim u Savu i postanem riba
Suddenly I jump into the Sava and become a fish
Postanem som i lagano plivam Savskim dnom
I become a catfish and slowly swim along the Sava bottom
A na dnu ispaljene zolje, bombe i projektili
And at the bottom, spent grenades, bombs, and bullets
Na dnu mrtvi jarani i pobjeni civili
At the bottom, dead friends and escaped civilians
Na dnu Save je svaka trauma iz rata
At the bottom of the Sava is every trauma from the war
Bježim na površinu, al' teško, ko iz živog blata
I flee to the surface, but it's hard, like quicksand
Iskačem iz vode i postanem galeb
I jump out of the water and become a seagull
Letim iznad Brčkog, a ispod mene vidim Zagreb
I fly over Brčko, and below me I see Zagreb
Ispod mene cvijeće, miriše, djeca ga beru
Below me flowers, smelling sweet, children picking them
Po minskim poljima trče, ljudi se jedni na druge deru
Running through minefields, people yelling at each other
Izgubili vjeru, a ja gubim krila
Lost faith, and I'm losing my wings
Počinjem padat al' drži me nekakva sila
I start to fall, but some force holds me
Padnem pred lotosova stopala i sad mi opet fino
I fall before the feet of a lotus, and now I feel good again
Osjećam se silno, bez straha koračam mirno
I feel powerful, walking peacefully without fear
Uđem u kladionicu, pogodio sam svaki par
I enter a betting shop, I guessed every pair
Pokupim sve pare, u snu sam opet car
I collect all the money, I'm a king in my dream again
Dijelim ljudima lovu po cesti, da imaju za jesti
I hand out money to people on the street, so they have something to eat
Dajem pare invalidu, za cijeli grad pravim gidu
I give money to a disabled person, I create a guide for the whole city
Pravim party u centru, na partiju vjerske vođe
I throw a party downtown, religious leaders at the party
Predsjednici vlade, pa šta oni ovdje hoće?
Prime ministers, what do they want here?
Brišem ih iz sna, postavljena je bina
I erase them from the dream, the stage is set
Na bini Elvis, Davorin i ja, u ruci svaki po Porina
On stage Elvis, Davorin and me, each holding a Porin award
Pjevamo Plimu od Indexa, jedemo ćevape
We sing "Plima" by Indexi, we eat ćevapi
Sva trojica ko reperi, ono, nakrivljene kape
All three of us like rappers, you know, with tilted caps
Skočim s bine i dugo padam, budim se u znoju
I jump off the stage and fall for a long time, waking up in sweat
I cijeli san odjednom zaboravljam
And suddenly I forget the whole dream
Pred amnom je novi dan, novi stresovi su tu
A new day is ahead of me, new stresses are here
Možda se sjetim detalja kad budem imo déjà vu (de-ža-vu)
Maybe I'll remember the details when I have déjà vu (de-ja-vu)
Lagano padamo
We're slowly falling
Gubim tlo, al' ne dotičem dno
I'm losing ground, but not hitting the bottom
Kao dim lebdimo
Like smoke, we hover
Ja i ti, nošeni na krilima utopije
You and me, carried on the wings of utopia
Sanjamo da imamo neke bolje opcije
We dream that we have better options
Kako dobro je
How good it is
Kako dobro je
How good it is
Kako dobro je
How good it is
Kako dobro je
How good it is
I na majku i na šanku
Both with mom and at the bar
Rado smo viđeni
We're always welcome
A ko? Pa ja, Edo Maajka i moj produkato Dash
Who? Well, me, Edo Maajka and my producer Dash
I još su tu neki, i Bizzo
And there are others too, and Bizzo
I još i legenda Mirza
And also the legend Mirza
Rock on

Writer(s): Drazen Kvocic, Edin Osmic

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